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Dr Berwyck Poad Compiled: 3 February 2017 Updated: 28 March 2017

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1 Dr Berwyck Poad Compiled: 3 February 2017 Updated: 28 March 2017
Data disclosure for: High-pressure ozone-induced dissociation for lipid structure elucidation on fast chromatographic timescales Dr Berwyck Poad Compiled: 3 February 2017 Updated: 28 March 2017

2 Based on the instrument diagram in the Waters Synapt G2-Si HDMS hardware manual.
Processing software: GLE 4.2.4c and Adobe Illustrator CS6 Figure 1: Overview of the experimental setup required to perform OzID in the ion-mobility spectrometry (IMS) cell of a Waters SYNAPT G2-Si. 2-20% ozone in oxygen (w/w) is generated externally and delivered to the IMS cell through a needle valve, yielding a pressure of ~3 mBar in the cell. Unused ozone is converted to oxygen by a catalytic destruction unit and exhausted from the laboratory. An ambient ozone monitor is interlocked to the ozone generator and stops ozone production if the ambient level rises above 75 ppb.

3 Data file used: OzID_005.RAW, Acquired 30/6/2016
Software: Chemdraw 15 (structure), MassLynx 4 (spectrum export) GLE 4.2.4c (plotting spectrum), Adobe Illustrator CS6 (final image composition) Figure 2: OzID spectrum of the [M+H]+ precursor ion of the synthetic phosphatidylcholine, PC 18:1(n-9)/18:1(n- 9). These data were obtained with an external ozone concentration of 185 g Nm-3, a reaction time of ~20 ms, and pre- and post-IMS activation energies of 4 eV and 2 eV. The molecular structure of the ionized lipid is indicated and shows representative bond cleavages arising from CID and OzID (both primary and secondary).

4 Data file used: OzID_067.RAW, Acquired 5/7/2016
Software: MassLynx 4 (spectrum export) GLE 4.2.4c (plotting spectrum), Adobe Illustrator CS6 (final image composition) Figure 3: (a) UPLC chromatogram of a mixture of synthetic PC 18:1(n-9)/18:1(n-9) and PC 18:1(n-12)/18:1(n- 12) isomers. Ion current arising from the [M+H]+ precursor ions at m/z 786 is indicated by the black trace. XICs are shown for OzID product ions from oxidative cleavage of n-9 (green squares) and of n-12 (red diamonds) double bonds and CID product ion m/z 184 (blue line). Representative OzID mass spectra of the chromatographic features between (b) 7.20 and 7.25 mins and (c) 7.32 and 7.40 mins. The [M+H+O3]+ adduct ion is marked with an asterisk (*).These data were obtained with an external ozone concentration of 30 g Nm-3, a reaction time of ~200 ms, and pre- and post-IMS activation energies of 24.2 eV and 4.0 eV, respectively. Plots of these spectra showing m/z annotations of all peaks of interest are provided as Supporting Information (Figure S2).

5 Data file used: OzID_069.RAW, Acquired 5/7/2016
Software: MassLynx 4 (spectrum export) GLE 4.2.4c (plotting spectrum), Adobe Illustrator CS6 (final image composition) Figure 4: LC-MS analysis of a commercially available phosphatidylcholine fraction from chicken egg yolk. (a) Chromatograms obtained from the precursor ion at m/z 786 corresponding to the [M+H]+ of PC 36:2 (black line). XICs for the CID product ion at m/z 184 (blue trace) and OzID product ions corresponding to cleavage of a monounsaturated n-9 double bond (green squares), monounsaturated n-7 double bond (purple circles) and polyunsaturated n-6 and n-9 double bonds (yellow triangles). OzID mass spectra obtained by integrating between (b) and (c) min. In both mass spectra, the [M+H+O3]+ ion is indicated by an asterisk (*). These data were obtained with an external ozone concentration of 30 g Nm-3, a reaction time of ~200 ms, and pre- and post-IMS activation energies of 24.2 eV and 4.0 eV, respectively. Plots of these spectra showing m/z annotations of all peaks of interest are provided as Supporting Information (Figure S3).

