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Thinking Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "Thinking Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thinking Skills

 If you had left a microphone on your lapel, what sort of things would it pick up? Should children be trusted to vote in national elections? Where does the sea start and the beach end? What's the best way to get rid of a dragon? (St George's Day) Which animal do you think has the toughest life? What are you going to improve this week? What can you definitely say about tomorrow?  Is failure always a bad thing? Is time spent dreaming a waste of time? Does everything happen for a reason? What's good about Good Friday? Which is stronger: anger or love? What colour of the rainbow are you and why? On a desert island you have... {LIST OF ITEMS}. What do you do with them all? What's the most inventive use for my old CDs you can think of? STARTLING : take off letters one-by-one to make a new word every time What can your brain do that a computer never will? Which animal makes the best mother? Your school and everybody in it is moved to Brazil. Is it the same school? Isn't money just pieces of paper and metal? Does a film spoil the book? You can step inside any story and change it. Which would you choose? Out-of-town superstores or local shops. Which are better and why? Why do so many bad things happen in the world? What would happen if there was no school any more? What do you think the first invention ever was?

3 Can you picture a place you have never been to, seen, or heard about?
What is special about your family? What school lesson will you always remember? If you are flying in a helicopter, are you still on planet Earth? Is there more red or blue in purple? I want to do my bit to help the environment. What can I do? What do you need to make you happy? Is anyone completely good? Do animals have taste buds? Is it possible to catch the wind? 'Children should get off their computers and get outside more!' Do you agree? Who decides the price of a pint of milk? What's the best way to brighten someone's day? Is being famous something worth aiming for? Why are footballers and pop stars paid so much compared to firemen and nurses? What is the most important job anyone can do? What are you going to try do in school in the coming year? The answer is "THIS YEAR". What could the question be?

4 Thinking Skills Your first page of your thinking skills book is to be an acrostic poem of your name. Please use adventurous words to describe your personality.

5 The security door at the football college has a door code of 1966.
The door can, in fact be opened by any combination of these numbers (e.g. 6196). How many different combinations are there to open the door?

6 The little pigs want to build another house
The little pigs want to build another house. Suggest three new materials they could use and why.

7 Describe a new caramel chocolate to persuade someone to buy it.
Persuasive Writing Describe a new caramel chocolate to persuade someone to buy it.

8 Can you spot the 9 letter word?
How many words? How many words can you make, of 3 letters or more, using these 9 letters here? You can’t use a letter more than once (unless it is on there more than once). What is the longest word you can make? Can you spot the 9 letter word? C N A T I A F T S Fanatastic Answer

9 Can you spot the 9 letter word?
How many words? How many words can you make, of 3 letters or more, using these 9 letters here? You can’t use a letter more than once (unless it is on there more than once). What is the longest word you can make? Can you spot the 9 letter word? G M E P O R R M A answer programme






15 Double these numbers!

16 Can you spot the 9 letter word?
How many words? How many words, of 3 letters or more, can you make using these 9 letters here? You can’t use a letter more than once (unless it is on there more than once). What is the longest word you can make? Can you spot the 9 letter word? I P M O T R N A T ANSWER IMPORTANT

17 Brainstorm“wow words” or phrases to describe this picture.
How does it make you feel? What can you see, hear and smell?

18 Brainstorm“wow words” or phrases to describe this picture.
How does it make you feel? What can you see, hear and smell?

19 Brainstorm“wow words” or phrases to describe this picture.
How does it make you feel? What can you see, hear and smell?

20 Brainstorm“wow words” or phrases to describe this picture.
How does it make you feel? What can you see, hear and smell?

21 Brainstorm“wow words” or phrases to describe this picture.
How does it make you feel? What can you see, hear and smell?

22 Brainstorm“wow words” or phrases to describe this picture.
How does it make you feel? What can you see, hear and smell?


24 Can you spot the 9 letter word?
How many words? How many words can you make, of 3 letters or more, using these 9 letters here? You can’t use a letter more than once (unless it is on there more than once). What is the longest word you can make? Can you spot the 9 letter word? I B N E N I N G G answer beginning

25 Can you spot the 9 letter word?
How many words? How many words can you make, of 3 letters or more, using these 9 letters here? You can’t use a letter more than once (unless it is on there more than once). What is the longest word you can make? Can you spot the 9 letter word? D S R U S P I R E ANSWER SURPRISED


27 Can you spot the 9 letter word?
How many words? How many words can you make, of 3 letters or more, using these 9 letters here? You can’t use a letter more than once (unless it is on there more than once). What is the longest word you can make? Can you spot the 9 letter word? E U D C T A O N I ANSWER EDUCATION

28 Brainstorm“wow words” or phrases to describe this picture.
How does it make you feel? What can you see, hear and smell?

29 (Try to be as inventive as you can!)
Write down many different types of calculations which give the answer 38. (Try to be as inventive as you can!) (3x10) + 8

30 Can you spot the 9 letter word?
How many words? How many words can you make, of 3 letters or more, using these 9 letters here? You can’t use a letter more than once (unless it is on there more than once). What is the longest word you can make? Can you spot the 9 letter word? C E H K C I L S T CHECKLIST ANSWER




34 Can you spot the 9 letter word?
How many words? How many words can you make, of 3 letters or more, using these 9 letters here? You can’t use a letter more than once (unless it is on there more than once). What is the longest word you can make? Can you spot the 9 letter word? C N O I F D N T E ANSWER CONFIDENT

35 How would you describe an elephant to someone who has never seen one?

36 Write about the worlds first hiccup!

37 Write directions for eating an ice-cream.

38 What are the advantages and disadvantages of having an octopus as a lifeguard?

39 What would happen if it always snowed?

40 Why do people climb Mount Everest?

41 What would happen if sweets were free?

42 If a frog could talk, what would you ask it and why?

43 If a tree fell in a forest, and no one was there to hear it, would it make a sound?

44 Write a conversation that might be going on between five toes in a sock!

45 Why do we have fingernails?

46 Imagine you are yesterday’s newspaper, what is going to happen to you?

47 Why are there thorns on a rose?

48 how would you balance these 6 weights?
5kg, 11kg, 29kg, 19kg, 7kg and 23kg

49 How many squares are there on a chessboard?

50 A train which Is 200m long enters a 1 km long tunnel
A train which Is 200m long enters a 1 km long tunnel. If the train is travelling 100 metres per second how long before the end of the train leaves the tunnel?


52 I have 4 counters numbered 1,2,3,4.
Use each counter once only. What is the largest number I can achieve by making 2 digit numbers and multiplying them?

53 There are some goats and ducks around a pond
There are some goats and ducks around a pond. They have 40 heads and 88 feet between them. How many goats are there? How many ducks are there?


55 In an Indian restaurant 2 samosas and 3 pakoras cost £3
In an Indian restaurant 2 samosas and 3 pakoras cost £3.10, but 3 samosas and 2 pakoras cost £2.90. How much is one pakora?


57 Five people share a tent for a holiday for 5 nights
Five people share a tent for a holiday for 5 nights. They all agree to say goodnight to everyone else in the tent every night. How many times is the word goodnight spoken throughout the holiday?

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