SAIT Information Session

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Presentation on theme: "SAIT Information Session"— Presentation transcript:

1 SAIT Information Session
Tentative Agreement Presentation May 28th, 2014

2 Presentation Overview of the Bargaining Process
Key Language Improvements Key Monetary Improvements Bargaining Committee Recommendation Questions/ Comments Ratification Announcement

3 Overview of Bargaining Process
Direct bargaining started with SAIT management in the summer of 2013. Government bills 45 and 46 had a detrimental effect on post secondary bargaining in December of 2013. AUPE wins an injunction in the Alberta courts giving a permanent injunction against bill 46 in January 14th, 2014.

4 Overview of Bargaining
Bargaining sees some improvements March 2014, however, mediation is applied for by AUPE. Government of Alberta signs a tentative agreement on April 27th, 2014. NAIT and Local 38, sign a tentative agreement on May 9, 2014. Two days of mediation are scheduled on May 21, and 22, Agreement is reached on May 22.

5 Overview of Bargaining
The Relationship: Generally AUPE’s relationship with the SAIT’s executive is positive and continues to improve at the Local level. SAIT tried to show creativity in reaching this agreement, which AUPE has noted and appreciates.

6 Key Language Improvements
Art. 1 Definitions: All temporary jobs are to be limited to 24 months and then posted (was three years) Art. 13 Position Abolishment: improvements are made to improving consultation with Union and abolished Employee to improve redeployment opportunities. Severance is almost doubled from 24 to 48 weeks.

7 Language continued… Art. 26 Grievance Procedure: restrictions on categories of grievances that can go to arbitration are removed for all types of grievances, exceptions are: written reprimands, casual/ probationary discipline and termination. Article 29 Medical Proof: language is clarified so that it is clear that documentation must use SAIT documentation to minimize duplicate medical notes.

8 Language continued… Art. 51 Position Opportunities: All permanent positions are to be posted for 5 work days and shared with the Union (helps with locating positions during position abolishment). Internal candidates are given selection preference over external candidates. (NEW language, never in CA)

9 Key Monetary Improvements
Term: Four years, ending on June 30, 2017 First Year: $1,400 signing bonus for all employees, prorated for part time and casuals.

10 Monetary Continued… Year 2, July 2014
2.0% general wage adjustment to all classes Vacation (effective January 1, 2015) Shift Differential to $1.25/ hour. Existing New 0-6 years 3weeks 0-4 years 3 weeks 7-16 years 4 weeks 5-13 years 4 weeks 17-24 years 5 weeks 13-20 years 5 weeks 25+ 6 weeks 21-29 years 6 weeks Current 30+ 7 weeks

11 Monetary Continued… Year 3
General wage increase of 2.25% to all classifications Increase Health Spending to $650, and increase utilization to include a Wellness account on July 1, 2015. Shift Differential increase from $1.50/ hr.

12 Monetary Continued… Year 4
General wage increase of 2.50% to all classifications Shift Diff. increase to $1.75/ hr

13 Monetary Continued… Utility Plant Operators I and II, add an additional top step in years 2, 3, and 4 of the CA (equal to an additional 4% per year), no adverse effect on long service allowance eligibility.

14 Bargaining Committee Recommendation
Your elected bargaining team, unanimously recommends this tentative agreement as your new collective agreement, and recommends that you vote “yes”.

15 Questions and Comments
Any questions or comments about the tentative agreement?

16 Ratification Announcement
Your bargaining committee will be counting all ballots after the voting has been completed, an announcement will be formally made by the Local Chairperson at the end of day.

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