6 Data file used: OzID_073. RAW (panels a & b) OzID_074
Data file used: OzID_073.RAW (panels a & b) OzID_074.RAW (panel c), Acquired 30/6/2016 Software: MassLynx 4 (spectrum export) GLE 4.2.4c (plotting spectrum), Adobe Illustrator CS6 (final image composition) Figure 5: LC-MS analysis of a commercially available phosphatidylcholine fraction from chicken egg yolk. (a) Chromatogram obtained from the precursor ion at m/z corresponding to the [M+H]+ of PC 34:1 (black line). XICs for the CID product ion at m/z (blue trace) and OzID product ions arising from cleavage of n-9 (green squares) and n-7 (purple circles) double bonds. (b) OzID mass spectrum for the [PC 34:1+H]+ precursor ion at m/z obtained by integrating between min. (c) The analogous OzID mass spectrum for the [PC34:1 + Na]+ precursor ion at m/z acquired in a separate LC experiment. [M+H+O3]+ ions are indicated by an asterisk (*). All data were obtained with an external ozone concentration of 30 g Nm-3, a reaction time of ~200 ms, and pre- and post-IMS activation energies of 24.2 eV and 4.0 eV, respectively.

7 Data file used: Panel a – OliveOil_TAG_OzID_016
Data file used: Panel a – OliveOil_TAG_OzID_016.RAW, Acquired 30/6/2016 at Waters Wilmslow facility Software: MassLynx 4 (spectrum export) Panel b – _TAG_OzID_ wiff (scan #5), acquired at CARF QUT 20/7/2016 Software: Analyst (spectrum export) Panel c – TAG18-1_18-1_18-1_run1_0020ms.raw, acquired at CARF QUT 20/7/2016 Software: Xcalibur 3 (spectrum export) Final Figure: GLE 4.2.4c (plotting spectrum), Adobe Illustrator CS6 (final image composition) Figure S1: Comparison of OzID spectra obtained for the sodium adduct ion of trioleylglycerol, TG(54:3), using a 20 ms reaction time on three different mass spectrometer geometries: (a) Waters SYNAPT quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer with ozone present in the IMS cell at ca molecules cm-3, (b) SCIEX 6500 QTRAP hybrid triple quadrupole with ozone present in the collision cell (q2) at ca molecules cm-3, (c) Thermo Fisher Scientific LTQ-XL linear ion trap with ozone present in the segmented trap at ca molecules cm-3 in the helium buffer gas. The other experimental parameters used to obtain these spectra are provided in the manuscript (SYNAPT) or as Supporting Information (QTRAP and LTQ-XL).

8 Software: ChemDraw 15 (structures), Adobe Illustrator CS6 (final image composition)
Figure S2: Proposed mechanism and structures of the OzID ions present in Figure 2 of the manuscript. Precursor [M+H]+ ions at m/z form a primary ozonide (m/z 834.6) which fragments to form either an aldehyde (m/z 692.4) or Criegee ion (m/z 676.4). These ions may then undergo further ozonolysis of the remaining double bond, yielding m/z 598.3, and We note that the indicated carbonyl oxide (zwitterion) structures may undergo rearrangement to more stable carboxylic acid or vinyl hydroperoxide moieties.

9 Data file used: OzID_067.RAW, Acquired 5/7/2016
Software: MassLynx 4 (spectrum export) GLE 4.2.4c (plotting spectrum), Adobe Illustrator CS6 (final image composition) Figure S3: Mass spectra shown in Figure 3 (main text) with full m/z annotation of peaks. OzID mass spectra of the [M+H]+ ions at m/z from chromatographically separated lipid standards (a) PC 18:1(n-9)/18:1(n-9) and (b) PC 18:1(n-12)/18:1(n-12).

10 Data file used: OzID_069.RAW, Acquired 5/7/2016
Software: MassLynx 4 (spectrum export) GLE 4.2.4c (plotting spectrum), Adobe Illustrator CS6 (final image composition) Figure S4: Mass spectra obtained from LC-OzID analysis of chicken egg yolk extract. Spectra are identical to those shown in Figure 4 (main text) but with m/z annotation of peaks and different magnifications. These OzID spectra were obtained on precursor ions of m/z by integrating across retention times (a) and (c) min.

11 Data file used: OzID_005.RAW, Acquired 30/6/2016
Software: DriftScope 4 (spectrum), Adobe Illustrator CS6 (final image composition) Figure S5: Drift time mobility of PC 18:1(n-9)/18:1(n-9) taken from the same file used to produce Figure 2 in the manuscript. Clear differences can be observed in the arrival times of the OzID fragment ions m/z and compared to the [M+H]+ precursor ion at m/z 786.6

12 Software: ChemDraw 15 (structures), Adobe Illustrator CS6 (final image composition)
Figure S6: Proposed mechanism and structures for the diagnostic CID/OzID ions present in Figure 5c of the manuscript.

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