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Welcome to Jeopardy!.

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1 Welcome to Jeopardy!

2 Another Presentation © 2009 - All rights Reserved Levy

3 Directions: Scroll through the presentation and enter the answers (which are really the questions) and the questions (which are really the answers). Enter in the categories on the main game boards. As you play the game, click on the TEXT DOLLAR AMOUNT that the contestant calls, not the surrounding box. When they have given a question, click again anywhere on the screen to see the correct question. Keep track of which questions have already been picked by printing out the game board screen and checking off as you go. Click on the “Game” box to return to the main scoreboard. Enter the score into the black box on each players podium. Continue until all clues are given. When finished, DO NOT save the game. This will overwrite the program with the scores and data you enter. You MAY save it as a different name, but keep this file untouched!

4 Final Jeopardy Round 1 Round 2 Jo-Jo Sweet Lily Connie

5 Civil Rights 2 Governors Civil Rights Miscellaneous Agriculture Atlanta Round 2 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

6 $100 Population in the rural areas of GA ______________ during this time period (post WWII). A. decreased B. increased C. stayed the same D. topped all expectation

7 $100 Decreased Scores

8 Since the Civil War, advances in which field have contributed
MOST to the growth of GA’s economy? A. consumer products B. manufacturing C. tourism D. agriculture $200

9 $200 manufacturing Scores

10 $300 Which of the following best describes GA’s economy after WWII?
A. Thanks to wartime demands and the New Deal, cotton became GA’s key crop. B. It featured new industries and more diversified farming. C. Agriculture no longer played an important role thanks to the growth of cities and industries. D. Rural farmers prospered thanks to more diversified crops, but cities suffered from a decline in population.

11 B. It featured new industries and more diversified farming.
$300 B. It featured new industries and more diversified farming. Scores

12 $400 Why are Georgians less likely to own farm animals today?
A. Owning farm animals has become too expensive. B. There is higher tax now on farm animals than before WWII. C. Most Georgians live in urban or suburban areas. D. The population of rural communities in GA has continued to grow.

13 C. Most Georgians live in urban or suburban areas.
$400 C. Most Georgians live in urban or suburban areas. Scores

14 $500 After WWII, one of GA’s most important agricultural products was A. goats B. cattle C. sheep D. poultry

15 $500 poultry Scores

16 $100 Which statement BEST explains William B. Hartsfield’s importance to aviation? A. He enjoyed riding in planes. B. He was afraid to fly. C. He worked to make planes safer. D. He was the father of aviation in GA.

17 D. He was the father of aviation in GA.
$100 D. He was the father of aviation in GA. Scores

18 $200  Served as mayor of ATL from Removed “colored” signs from city hall Continued Hartsfield’s policies on peaceful integration Helped to bring the Braves to Atlanta Using the information above, which leader can be identified by these accomplishments? A. Ivan Allen B. Sam Mussell C. Andrew Young D. Lester Maddox

19 $200 A. Ivan Allen Scores

20 $300 Hank Aaron is BEST known for … A. being a member of the Jackson 5 B. helping mayor Allen to build several hotels in ATL C. breaking Babe Ruth’s homerun record D. owning the Atlanta Braves during the World Series

21 C. breaking Babe Ruth’s homerun record
$300 C. breaking Babe Ruth’s homerun record Scores

22 Daily Double

23 $400 The ____ were the first professional sports team to be located in the South. A. The Atlanta Hawks B. The Atlanta Braves C. The Atlanta Thrashers D. The Georgia Bulldogs

24 $400 B. The Atlanta Braves Scores

25 $500 Hartsfield served as… A. as an ambassador to Iraq B. governor of our state during the Civil Rights Movement C. mayor of Atlanta for longer than any other person in history D. mayor of Atlanta during Reconstruction

26 C. mayor of Atlanta for longer than any other person in history
$500 C. mayor of Atlanta for longer than any other person in history Scores

27 $100 Ellis Arnall was the first governor to serve a term of ____ years. (Hint: The same number of years as today.) A. 2 years B. 4 years C. 6 years D. 8 years

28 $100 4 years Scores

29 $200 The famous controversy surrounding the 3 governors of 1946 came about because… A. Ellis Arnall was impeached and removed from office B. Herman Talmadge and Eugene Talmadge were on the same ballot C. Eugene Talmadge died before taking office leaving 3 men to argue over who was governor D. Carmicheal got more popular votes, Arnall refused to leave, and Thompson filed charges

30 $200 C. Eugene Talmadge died before taking office leaving 3 men to argue over who was governor Scores

31 $300 Which offices did Herman Talmadge hold that influenced this time period? A. mayor of Atlanta and governor B. governor and US senator C. governor, US senator, and president D. governor and president of the NAACP

32 B. governor and US senator
$300 B. governor and US senator Scores

33 $400 Herman Talmadge is MOST remembered for his stand on _________. A. the tax for education B. the governor’s term of office C. segregation in public facilities D. construction of new highways

34 C. segregation in public facilities
$400 Scores

35 $500 Which of the following is NOT true of former governor Ellis Arnall? A. He regained the accreditation for Georgia’s Universities. B. He did away with the chain gang system in Georgia. C. He refused to serve blacks in his downtown restaurant rather than integrate. D. He led Georgia to become the first state in the nation to give 18 year olds the right to vote.

