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Wireless Sensor Network Localization with Neural Networks

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Presentation on theme: "Wireless Sensor Network Localization with Neural Networks"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wireless Sensor Network Localization with Neural Networks
Student name: Amit Geron Supervisors: Dr. Zvi Lotker Eng. Yaniv Weizman

2 Outline Introduction Project Goals Implementation Experiments

3 Outline Introduction Project Goals Implementation Experiments

4 Introduction What is a WSN?
What is Localization and why is it an important issue? What are Neural Networks?

5 Introduction - WSN Unique characteristics of a WSN include:
Limited power they can harvest or store Ability to withstand harsh environmental conditions Ability to cope with node failures Mobility of nodes Dynamic network topology Communication failures Heterogeneity of nodes Large scale of deployment Unattended operation

6 Introduction - WSN Topology

7 Introduction - Localization
Localization- Location Estimation. Many methods, mainly distinguished according to either one-hop / multi-hop and centralized / distributed estimation algorithm. Main disadvantages- high complexity, long headers, many messages between units.

8 Introduction – Neural Networks
Neural Network- A graph with weighted edges and linear and non-linear functions at nodes. 3 main usages: Function Approximation. Classification. Data Processing. Training set has a major effect over performance.

9 Outline Introduction Project Goals Implementation Experiments

10 Project Goals Neural networks computation & learning algorithms concept. High and Low level design for algorithmic implementation under sensors networks characteristics. Algorithm Implementation within real sensor network framework.

11 Outline Introduction Project Goals Implementation Experiments

12 Implementation The tools and methods that have been used to implement the project: Motes and Sensors – Tmote Sky. Communication method – Local. Measurement method – RSSI. IDE – Sentilla. Neural Network: encog-java package by Jeff Heaton. Function Approximation. FeedForward. BackPropagation. Multiple hidden layers.

13 Implementation – Messages structure
Tmote Tmote Tmote Tmote Tmote Sampled Tmote Gateway Tmote Tmote Neural Network

14 Implementation – Planned Vs. Implemented

15 Outline Introduction Project Goals Implementation Experiments

16 Experiments Performance and error rate will be
examined under the variation of: Training set Characteristics: Number of samples. Samples’ Locations. WSN Characteristics: Number of motes. Area size. NN Characteristics: Number and size of hidden layers. Classification Vs. Approximation.

17 Experiments - Example

18 Experiments - Example

19 Experiments - Example

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