The New CHOD detector for the NA62 experiment at CERN S

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1 The New CHOD detector for the NA62 experiment at CERN S
The New CHOD detector for the NA62 experiment at CERN S. Fedotov (INR) for NA62 collaboration

2 NA62 experiment Collaboration NA62: Number of institutes: 29
Number of authors: 226 Number of participants: 347 Number of countries: 13 The main goal of NA62 experiment is to study very rare kaon decays K+→π+νν with 10% precision. This decay mode is strongly suppressed in Standard Model (SM) and can be very precisely calculated in terms of SM parameters. Branching ratio of BR(K+→π+νν)=7.81·10−11 makes it sensitive for search the New Physics beyond SM. BNO-50

3 Rare Kaon decay (K+→π+νν̃)
Theoretically clean (~10%) Main contribution from Short Distance Hadronic matrix elements related to well known decay K+→e+νπ0 Sensitive to New Physics BNO-50

4 NA62 experiment A few candidates for the decay have been observed in BNL experiments E787 and E949, but the error in measured branching ratio was too large. Only the measurement of the branching ratio with at least 10% accuracy can be a significant test of new physics. BNO-50

5 CEDAR An intense, momentum-selected hadron beam of secondary particles. The K+ component in the beam is positively identified with respect to the other beam particles by an upgraded differential Čerenkov (CEDAR) counter BNO-50

6 GTK The coordinates and momentum of individual beam particles are registered before entering the decay region by 3 silicon pixel tracking detectors (GTK) tracking detectors BNO-50

7 CHANTI The Charged ANTI (CHANTI) detector is required in order to reduce critical background induced by inelastic interactions of the beam with the collimator and the Gigatracker (GTK) stations as well as to tag beam halo muons in the region immediately close to the beam BNO-50

8 LAV The Large Angle Veto (LAV) detector is one part of the overarching photon veto system in the NA62 experiment. It consists of 12 stations distributed along the decay volume. In this configuration the LAV covers the angular region between 8.5 mr and 50 mrad BNO-50

9 STRAW A large-acceptance, magnetic spectrometer with tracking detectors(STRAW Tracker) in vacuum are required to detect and measure the coordinates and momentum of charged particles originating from the decay region BNO-50

10 RICH STRAW station are backed-up by a ring-imaging Čerenkov (RICH) counter to identify pions with respect to muons BNO-50

11 CHOD Charged-particle hodoscope (CHOD), to detect photon conversion and hadron interactions of particles in the material upstream BNO-50

12 LKr The Liquid Krypton (LKr) calorimeter is a quasi-homogeneous electromagnetic calorimeter which ensures a very good intrinsic energy resolution for the experiment. It is key for vetoing photons from Kaon decays. The LKr covers the angular region between 1.0 mr and 8.5 mrad BNO-50

13 MUV The LKr calorimeter is backed up by muon-veto detectors (MUV), composed of a two-part hadron calorimeter followed by additional iron and a transversally-segmented hodoscope. BNO-50

14 Problems with CHOD Problems with CHOD:
low online resolution (two layer of scintillation) large number of events the central region of the detector Solution: creation of a new detector (New CHOD) BNO-50

15 New Charged particle HODoscope
Location: installed between RICH and last station LAV The main function: To identify trigger topologies with charged particles in the fiducial volume To detect photon conversion and hadron interactions of particles in the material upstream BNO-50

16 Structure of the New CHOD
Tiles: 268×108 mm2 on periphery and 134×108 mm2 at the center region Number of tiles: 152 Covers the area: 140 mm < R < 1070 mm Readout: two readout channels for each tile BNO-50

17 Scintillators, photosensors and fibers
SensL MicroFC SMT 3x3 mm2 The tiles are made of polymerized scintillator produced in IHEP Fiber Kuraray Y11 d = 1 mm BNO-50

18 Assembly of the New CHOD
Wrapped: combination of Tyvek and 70μm Al-Mylar BNO-50

19 Rates in CHOD tiles at nominal beam intensity (in MHz)
Rates in the New CHOD Rates in CHOD tiles at nominal beam intensity (in MHz) BNO-50

20 Time resolution of the New CHOD

21 Time resolution of the New CHOD

22 Time resolution of the old CHOD
Time spectra of the CHOD : Before T0-correction After first T0-correction After second T0-correction Online time resolution of CHOD ~ 3ns BNO-50

23 Efficiency of the New CHOD
New CHOD efficiency on average is close to 99% BNO-50

24 Summary The New CHOD detector: installed in the experimental hall
integrated in NA62 Data Acquisition and Detector Control systems included in L0-trigger For the single track events: Time resolution ~ 1 ns Efficiency ~ 99% Cordially acknowledged I. Mannely for tips and help; S. Kholodenko for his work with New CHOD; Yu. Kudenko for collaboration in all steps BNO-50

25 Background BNO-50

26 Readout electronics BNO-50

27 Kuraray Y11 Fibers: Kuraray Y11 multiclad Diameter : 1 mm
Cladding : double clad Decay time : ~12 ns Emission peak : 476 nm Attenuation length: m BNO-50

28 Photodiodes SensL MicroFC-30035-SMT
SPECIFICATION from datasheet (at 21oC): Sensitive area size : x3 mm2 Number of pixels : Pixel size : x35 µm2 Gain : x106 Operating voltage: VBR+2.5 V Dark count rate: kHz (typ.) Crosstalk: % (typ.) Peak spectral sensitivity: nm PDE at 520 nm: ~20% BNO-50

29 Photodiodes SensL MicroFC-30035-SMT

30 Background decays BNO-50

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