36 $500 C. He refused to serve blacks in his downtown restaurant rather than integrate. Scores

37 $100 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. supported a ______ approach to change. A. unified B. democratic C. complex D. nonviolent

38 $100 D. nonviolent Scores

39 $200 Benjamin Mays served as a mentor to ______. A. Rosa Parks B. Andrew Young C. Maynard Jackson D. Martin Luther King, Jr.

40 $200 D. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scores

41 $300 What earlier US Supreme Court decision did the ruling in Brown v. BOE overturn? A. Plessy v. Ferguson B. Worchester v. Georgia C. Dred Scott v. Sanford D. Cummings v. Richmand County

42 $300 A. Plessy v. Ferguson Scores

43 $400 The purpose of the Sibley Commission was to…
A. study the problem of school integration. B. develop a plan for securing more jobs for blacks C. set a series of meetings to bring blacks and whites together D. make recommendations for desegregation of public transportation

44 A. study the problem of school integration.
$400 A. study the problem of school integration. Scores

45 $500 Which of the following would an African American citizen MOST likely be supportive of? A. the politics of Herman Talmadge B. integration C. segregation D. the 1956 flag

46 $500 B. integration Scores

47 $100 What student group was formed to lead protests, sit-ins, marches, and boycotts as part of the Civil Rights Movement? A.CORE B. SCLC C.SNCC D.NAACP

48 $100 C.SNCC Scores

49 $200 Who was one of the first African Americans admitted to the University of Georgia? A. Benjamin Mays B. Andrew Young C. Hamilton Holmes D. Maynard Jackson

50 $200 C. Hamilton Holmes Scores

51 $300 Which group was NOT involved with the Albany Movement? A. NAACP B. SCLC C. SNCC D. King’s Troops

52 $300 D. King’s Troops Scores

53 $400 In 1961 in a small south Georgia town, MLK, Jr. and over 500 of his supporters were jailed in response to their protests. What is the name given to this action? A. The Valdosta Protest B. The Albany Movement C. Savannah’s Salvation D. Macon Madness

54 $400 B. The Albany Movement Scores

55 $500 Which statement does NOT describe the Civil Rights Act? A. It was begun by President Kennedy. B. It was signed in 1964. C. Martin Luther King, Jr. signed it into law. D. President Johnson signed it into law.

56 C. Martin Luther King, Jr. signed it into law.
$500 C. Martin Luther King, Jr. signed it into law. Scores

57 $100 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. led what event in our nation’s capital in 1963 to show support for the Civil Rights Act? A. Freedom Fest B. March on Washington C. NAACP Day D. Albany Movement

58 $100 B. March on Washington Scores

59 $200 Who was the first African American mayor of Atlanta? A. Maynard Jackson B. Sam Massell C. Hamilton Holmes D. Andrew Young

60 $200 A. Maynard Jackson Scores

61 $300 What event was the MOST significant in Andrew Young’s political career? A. He was a prominent African American involved in the stock market. B. He was the youngest African American governor ever elected. C. He was the first African American to graduate from the University of Georgia. D. He was the first African American since Reconstruction to be elected to the House of Representatives from GA.

62 $300 D. He was the first African American since Reconstruction to be elected to the House of Representatives from GA. Scores

63 $400 Which mayor of Atlanta promoted the need to expand the airport and promoted the arts during his terms? A. Ivan Allen B. Sam Massell C. Andrew Young D. Maynard Jackson

64 $400 D. Maynard Jackson Scores

65 $500 Which statement does NOT illustrate Georgia’s initial reaction to the Brown v. BOE decision? A. The governor pledged not to integrate schools B. Georgia citizens voted 3 to 2 to close schools rather than integrate them. C. The Sibley Commission traveled throughout the state encouraging the peaceful desegregation of schools. D. The General Assembly voted to cut off state funds to schools that desegregated.

66 $500 C. The Sibley Commission traveled throughout the state encouraging the peaceful desegregation of schools. Scores

67 Final Jeopary Question
Jeopardy What do you remember? Final Jeopary Question Scores

68 Who would MOST likely agree with the following quote?
“US citizens have a basic right to freely decide who they will, and will not, associate with. It is not only unconstitutional, it is indecent for any government official to force any citizen to mix with those he, or she, prefers not to.” A. Lester Maddox B. Benjamin Mays C. William Hartsfield D. Hank Aaron

69 A. Lester Maddox Scores

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