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Presentation on theme: "OCEAN GROVE NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE INC."— Presentation transcript:


OGNC was established as a centre in 1980 through a community initiative driven by 2 local women. OGNC offers over 130 hobby, community and accredited training courses each quarter. OGNC provides community development projects and a major youth project to community members within their local region. OGNC is the only NC in the Barwon South West region that is an RTO and was endorsed in 2005.

3 Over the past 6 years OGNC has been offering accredited courses to other Centres within the Barwon South West Region MOU’s are in place to meet individual organisations learn local training needs Training was contracted in discussion with each centre

OGNC offers courses in accredited training within your local community MOU’s were designed to meet individual organisation’s needs Smaller class sizes and minimum numbers Lower course fees to your clients Individual training options and RPL opportunities to your clients.

5 HOW THIS CAN HAPPEN OGNC has a sound understanding of the Neighbourhood Centre Sector OGNC does not have high overheads and large management structures as some of the bigger RTO’s All training is accredited and compliant under AQTF 2015 standards and VRQA and is recognised nationally

6 WHAT COURSES WE OFFER The following full courses will be on offer from 2016 – individual units can be offered also Use hygienic practices for food safety Food Supervisors Responsible Service of Alcohol Certificate III in Individual Support (Aging and Home Care) Certificate III in Business Administration Certificate III in Business Administration (medical) Certificate IV in Education Support Certificate IV in Aging Support Certificate IV in Leisure and Health Certificate IV in Disability Diploma of Community Services (Case management and Social Housing) Diploma of Alcohol and other drugs Diploma of Mental Health Diploma of Business Administration Diploma of Early childhood education and care Diploma of Youth Work

Each centre will be required to sign a MOU valid for 2016 outlining the conditions and charges Centres are to then submit the training request form OGNC will then match your training requirements with tutors availability A confirmation of training will be sent to each centre Each centre is to advertise the course in their local newsletters listing OGNC as the RTO and booking office OGNC will take all bookings and payments for courses. OGNC will pay room rental, photocopying, max number bonus and $20 per student for tea/coffee. This can be invoiced monthly

8 OGNC will complete all paperwork, funding eligibility,
pre - training interviews and literacy and numeracy tests prior to courses commencing OGNC will carry all risk in regard to student payments. - OGNC will ask all students to pay a deposit - OGNC will invoice students with a payment plan and payment options - OGNC will provide centres with options for collecting cash from students either with the trainer or through the centres. OGNC will also advertise the courses within their program and local media outlets, including the Geelong Advertiser on a Saturday once a quarter for your venue OGNC will provide you with marketing material for your centre and the courses including logos required.

9 Trainers All of our trainers meet AQTF quality standards and are compliant with qualifications. OGNC can utilise your trainers for training as long as they meet regulations Student and tutor resources are provided by OGNC No paperwork is required by your organisation to deliver these courses.

10 How do we do this? Information is provided in the 2016 booklet in regards to what we offer OGNC will discuss your training requirements and MOU requirements Planning of course time tabling will take place each quarter Delivery to commence once min numbers reached Training request forms must be returned by weeks 6 of each term for delivery in the next quarter

11 OGNC CONTACT DETAILS Address: 1 John Dory Drive Ocean Grovee
PHONE: FAX: WEB Office open hours: Monday to Thursday 9am to 7pm Friday 9am to 5pm

12 Our support staff contacts
Nicki Dunne Manager Tues to Friday 8am to 4pm Phone: or Julie Long Adult Education Mon Wed Thurs 9am to 3pm Tuesday 2pm to 8pm Phone: Josie Wallis Enrolment Mon to Thurs 1pm to 7pm Kerry Wilson RTO Compliance and Student Liaison Mon to Thurs 11am to 7pm Friday 9am to 5.30pm Bree Fankhauser Reception Mon to Fri 9am to 5pm


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