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Abraham Lincoln Biography ;

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1 Abraham Lincoln Biography ;
Enay Kevin Yague Etienne Rinaudo Rémi 3°5 8 april 2015 Abraham Lincoln Biography ; He was born february 12, His  home  was  a  log  cabin  in  Kentucky. Abe,  his  parents  and  his  sister,  Sarah,  moved  to  the  state  of   Indiana  when  he  was  seven.  Abraham Lincoln

2 He had  to  work  and  did  not  get  to  go  to  school  very  often.
But  he  loved  to  read  books  and  would  read  whenever  he  got   the  chance. Math  was  also  a   favorite  subject  for  Abe.       Abe  worked  on  farms  and  as  a  postmaster  until  he  opened  his  own  store  in  Illinois.               

3 Abraham  married  Mary  Todd November and  they  had  four  children : Robert , Eddie , Tad and Willie. Robert Eddie Tad Willie

4 Abraham Lincoln died on april 15th, 1865 on Washington
He is then the sixteenth president of states Unies

5 The Leader’s Cause The « Civil War » was war arisen between 1861 and 1865 and impling states united . The purpose of lincoln was to free(release) states united by the slavery . The Emancipation Proclamation Indicate two decrees . First ; Declare every free slave living on the territory of the Southern(Confederate) Confederacy which is not under the control of the Union from January 1st, 1863 Second ; Indicate explicitly the concerned States .

6 During the American Civil War

7 The leader’s works Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth President of united states on November 16th, 1860 then in summer reelected president in November 8th, He. made a success has to seize of capital of to confederate. Richmond in Virginia, until Grant's success in 1865.

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