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Top 10 Signs You've Chosen the Wrong Answer!

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Presentation on theme: "Top 10 Signs You've Chosen the Wrong Answer!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Top 10 Signs You've Chosen the Wrong Answer!

2 TOP 10 reasons you chose the wrong answer ….

3 Number 10 reason you chose the wrong answer…
You didn’t read the TITLE on the graphic, map, chart, picture, etc.


5 Number 9 reason you chose the wrong answer…
You didn’t look at the DATE, LOCATION, or SOURCE on the graphic, map, chart, picture, etc.

6 In the Andes, potatoes served as a staple as people came up with a unique way of food preservation: potatoes were processed into chuñu, a dehydrated foodstuff produced by trampling potatoes and alternately freezing and drying them. This product was storable for years. —Manfred Weissenbacher, Sources of Power: How Energy Forges Human History , 2009 The process described above contributed most directly to — A the development of new tracking and hunting techniques Ban increase in the size and number of permanent settlements C improved fertility of the soil in mountainous regions D the creation of a more varied diet through the introduction of new plant species

7 Number 8 reason you chose the wrong answer…
You didn’t determine land from water on the map.


9 Number 7 reason you chose the wrong answer…
You made a DIRECT WORD-MATCH with the wrong answer!

10 52) Which of the following most helps to explain why the collapse of political institutions was more devastating to the Roman civilization than to Han China or Gupta India? A) The barbarian attacks destroyed more physical property and vital public works in Rome B) Roman emperors had more power than did Han or Gupta emperors, so their downfall devastated the Roman Empire C) Han China and Gupta India had strong religious/philosophical traditions to provide continuity D) The Romans were economically more self-sufficient than the Han or Gupta, so they had no long-distance trade to cushion their fall

11 Number 6 reason you chose the wrong answer…
You made an INDIRECT WORD-MATCH with the wrong answer.

12 27. How did the wealth acquired from winning an empire affect Rome?
A. It benefited the farmers. B. It widened the gap between rich and poor. C. It provided jobs for people in cities. D. It created widespread prosperity.

13 Number 5 reason you chose the wrong answer…
You forgot that they’re trying to deliberately mislead you so you have to PROVE what you know.

14 35. The Golden Age of Islam was best known for its –
A. attempts to colonize North Africa. B. frequent conflicts between Christians and Jews. C. advances in mathematics, science, and medicine. D. policies to reduce trade between the Middle East and China.

15 Number 4 reason you chose the wrong answer…
You jumped at the first TRUE STATEMENT…which may be true, but doesn’t answer the question or isn’t the BEST answer.

16 21) Roman slavery after 100 B.C.E. was usually –
A) harsher and more common than had been earlier. B) a temporary condition that was easily overcome. C) punishment reserved for serious crimes against the state. D) reserved for non-Italians.

17 Number 3 reason you chose the wrong answer…
You chose an “IS” answer for an “IS NOT” or “Except” question.

18 16) The eastern portion of the Roman Empire experienced less decline than the west for all of the following reasons EXCEPT – A) the east had older traditions of civilization. B) the east resisted the spread of Christianity. C) the east faced less pressure from barbarian invasions. D) the east had more active trade.

19 Number 2 reason you chose the wrong answer…
You guessed before you tried to “ELIMINATE TWO!” (Seriously? Dude, everybody knows you never guess before you’ve eliminated two)

20 35) The people who exerted the greatest influence on early Rome were the –
A) Etruscans and Hittites. B) Greeks and Egyptians. C) Greeks and Etruscans. D) Etruscans and Phoenicians.

21 And the #1 reason you chose the wrong answer…
You did not COMPLETELY ERASE when you erased BECAUSE you second guessed yourself BECAUSE you knew they were trying to trick you AND you thought they were making you take a test over stuff you may never use again, BUT you might just need this AND if you keep making mistakes on tests like this you’ll NEVER, NEVER get a high enough score on the SAT or ACT and your life will be totally MEANINGLESS!

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