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Jené Grandmont, Health Informatics Specialist

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Presentation on theme: "Jené Grandmont, Health Informatics Specialist"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jené Grandmont, Health Informatics Specialist
HealthLandscape Jené Grandmont, Health Informatics Specialist

2 What is HealthLandscape?
HealthLandscape was developed to fill the need for better decision making in the health care field “Data-Driven Decision Making” Developed by the Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati and the Robert Graham Center Public Launch: 2008 Next Generation Launch: October, 2011

3 Why Mapping? “If a picture is worth a thousand words… a map is worth a thousand pictures”

4 GIS and . . . Tracking the spread of H1N1

5 GIS and . . . Avertable death

6 GIS and . . . Australian healthcare workforce

7 GIS and . . . Local healthcare workforce

8 Healthlandscape 3.0 Continued Excellence in Geospatial Analysis
and Visualization

9 QuickMaps

10 Community HealthView

11 QuickThemes

12 QuickGeocodes

13 UDS Mapper Continued Excellence in Geospatial Analysis
and Visualization

14 UDS Mapper

15 UDS Mapper

16 Visit us at . . .
Jené Grandmont

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