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Industrial Ideologies: New Ways of Thinking

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1 Industrial Ideologies: New Ways of Thinking
Mr. Meester World History

2 Vocabulary Utilitarianism Socialism Means of Production Utopia
Communism Karl Marx

3 Laissez-Faire Capitalism
The theory was started by Adam Smith during the Enlightenment. It states that a free, unregulated market produces more goods at lower prices. No government regulation The Industrial Revolution proved Smith’s theory

4 Thomas Malthus Believed in Laissez-Faire Capitalism
Felt population out grow the food supply. Industrial workers were trapped in poverty with large families. He opposed government help for the poor. He felt they should improve themselves through fewer kids and hard work.

5 Utilitarianism The goal is to achieve the greatest happiness for the greatest number. Utilitarians supported individual freedom which guaranteed happiness. They wanted to have very limited government regulation. Laws are judged on “Utility”

6 John Stuart Mill He believed owners were entitled to happiness, but not at the expense of the workers. (Utilitarian) He wanted to give all workers (even women) the right to vote. His ideas were rejected until recently.

7 Socialism Socialism arose as a reaction to the evils of Industrial Capitalism. They believed the people, not individuals should own the means of production Factories & Farms

8 Utopian Socialism They were called Utopians and believed they could make a paradise. They setup communities where property was owned by all members of the town. Robert Owen built New Lanark They wanted to slowly shift to socialism Tried to cooperate with business owners Failed to compete with Capitalist production

9 Karl Marx Karl Marx was a German philosopher who felt Utopians were unrealistic. He worked with Friedrich Engles, a German Socialist. Together they wrote a pamphlet: The Communist Manifesto

10 Communism Communism is a form of Socialism
Believes a classless society where the community owns all means of production. Marx said that in history there has always been the “haves” (Bourgeoisie) and the “have-nots” (Proletariat) Marx despised capitalism because it gave much to only a few.

11 Why’s Communism Different
Communists believe the exploited workers would rise up and revolt against the factory owners. After the revolution the workers would setup a society in which everyone was paid equally no matter their job. Marx called for revolution by urging, “Workers of the world unite”.

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