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Microsoft PowerPoint™ 2010

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Presentation on theme: "Microsoft PowerPoint™ 2010"— Presentation transcript:

1 Microsoft PowerPoint™ 2010
This presentation is designed to be used as part of a scheduled professional development event. It is NOT intended to be a comprehensive teaching tool without the support of an experienced trainer.

2 The Basics Multiple Slide Layouts Title Title & Content Section Header
Two Content Comparison Title Only Blank Content with caption Picture with Caption

3 Adding a New Slide Click on the New Slide icon on the Home menu.
Click on the Layout drop down to select layout for current slide Give it a try. Add two new slides with different layouts.

4 Choosing a Design Theme
Click on the Design menu Choose a theme from the options provided. You can also adjust the colors, fonts, and effects that will be automatically included in your new theme. Your selection will be applied to all slides in your presentation.

5 Adding Images, Sound, & Video
On a new slide, click on the Insert menu tab. Choose the file type you want to insert. Once you have inserted your media, you can manage how the image appears under the Animations menu tab.

6 Video Sample Create a new slide Find a video from Gaggle
Create text to describe the video Add a hyperlink to your text pointing to the video Conjunction Junction from Gaggle

7 Transitions Transitions can be applied to individual slides or all slides. Transitions can be dramatic – but beware of overuse!

8 Animation Animation can be added to individual slide components
Animations can play one after the other, or together Just like transitions – beware of overuse!

9 Animation Sample One, Two Three Four, Five, Six Seven, Eight, Nine
Ten, Eleven, Twelve Thirteen, Fourteen Fifteen, Sixteen Seventeen, Eighteen Nineteen, Twenty

10 Combining Sound & Animation

11 Creating Animation Paths
Step 1 Step 4 Step 2 Step 3

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