First, Second & Third Commandments

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Presentation on theme: "First, Second & Third Commandments"— Presentation transcript:

1 First, Second & Third Commandments
Honoring God First, Second & Third Commandments

2 “I am the Lord, your God: you shall not have strange gods before me”
The First Commandment “I am the Lord, your God: you shall not have strange gods before me”

3 Overview How do we live this commandment? What is idolatry?
Ancient Modern What are the other sins against the first commandment?

4 Living the First Commandment
Commitment to God and His Law Living the Theological Virtues Have faith in God Put your hope in God Love God completely

5 Theological Virtues The gifts given to us by God to enable us to know God as God and lead us to union with him in mind and heart. Faith: help to freely accept God’s full revelation in Jesus. We accept God’s revealed truth and respond in love to God and neighbor. Hope: help to put our trust in God and expect both eternal life and the grace we need to attain it. Additionally the conviction that God’s grace is at work in the world. Love: help to recognize and respond to the longing and desire for God and the selfless commitment to support the dignity and humanity or all people, solely because they are created by God in his image and likeness

6 Faith A gift from God to help us freely accept God’s full revelation in Jesus. We accept God’s revealed truth and respond in love to God and neighbor. Sins against Faith: Disregarding the truths of faith Questioning them without further investigation Heresy, which is the denial of an essential truth of our faith Apostasy, which is a complete rejection of the Christian faith

7 Hope A gift from God that helps us to put our trust in God and expect both eternal life and the grace we need to attain it. Additionally the conviction that God’s grace is at work in the world. Sins against this virtue are Despair, stop believing that God cares for us Presumption, that will save us because of our own efforts or even if we do not reform our lives

8 Love A gift from God that helps us to recognize and respond to the longing and desire for God and the selfless commitment to support the dignity and humanity or all people, solely because they are created by God in his image and likeness Sins against this virtue are Hatred, from pride that denies God’s goodness

9 Living the Virtues Adoration Prayer Sacrifice Promises & vows
Acknowledging God as creator, savior, as the gift giver who provides our salvation. He is eternal Love Prayer Primary means to strengthening our relationship with God liturgy Sacrifice Follow the example of Christ leading a life of sacrificial love Fast and abstinence Service to others Celebrating the Eucharist Promises & vows Keep our promises to God Made at Baptism and Confirmation Evangelical counsels; Going beyond the Ten commandments poverty, chastity, obedience

10 Idolatry Ancient Modern
Worship of other beings, creatures or material goods in a way that it fitting for God alone Pantheon of gods Baal and Asherah Modern Wealth and material goods Pursuit of success or fame Addictions Has your focus on the things in question affected your relationship with God? Has it caused you to spend less time in prayer, miss Mass, or be uncomfortable around you faith community? Has it affected your relationship with family and friends? Do you spend less time with them? Is it causing you to keep secrets?

11 Sins against the 1st Commandment
Sinful excesses of Religion Superstition Magic: believing in a supernatural power that comes from a source other than God Giving objects or creatures power Black cats Mirrors, ladders Sacramentals used in a superstitious way Divination: seeking knowledge through supernatural means apart from God Astrology Palm reading Psychics

12 Sins against the 1st Commandment
Irreligion Sacrilege Abuse of a person, place or thing dedicated to God and the worship of God Simony The buying and selling of something spiritual such as grace or indulgences or even cures. Atheism The denial of the existence of God

13 The Second Commandment
“You Shall Not Take the Name of the Lord, Your God in Vain”

14 Overview Responding to the sacredness of God, “reverence”
Keeping sacred commitments Sins against the 2nd Commandment

15 “Reverence” Using God’s name only for good purposes
Bless, praise or glorify Showing reverence for God and his sacred name is showing true faith Reverence in our daily lives and actions Reverence for creation Reverence for each other Profanity is the opposite of reverence Treating or speaking of something sacred disrespectfully

16 The Name of God A person and his/her name are closely connected. Misuse of someone’s name would cause injury. God’s name “Yahweh” is given in trust to Moses by God. Jesus tells us to keep God’s name sacred when he teaches the Lord’s Prayer Out of respect for God, the Jewish people do not say or write God’s name. The word “vain” indicates not important, doesn’t mean much It is sinful to us God’s name without the respect it deserves,

17 Names Can indicate something about the named.
Yahweh- I am who I am Moses- to draw out Jesus- God saves Eve – mother of all things Adam- first man Matthew- gift from God Baptism and Confirmation names should have significance

18 Keeping sacred commitments
Vows made in God’s name. A life lived as a committed life with goals an accomplishments is a full, happy life. Person Persons who make a commitment to others Group Groups who promise some kind of commitment Cause Promises to uphold or eliminate a practice or policy

19 Sacred Commitments Covenants Promises made to God or each other
Swearing in of public servants Marriage Sacraments Testimony Lenten promises

20 Sins against the 2nd Commandment
Blasphemy Speaking, acting or thinking about God, Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin or the saints in a way that is irreverent, mocking or offensive Perjury Lying about the truth while under oath, “So help me God” Undermines the law and order of the community

21 “Remember to Keep Holy the Sabbath (Lord’s )Day"
The third Commandment

22 Observing the Sabbath Day
Overview Observing the Sabbath Day The Sabbath and Sunday Keeping Sunday Holy

23 Observing the Sabbath Origin Significance Creation (Gen. 2: 2-3)
Reminder to live a balanced life There are more important things than “making a dollar” “The Sabbath was made for man, man not made for the Sabbath” Reminder of God’s saving action Part of the Law No work to be done on the Sabbath Slaves, animals, land

24 A Short History, Judaism
Jewish Sabbath “Keep holy the Sabbath” Sundown Friday to Sundown Saturday Evening came, morning followed God rested on the 7th day Celebration Special meal Synagogue services Reading and study of the Torah Leisure activities with family and friends

25 A Short History, Christianity
Sunday Resurrection happened shortly after the Sabbath, first day of the week The First Day Re-creation, Christ made all things new again, a new beginning On the first Day “Let there be light”- Jesus is the light of the world

26 Keeping Sunday Holy Attending Mass Works of service and charity
Opportunity to praise and worship God as a community- with one voice Fed and strengthened by the Eucharist Works of service and charity Make time for those charitable works that we cannot do during the week because of our obligations, beginning with the needs of our family Sunday rest Goes back to the original reason for the Sabbath- to rest We re-create ourselves

27 Eschatological Dimension
Rest, worship of God and peace and joy foreshadow the afterlife in Heaven Eternal rest Kingdom of God Peace Justice Love Doing God’s will The “Eighth Day”

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