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1 McCarthyism

2 Creator Created by Joe McCarthy
Was born on a farm in appleton wisconson november 14th 1908 Was senator in wisconson for 21 years McCarthyism was from the 1940’s to the 1950’s Drank himself to death Died in Bethesda naval hospital on may 2nd 1957

3 Aims and Methods McCarthyism is the politically motivated practice of making accusations of disloyalty During WW2 communism was a huge problem McCarthyism engaged the problem on February 9th 1950 in a speech He made a huge list of people who he thought were communist, and hired investigators to get them

4 Aims and Methods cont. The accused people in the department of state were investigated but no one was found guilty These charges received extensive media attention McCarthy’s enemies began a smear campaign against him spreading lies that permeated his biographies ever since Throughout the 1950’s McCarthy continued to make accusations of communist infiltration of the U.S. government though he failed to provide evidence.

5 The Hollywood Blacklist
In 1947 Roy M. Brewer was appointed to the Motion Picture Industry Council. At this time the House of Un-American Activities Committee chaired by J. Parnell Thomas, began an investigation into the Hollywood Motion Picture Industry. The HUAC interviewed 41 people who were working in Hollywood. During their interviews they named nineteen people who they accused of holding left-wing views. Roy M. Brewer was interviewed by the HUCA in October, He claimed that he knew 13 writers, actors and directors he said were involved in communist activities. Herbert Biberman, Lester Cole, Albert Maltz, Adrian Scott, Samuel Ornitz, Dalton Trumbo, Edward Dmytryk, Ring Lardner Jr., John Howard Lawson and Alvah Bessie refused to answer any questions.

6 The Hollywood Blacklist cont
Known as the Hollywood Ten, they claimed that the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution gave them the right to do this. The House of Un-American Activities Committee and the courts during appeals disagreed and all were found guilty of contempt of congress and each was sentenced to between six and twelve months in prison. Leo Townsend, Isobel Lennart, Roy Huggins, Richard Collins, Lee J. Cobb, Budd Schulberg and Elia Kazan, afraid they would go to prison, were willing to name people who had been members of left-wing groups. If these people refused to name names, they were added to a blacklist that had been drawn up by the Hollywood film studios. Herbert Biberman, Lester Cole, Albert Maltz, Adrian Scott, Samuel Ornitz, Dalton Trumbo, Edward Dmytryk, Ring Lardner Jr., John Howard Lawson and Alvah Bessie refused to answer any questions.

7 The Hollywood Blacklist cont
Over 320 people were placed on this list that stopped them from working in the entertainment industry. This included the following: Larry Adler, Stella Adler, Leonard Bernstein, Marc Blitzstein, Joseph Bromberg, Charlie Chaplin, Aaron Copland, Hanns Eisler, Edwin Rolfe, Carl Foreman, John Garfield, Howard Da Silva, Dashiell Hammett, E. Y. Harburg, Lillian Hellman, Burl Ives, Arthur Miller, Dorothy Parker, Philip Loeb, Joseph Losey, Anne Revere, Pete Seeger, Gale Sondergaard, Louis Untermeyer, Josh White, Zero Mostel, Clifford Odets, Michael Wilson, Paul Jarrico, Jeff Corey, John Randolph, Canada Lee, Orson Welles, Paul Green, Sidney Kingsley, Paul Robeson, Richard Wright and Abraham Polonsky

8 The Cold War Cold war began after wwII Involved: US and soviet union
Cold war got its name because both sides didn’t want to fight each other so they fought indirectly The cold war was a 45 yr rivalry between the western powers and led by the US and the USSR It started bc of the diffrennces between communism and paitalist democracy

9 McCarthy’s Downfall He charged the army of being communistic which took his McCarthyism too far. After that event, his previous false charges were exposed and he fell out of favor with the Republicans. McCarthy caused his own downfall in the late spring of 1954, when he displayed his ruthlessness during the nationally-televised Army-McCarthy hearings before an audience of more that twenty million people. On December 22, 1954, the Senate censured McCarthy's behavior for bringing the Senate "into dishonor and disrepute" and thus impairing its "dignity.“ The Tydings Committee concluded that he had perpetrated "a fraud and a hoax" on the Senate and the American people.

10 bibliography Joseph McCarthy:biography. 21 Apr Web. 5 Oct <  Joseph McCarthy. 29 Sept Web. 2 Oct < The lessons of McCarthyism. 8 Apr Web. 5 Oct < 1/538/538_06_McCarthyism.shtml>. < thy%27s+downfall%3F&page=1&qsrc=0&ab=1&u=htt _finally_led_to_McCarthy%27s_downfall>. < entSet=GSRC&type=retrieve&tabID=T001&prodId=D C&docId=EJ &source=gale&srcprod=DIS C&userGroupName=nysl_nc_mass&version=1.0

11 Bibliography cont. Hollywood ten." Spartacus educational. John simkin, Web. 5 Oct < Cold war. December 27,2008 org. October 2,2009 < "Cold war." gale encyclopedia of U.S. economic history. 2009. Gale cengage learning. discovering collection, October 5,2009 < en%252C%252C%2529%253AFQE%253D%2528su%252CNone%252C8%2529col d%2Bwar%2524&contentSet=GSRC&sort=Relevance&tabID=T001&sgCurrentP osition=0&subjectAction=DISPLAY_SUBJECTS&prodId=DC&searchId=R3¤tPosit ion=12&userGroupName=nysl_nc_mass&resultListType=RESULT_LIST&sgHitCo untType=None&qrySerId=Locale%28en%2C%2C%29%3AFQE%3D%28SU%2C None%2C8%29cold+war%24&inPS=true&searchType=BasicSearchForm&displa ySubject=&docId=EJ &docType=GSRC>. 

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