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Standard 8-6.5 Compare the ramifications of World War II on South Carolina and the United States as a whole, including the training of the Doolittle Raiders.

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Presentation on theme: "Standard 8-6.5 Compare the ramifications of World War II on South Carolina and the United States as a whole, including the training of the Doolittle Raiders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standard 8-6.5 Compare the ramifications of World War II on South Carolina and the United States as a whole, including the training of the Doolittle Raiders and the Tuskegee Airmen, the building of additional military bases, the rationing and bond drives, and the return of economic prosperity.

2 Now its on like donkey Kong!

3 World War II The US stayed out of World War II until the attack on Pearl Harbor. Policy of isolationism.

4 Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
Dec. 7, 1941 the empire of Japan attacked the US naval base in at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The following day the US declared war on the axis powers…Germany, Japan and Italy.

5 US was eager for revenge

6 Doolittle’s Raiders A special group of bomber pilots under the leadership of James Doolittle was formed…they became known as Doolittle’s Raiders.

7 Doolittle’s Raiders Their mission was to bomb Tokyo, Japan.

8 Doolittle’s Raiders Most of their training was conducted in SC…near Columbia.

9 Doolittle’s Raiders

10 Doolittle’s Raiders Their mission was a success. They bombed Japan .
Huge boost in morale for the entire nation.

11 Military bases Even before Pearl Harbor, the US was preparing for the possibility of war. Military bases created in SC during WWI were re-opened and expanded. Fort Jackson Parris Island Charleston Navy Base.

12 South Carolinian James F. Byrnes
One of President Roosevelt's closest advisors. Had helped create and implement the “New Deal”. Now served by guiding the lend/lease program in which the US supplied our allies in Europe and Asia with supplies. Became the Director of Mobilization.

13 Tuskegee Airmen African American soldiers still segregated in the military. Often assigned to manual labor positions. One group of African Americans was trained as pilots at the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. (They actually started their training in SC near Beaufort)

14 Tuskegee Airmen

15 Tuskegee Airmen Became known as the “red Tails” for the large red circle on the tails of all their planes. Proved to be brave and capable pilots. Many earned the Distinguished Flying Cross. Their service opened the door for other African Americans to serve in the military and to end segregation.

16 Red Tails

17 World War II reveals same old problems
Just as in WWI, WWII revealed some major problems in SC….specifically, education and health. Over 1/3rd of white men and over ½ of black men who attempted to join the military were rejected for poor health or illiteracy.

18 At home during the war People on the home front helped the war effort in many ways. Women served in jobs vacated by men who were fighting the war. Scrap metal and rubber drives. Victory Gardens. Bond drives. Rationing.

19 Women in the work force

20 War Bonds

21 Victory Gardens

22 Scrap Drives

23 At least the Depression is over!
WWII helps pull the nation out of the Great Depression. Billions of govt. dollars spent on war effort.

24 Baby BOOM! There was an explosion of births following the war.
Returning soldiers eager to get married and start families.

25 When the war ends… Many people had more money to spend…saved it during the war…nothing to buy! Now they start spending. Returning soldiers were given loans for education or to start businesses. (the G.I. Bill)

26 Baby Boom! The needs of the exploding population lead to more schools, homes, hospitals and industries being built. A shift from rural to urban and suburban areas in the state.

27 More industry needs more workers
Industrial development called on the state and local govt’s. To improve education to train the needed workers. School year went from 8 to 9 months. Public education increased from 11 to 12 grades. System of technical colleges started.

28 Technical Colleges

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