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Woodlands Information Evening

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1 Woodlands Information Evening
Maths in Year 3 and Year 4

2 National Curriculum Addition and Subtraction

3 National Curriculum Addition and Subtraction

4 Addition and Subtraction
The ability to calculate mentally forms the basis of all calculations. You can help your child by focusing on number facts. We help children recall number facts by using counting apparatus such as counters, place value charts, number lines or number squares. As they become confident and increase speed and accuracy, children can then recall and use these facts freely without calculating them. When new concepts are introduced and further developed, resources are always used to help children understand methods and procedures.

5 Number Facts Making all numbers to 10 Number families
7 + 0 = 7… = 10… Number families 10 – 8 = 2 Multiples of 5 and 10 that make 100 = 100… = 100… Doubles and near doubles for single digit numbers 6 + 6 = 12 so = 13 and = 11 Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s

6 Written Methods Addition

7 Formal Written Method Addition

8 Written Method Subtraction

9 Formal Written Method Subtraction

10 National Curriculum – Multiplication and Division

11 National Curriculum – Multiplication and Division

12 Multiplication Learning times tables
Doubles of 5 to 50 Missing numbers

13 Multiplication Understanding times tables


15 Multiplication Multiplying in by 10 and 100 using a place value grid and Dienes 3-digit number by a single digit number (using place value for expanded columns) H T O 9 2 x 1 4

16 Multiplication Multiplying in by 10 and 100 using a place value grid and Dienes 3-digit number by a single digit number (using place value for expanded columns) H T O x 1 4

17 Division Finding halves and other fractions

18 Division Finding halves and other fractions

19 Sharing

20 Grouping

21 Using Multiplication Facts

22 Using Multiplication Facts

23 Applying Learning – Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving
Fluency is made up of three main parts: efficiency, accuracy and flexibility. To increase fluency children should become proficient at: Learning times table facts, Division facts, Doubles and halves, Number bonds to 10, 20, 100 and 1000 Addition and Subtraction of two digit numbers mentally There are many other numbers facts which help but it is vital that children learn how to apply these facts to other problems within mathematics.

24 Applying Learning – Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving
Reasoning To be able to reason children should be able to conjecture (theories and predictions) and offer a proof and explanation of their ideas. They should be able to form links between mathematical ideas and be able to apply and test these.

25 Applying Learning – Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving
Problem Solving Problem solving tasks are rich tasks. This means they are problems which have multiple answers or different strategies to solve them. They are not a simple closed question. They may have several steps to complete in order to find the answer. They may use several different elements of mathematics and they are suitable for any ability level.

26 Calculation Policy The teaching of the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) follow our calculation policy. This policy is designed to ensure the children develop a deep understanding and fluency in applying a range of strategies through the use of a range of equipment, informal and more formal methods of calculation as they move through KS1 and KS2.

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