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Does it matter what I wear?

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1 Does it matter what I wear?
Sins of Society (1) Does it matter what I wear?

2 This year, we have continually addressed our influence upon others.
We accomplish this through our words and actions. By what we do and don’t do! As Christians we are to be different and the world should notice! 1 Peter 2:9, 4:3-5, 2 Corinthians 6:17

3 There are many behaviors this world engages in that are unhealthy and ungodly. There are industries built upon sin – gambling, alcohol, smoking, immodesty, dancing, fleshly lusts, etc. One way they keep these things going is by introducing it early and in “moderation”. Many of these are introduced in milder forms and at young ages with the hope that you will become a fan for life.

4 That is why as Christians, we ought to try and avoid these things – early and strongly.
We do that by not seeing how close we get to the line of sin, but by avoiding the line. With this in mind, we want to address a few of these sins of society and why we as Christians need to avoid these, even in their mildest forms – Eph. 5:7, 1 Thessalonians 5:22

5 Does it matter what I wear?
Immodesty is a problem in our society today. Fueled by lusts that we as Christians are to overcome. We live in a warm climate. As temperatures increase, clothing seems to decrease. There is little shame or blushing Immodesty (sexualization and materialism) is seen and promoted everywhere!

6 Does it matter what I wear?
With vanity, some want to show off their bodies – with as little clothing as possible, skin tight, sheer (see-through), vulgar images and slogans, etc. And they dare you to say anything! But how society thinks, does not change what the Bible teaches about how we display our bodies!

7 Does it matter what I wear?
AND a challenge with the Bible is that, determining exactly what we should and should not wear involves a degree of judgment. There is no passage that tells us exactly how short or tight our clothing can be. But there are principles and passages to consider!

8 Does it matter what I wear?
The mature are able to discern these things (cf. Hebrews 5:14), and the babe needs to be seeking this maturity and until then be willing to consider what the mature have to say.

9 The Bible and Nakedness
Nakedness is the lack of clothing. In scripture, it can be no clothing or inadequate clothing. When the Bible speaks of nakedness, it is usually a call to modesty or humility.

10 The Bible and Nakedness
The Garden of Eden Genesis 2:25, Before sin, Adam and Eve were naked and not ashamed. Genesis 3:10-11, after sin, they realized they were naked and sewed fig leaves as “coverings”. Then they hid themselves. Genesis 3:21, God made tunics of skin to clothe them.

11 The Bible and Nakedness
The Priesthood Exodus 20:25-26, an altar to God was not to have steps lest nakedness be exposed Exodus 28:42, priestly garments included linen trousers that reached from the waist to the thighs to cover their nakedness. (Make sure their ‘private parts’ were not exposed)

12 The Bible and Nakedness
Proverbs 7:10, Genesis 38:13-15, the attire of a harlot! DOES clothing reveal something about character and desires? Revelation 3:18, Laodicea – poor, naked and blind (inadequately clothed and shameful), cf. Genesis 9:22-23, Isaiah 47:3

13 The Bible and Modesty What you wear is a reflection of who you are! Matthew 6:33, is God my priority? Do I consider what pleases and glorifies him in all that I do?

14 The Bible and Modesty 1 Timothy 2:9-10 Adorn – (κοσμέω, kosmeō) orderly, designed to make on attractive. To cause to be beautiful. Modest – becoming or proper (proper clothing – NASB, respectable- ESV). Also means well ordered, or appropriate.

15 The Bible and Modesty 1 Timothy 2:9-10 Propriety – (αἰδώς, aidōs) one who is self-conscious (modesty – NASB, shamefacedness – KJV). Aware that others are watching (not wanting to be an embarrassment or cause blushing) Moderation – (σωφροσύνη, sōphrosynē) behaving sensibly. With self control (Discreetly – NASB, sobriety – KJV, Self-control – ESV). One not seeking undue attention

16 The Bible and Modesty 1 Timothy 2:9-10 Proper – (πρέπω, prepō) what is fitting or suitable or appropriate. NOTE: Remember this is appropriate where God is concerned and the environment. Professing godliness – living so as to please God, and magnify Him though the decisions we make

17 The Bible and Modesty 1 Timothy 2:9-10
NOTE: Modesty involves all these words. While we are addressing the lack of clothing, it also applies to dressing to show off seeking to draw undue attention to oneself!

18 The Bible and Modesty 1 Peter 3:3-6 HOW should we seek to be attractive? Let it be the hidden person of the heart – it is your heart that is on display! This is where you find one who is truly for you. NOTE: Humility is not feeling worthless!

19 The Bible and Modesty Discreet – moderation, as in 1 Timothy 2:9
Titus 2:3-5 Older women to teach younger women to be Discreet – moderation, as in 1 Timothy 2:9 Chaste – pure, without moral defect or blemish. NOTE: Older ladies, please help men address this!

20 The Bible and Modesty The problem of lust The Bible devotes more attention to women in matters of modesty. Because men are more visually stimulated. More prone to lustful thought! Matthew 5:27-30

21 The Bible and Modesty The problem of lust
God’s intent is for ONE man to enjoy ONE woman for life and vice-versa! 1 Cor. 7:1-5, Prov. 5:15-20, cf. Rom. 7:1-3, Matt. 19:9, etc. In what we wear, let us keep this in mind. Preserve yourself for that one person! Don’t display what belongs to him/her to others!

22 The Bible and Modesty Do we consider how our conduct affects others?
What we wear CAN provoke others to lust! Just think about this! Do we conduct ourselves so as not to be a stumbling block to others? 1 Corinthians 8:9, 11-13; 10:24, 31-32, cf. Matthew 18:6-7

23 The Bible and Modesty What about what men wear? The principles apply. In our society, men too can dress provocatively and to provoke lust! Tight clothing, no shirt, skimpy and revealing bathing suits, etc.

24 Arguments about clothing!
What others think is their problem! As far as accountability goes, that is a true statement. Some men will lust no matter what one wears. They need to repent! BUT, that does not justify one dressing provocatively. DON’T deliberately be a cause for stumbling!

25 Arguments about clothing!
People don’t care what I wear There is a sense in which our society has become desensitized to these things. IS that really a good thing? Truthfully, people DO care! Consider the fashion industry! If people don’t care, why not wear something that is NOT questionable?

26 Arguments about clothing!
I just dress to be comfortable! You don’t need to be immodest to be comfortable! There are usually choices that maintain modesty EVEN if modesty involves “discomfort”, does that justify dismissing what the Bible teaches us? Romans 3:8

27 Arguments about clothing!
The Bible doesn’t say how long or how short! We have seen principles that we need to apply! Is your heart modest?

28 Ask yourself! IF I learn that my clothing is immodest, will I change so that I will be right in the sight of God? IF I have doubts about the modesty of my clothing, will I change to be modest beyond doubt?

29 Ask yourself! IF my clothing tempts others to sin, will I change for their sake, so that they will not be made to stumble in thought or action? IF my clothing brings reproach upon Christ and His church or damages my influence, am I willing to change?

30 Ask yourself! IF a concerned brother or sister came to me, would I be willing to listen and consider what they say? Would I wear what I wear in public if I knew my brethren were watching me? WILL I let clothing determine what activities I participate in?

31 Is God glorified by what I am wearing?

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