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World History Bellwork November 19, 2013

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1 World History Bellwork November 19, 2013
Who signed his name most prominently to the American Declaration of Independence? Get out your WebQuest DO NOT COPY ANY ANSWERS FROM OTHERS! This is PLAGIARISM and will result IN ZEROES FOR BOTH GROUPS!

2 World History November 19, 2013
No bellwork today! Split a sheet of paper with a neighbor. We’re going to take a bit of a quiz.

3 Whaddayaknow? Which Enlightenment thinker…
believed people must be controlled by government, as they are naturally self-centered and evil? inspired the phrase “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” in our Declaration of Independence? felt governmental power was best contained by establishing multiple branches that could check one another?

4 Whaddayaknow? Whose Encyclopedia was banned by the Church and the French government, due to the controversial nature of its content? Why is Adam Smith notable in history?

5 Whaddayaknow? 6. Distinguish the baroque from the rococo. The Swing
Samson and Delilah

6 Whaddayaknow? 7. Distinguish the baroque from the rococo. B. A.

7 Whaddayaknow? What effect would novels like Gulliver’s Travels and Robinson Crusoe have on the population?

8 KEEP THIS IN MIND As a result of the Enlightenment…
People work for progress People become more secular People begin to believe in themselves

9 The American Revolution
Painting, The Battle of Bunker Hill

10 13

11 England 1700’s= World Power

12 Causes of Conflict Navigation Acts Expense of French & Indian War
Stamp Act (1765) Boston Tea Party 1770 Boston Massacre 1773 1774 Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts) 1774 First Continental Congress Battle of Lexington & Concord 1775 Declaration of Independence 1776

13 Revolution Battle of Saratoga 1777 Valley Forge 1777
Battle of Yorktown 1781 Treaty of Paris 1783

14 Obstacles to American Success
British navy British troops and German mercenaries Internal division Establishing a government Funding

15 Reasons for American Success
Fighting for survival British are cocky Time and distance Help from France (Lafayette)

16 Two Facts Each About… Prison Ships Tactics used by American soldiers
Life at Valley Forge Small Pox Baron Von Steuben Washington’s Spy Ring

17 Sell the War!! Spread the word!!! Newspapers Literacy rates Editorials
Thomas Paine Common Sense

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