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Министерство образования Сахалинской области ГБПОУ «Сахалинский промышленно- экономический техникум» The release of the Kuril Islands Сивак Ирина Филимончук.

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Presentation on theme: "Министерство образования Сахалинской области ГБПОУ «Сахалинский промышленно- экономический техникум» The release of the Kuril Islands Сивак Ирина Филимончук."— Presentation transcript:

1 Министерство образования Сахалинской области ГБПОУ «Сахалинский промышленно- экономический техникум» The release of the Kuril Islands Сивак Ирина Филимончук Анастасия Группа ОБ1401 2016 г. Г. Южно-Сахалинск

2 February 1945 held the Crimean Conference of the leaders of the USSR, the USA and the UK, considered the issues of the postwar world and Soviet participation in the war with Japan. February 11, at the conference an agreement was signed, which provided for Soviet entry into the war against Japan on the side of the Allies in two or three months after Germany's surrender.

3 July 26, 1945 was published by the Potsdam Declaration of the United States, Great Britain and China, Japan demanded the immediate unconditional surrender. July 28, Japanese Prime Minister Suzuki made a statement, which said that the Japanese government ignored the Potsdam Declaration. The result of this policy were the atomic bombings of Hiroshima by the Americans and Nagasaki and the entry of the USSR in the war against Japan.

4 Percussion group Trans-Baikal, the 1st and 2nd Far Eastern fronts launched an offensive against the Japanese Kwantung Army in Manchuria, we have successfully implemented a number of war operation.

5 August 15 radio was handed a decree of Emperor Hirohito's surrender, acceptance conditions. From that day fighting between American, British and Japanese military forces were stopped

6 The fighting did not cease even after the commander of the Kwantung Army, General O.Yamada signed in Changchun, the 08/19/1945 act of unconditional surrender.

7 From 19. 08. Invasion of the Kuril Islands - on the 09. 01
From Invasion of the Kuril Islands - on the , the final amphibious operation of World War II was carried out by Soviet troops. During the operation, when the desperate resistance of the Japanese were successively occupied the island Shumshu, Paramushiro and other Northern Kurils.

8 August 23 the commander of the Japanese forces in the northern Kuril Islands, Lt. Gen. Fusako Tsutsumi accepted the terms of surrender, led troops to assembly points for surrender and surrendered himself.

9 August 22, 1945 Chief of the Soviet Forces in the Far East of the Soviet Union Marshal AM Vasilevsky ordered the command of the Pacific Fleet Forces North Pacific fleet, together with the command of the 2nd Far Eastern Front to take the South Kuril Islands.

10 August 31, 1945 The 113th separate Sakhalin Infantry Brigade landed on the islands of the Lesser Kuril Ridge and took them without a fight.

11 on September 1 Kunashir company landed automaton battalion, which was waiting for her with a white flag of the Japanese commander of the battalion: the Japanese army garrison capitulated, September 1, was occupied by the island of Shikotan.

12 September 2, 1945 the US battleship "Missouri" the ceremony of signing of the Japanese surrender. This day is considered the date of the end of World War II.


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