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Mass Consumption.

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1 Mass Consumption

2 Corporation and Mass Production
What is mass production? is the production of large amounts of standardized products, including and especially on assembly lines. A huge increase in the middle class due to large increase in white colour labour. Meant more spending money beyond the necessities. Known as disposable income

3 Department Stores Consumerism introduced a new concept department stores. The Bone Marche in Paris was the first to open in 1869. Bone Marche carried a wide variety of products. Before department stores. There were only small stores selling what they specialized in. Beyond the products the department stores sold something more important – the idea of consumption.

4 Impact of Department Stores
Department stores gave rise to a whole new profession, window dressers. The stores have been called “dream dressers” place where individual where encouraged to realize their aspiration through consumption. Department stores were very much women’s world. The vast majority of the customers were women, as were many of the employees.


6 Canada and Department Stores
Starting in 187s, department stores became a major part of the down-town landscape in big cities across the West. In Canada the leader was T. Easton and Company. First opened in 1905 in Winnipeg

7 Eaton’s Story The T. Eaton Co. Limited was once Canada's largest department retailer. It was founded in 1869 in Toronto by Timothy Eaton, an Irish immigrant. Eaton's grew to become a retail and social institution in Canada, with stores across the country, buying offices across the globe, and a catalogues that was found in the homes of most Canadians. A rapidly changing economic and retail environment in the late 20th century proved difficult for Eaton's, and the chain went bankrupt in 1999.

8 Consumerism and Advertising
Until the 1870 advertising was not considered respectable. As people came to realize that the rapidly growing middle class could be enticed to buy good and services, advertising became a specialized occupation and advertising agencies opened Creation of catalogues Magazines and specialized journals like Ladies’ Home Journal Using famous people to promote the product was first introduced by Kodak.

9 Man Men-Advertising Pitch

10 In Class Group Work Students will be split into small group of 3 student per group. Each group will get an old advertising. Each group will have to analyze the ad and explain the social, economic and/or political implication of the add. Than we will have a short class discussion about each add.






16 resources - movie editing program.

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