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Seven Halloween DNA Bracelet Activities

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1 Seven Halloween DNA Bracelet Activities

2 DNA Bracelet Instructions
Select one of the seven activities: vampire bat, pumpkin, raven, black widow spider, etc. Read the Fun Fact Choose one of the sequences to craft a bracelet On the worksheet, write the organism and sequence of 15 letters For each letter, match the color of the bead and place on the string Tie the string once all of the beads are on it Now you have a Halloween DNA Bracelet!

3 Vampire Bat Species: Desmodus rotundus
Fun Fact: Vampire bats are bats whose food source is blood from mammals. Genetic Sequences: *cctcctcttcgctac *gatagaaattcgtga *atgtctgttgtgtgc *gtagcccagctgtga *aagagcatgggtgtt *tgactgcctgcccca

4 Pumpkin Species: Curburbita pepo
Fun Fact: The largest pumpkin ever grown weighed 1,140 pounds. Genetic Sequences: *acgagaaatctggtc *tctggtaattggtct *ttcatcttcggtgcc *aataatatttcattc *gaattagcacgaccc *ataacggctcacgct

5 Black Widow Spider Species: Lactrodectus mactans
Fun Fact: It is the adult female black widow that has the red hour glass shape on their abdomen. Genetic Sequences: *ttctcctcagcttct *gcctcccaatcttca *gccgcacagacactt *acgaccacatctcaa *gttcgcactgttggt *tttggacagttgcta

6 White Oak Acorn Species: Quercus alba
Fun Fact: Acorns in the white oak group mature take one season to mature. Genetic Sequences: *actgccttgatccac *actccctgtatgtag *ttctattaagtaaaa *actacataaatcaaa *gattattgctccttt *cgacagaagctaagt

7 Common Raven Bird Species: Corvus corax
Fun Fact: The raven is one of the smartest birds on earth and can mimic the calls of other bird species. Genetic Sequences: *gagttatcttcctct *cattcaaccttcctc *cattttccccctatt *atatcacaatcccat *aaacactacattcac *tcattcgtccattaa

8 Domestic Cat Species: Felis catus
Fun Fact: About 250 heritable genetic disorders have been identified in cats. Genetic Sequences: *atgtccggtgcagag *gaggaagaaaaggtc *ctttcaagaggctgc *aatcttccccagtat *gccaccagttcatct *tatcaacagaagttc

9 Corn Species: Zea mays Fun Fact: One kernel of corn can produce a corn plant with a new ear of corn with 800 kernels. Genetic Sequences: *gaattccaaagccaa *acaagactatgttag *tgatattaagcctag *gttcatgttaatttg *attgtacacttgaca *cagaacttttattgt

10 DNA Bracelet Worksheets

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