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Presentation on theme: "AUTUMN TERM Y3 FESTIVALS"— Presentation transcript:

ESDGC Importance of festivals / cultures of different countries MUSIC Singing – learning songs for assembly, harvest and Christmas R.E. Fast and Festivals Why are festivals important to Muslims? – Ramadan / Id-ul-Fitr Why are festivals important to Christians? – Christmas Why are festivals important to Jewish people? – Hanukkah, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kipur Secular and Religious festivals including Caerphilly Cheese festival and Bonfire Night PE Gymnastics incorporating balancing, jumping, travelling and rolls Dance – movements from a different cultures around Europe i.e. Wales, Austria, Greece, Spain, Germany and Italy Tips: Please ensure your child’s PE kit is brought into school each week ICT To use the internet to research Welsh festivals Make a slide show (how to make a Sukkah) using PowerPoint Make a calendar using key skills taught this term i.e. changing font, colour, size, cutting and pasting AUTUMN TERM Y3 FESTIVALS GEOGRAPHY Festivals around the World Identify where Wales is in relation to the world Research festivals linked with RE and English HISTORY To identify and understand the significance of the lives of the UK patron saints To understand the history of the Welsh National Eisteddfod ENGLISH Assessing children in reading and putting them into appropriate groups Festivals to be covered: Chinese Kite Festival - Independent storytelling Chinese Moon Festival - Retelling of the story and Moon Shape poems Poems linked with Rosh Hashanah Planning a Sukkah information sheet and play script Bonfire Night – story with familiar setting Rama and Sita – retelling story using a storyboard The Christmas story - organisation of text into relevant chapters Storm Boy Tips: Learn weekly spellings. Listen to your child read regularly. We would like to see them changing their home reading books twice a week. MATHS Read and write whole numbers Estimating Add/subtract mentally Problem solving Classifying shapes Graphs Tips: Rehearse times tables and number bonds to 20 PSE Friendships / working together Differences – likes and dislikes and cultures WELSH Food related to parties and celebrations Describing themselves and others Expressing likes and dislikes ART & DESIGN How to draw a portrait and people using observation drawings What ‘Celebration’ means with regards to clothes, food, decorations and family gatherings Looking at ‘The Banquet’ by Jose Pinto and Renoir’s ‘The Luncheon of the Boating Party’ produce their own drawings of a banquet SEAL New beginnings Getting on and falling out Saying no to bullying SCIENCE Identifying living and non living things by using Mrs GREEN criteria Organising materials into groups considering their properties Classifying rocks DT Design and make a festival cake and evaluate the finished product Tips: Look at food packaging. Discuss which countries foods come from


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