12 Symptoms of Loosing your First Love.

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Presentation on theme: "12 Symptoms of Loosing your First Love."— Presentation transcript:

1 12 Symptoms of Loosing your First Love.
9th January 2016

2 When my Delight in the Lord is no longer as Great as my Delight in someone else "I HAVE LOST MY FIRST LOVE“ - Mark 12:30 1

3 When my soul does not long for times of Rich Fellowship in God's word and Prayer "I HAVE LOST MY FIRST LOVE"..Soul - Psalm 63:1-4, Psalm 42:1-2 2

4 When my thoughts do not reflect on God during my quiet moments "I HAVE LOST MY FIRST LOVE"..Mind. - Psalm 10:4 3

5 When I claim  I'm only human and give in to those things that displease God . "I HAVE LOST MY FIRST LOVE"...Strength. - John 15:10 4

6 When I do not cheerfully and willingly Give to God and to the the needs of others I have "I HAVE LOST MY FIRST LOVE" - 1 John 3 :17 5

7 When I cease to treat every Christian Brother as the Lord would require me "I HAVE LOST MY FIRST LOVE" - John 13:34-35 6

8 When I look at God's command as a restriction to my Happiness rather than as an expression of His Love.. "I HAVE LOST MY FIRST LOVE" - John 14:21 7

9 When I inwardly strive for my own Glory rather than pleasing God or for God's Approval "I HAVE LOST MY FIRST LOVE" - 1 John 2:15-17, John 15:19 8

10 When I fail to make Christ or His word known because of Fear of Rejection or even Authority "I HAVE LOST MY FIRST LOVE" - John 15:20 9

11 When I refuse to give up an activity which I know is offending a weaker brother.. "I HAVE LOST MY FIRST LOVE - Rom 14:15 10

12 When I have become complacent to sinful conditions around me
When I have become complacent to sinful conditions around me.. "I HAVE LOST MY FIRST LOVE" - Matt 24:12 11

13 When I am unable to Forgive Another for Offending me
When I am unable to Forgive Another for Offending me... "I HAVE LOST MY FIRST LOVE" - 1 John 4:20 12

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