Board of Directors Orientation

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Presentation on theme: "Board of Directors Orientation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Board of Directors Orientation

2 WELCOME! Thank you for serving the NYPTA by agreeing to serve as a member of the NYPTA Board of Directors. NYPTA would like to assist you to understand your new position. This webinar was developed to provide you with a basic orientation. The webinar includes an introduction to: Structure and function of the NYPTA Duties and expectations of the members of the NYPTA Board of Directors.

3 Organizational Units of the NYPTA
Members Districts Board of Directors Executive Committee Delegate Assembly Chapter Office Staff Committees Liaisons Special Interest Groups

4 Board of Directors (BOD)
10 Chapter Directors (one per District) Executive Committee President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Member at Large Speaker of the Assembly Chief Delegate (principal spokesperson for the Chapter to the APTA House of Delegates)

5 Chapter Office Staff Executive Director - Kelly L. Garceau
Communications Manager – Gloria Baker Meetings, Marketing and Membership Manager - Carla Rosenbaum Administrative Assistant - Kate Teidman

6 Location: 971 Albany-Shaker Rd Latham, NY 12110
Chapter Office Contact Information Location: 971 Albany-Shaker Rd Latham, NY 12110 Phone: Fax: Website:

7 NYPTA Committees Archivist Awards Editorial Board Ethics Finance
Judicial/Reference Leadership Legislative and Payment Marketing and Engagement Membership Minority Affairs Nominating Physical Therapist Assistant Political Action Practice Program Research

8 NYPTA Liaisons and SIGS
Federal Affairs Liaison Academic Administrators Special Interest Group Alliance of Independent Physical Therapists

9 Leadership Roster/Directory
On the NYPTA website, within the leadership page, there is a roster that provides the names and contact information for all people currently serving in leadership positions within the NYPTA. Terms (time period) of election or appointment to the position is included. Please find the roster at:

10 Chapter Director’s Responsibility
For a complete description, please go to the NYPTA website, under Leadership and Board of Directors, to view the BOD Manual, the BOD Orientation Handbook and the Policy Manual. Act as the representative from your district to the Board of Directors. Facilitate communication between the Chapter and your district membership. Perform all acts and transact all business on behalf of NYPTA.

11 Board of Directors’ Responsibilities
Manage the operations of the Chapter to further its long term goals and direction. Carry out all mandates and policies of NYPTA as determined by the Delegate Assembly. Approve the Chapter budget, Strategic Plan and Legislative Plan. Recommend goals and objectives for Delegate Assembly approval. Set Chapter policy.

12 Board of Directors’ Responsibilities
Create committees, advisory panels or task forces and direct their activities. Determine priorities for Chapter Office personnel. BE RESPONSIVE TO THE CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP!

13 Duties and Expectations
Attend the 3 scheduled meetings of the Board of Directors, held in the Fall, Winter and Spring. *The Winter meeting is conducted electronically via webinar. Submit written reports for each meeting of the Board of Directors. Prepare motions to the Board of Directors based on reports. Actively participate in discussion and voting during meetings of the Board of Directors.

14 Duties and Expectations
Attend any special meetings called by the President. Serve as a liaison to a Committee. Prepare and submit an annual budget. Attend the Chapter conference.

15 Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest
All members of the Board of Directors are required to sign a conflict of interest statement once each year. This form will be provided for signature during the first in person BOD attended.

16 Meeting Format All meetings of the Board of Directors follow Robert’s Rules of Order. Meeting agenda, reports and motions are included in a packet that is provided prior to the meeting. Old and new business is presented, discussed and voted upon as appropriate. Directors submit and vote upon motions. Committee and Advisory Panel chairs, and the Chief Delegate can speak and make motions, but cannot vote.

17 Reports Format for reports can be found on the NYPTA website under Leadership, Board of Directors. Chapter office will provide notification regarding reports and deadline for submission. All reports must be submitted to Chapter office in a timely manner to ensure inclusion in the Board of Directors Packet that will be utilized for the scheduled meeting. This packet should be reviewed prior to the meeting.

18 Motions For more detailed information regarding the development, submission, discussion and voting upon of motions, please see the Board Orientation Handbook and the Board Manual on the NYPTA website under Leadership. The Motion Form can also be found on the website under Leadership.

19 Budget Related Information
Expense reimbursement Attendance requirements, budget information and expense vouchers are found on the website under Leadership – other materials. Annual Budget Request Information ed in April or May. Once completed, ed to the Executive Director. Reviewed by Finance Committee in June and tentative budget is completed for the following year. Budget is published in the July/August newsletter and submitted to BOD for approval in October.

20 Communications Chapter Website District Webpage Weekly HotPoints
Newsletter Accessing members via iContact (Outmarket, Vocus) Social Media

21 Conclusion Please feel free to contact NYPTA chapter office with any questions that you might have. Many thanks to you for taking on this leadership position!

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