NSLS-II Insertion Devices

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Presentation on theme: "NSLS-II Insertion Devices"— Presentation transcript:

1 NSLS-II Insertion Devices
Toshi Tanabe George Rakowsky, John Skaritka, Steve Hulbert, Susila Ramamoothy NSLS/BNL NSLS-II Accelerator Systems Advisory Committee 2006/10/9-11

2 Outline List of NSLS-II insertion devices (baseline + options)
Comment on Phase Errors Cryo-Permanent Magnet Undulator (CPMU) for hard X-rays Cold Measurement Issues New magnet and pole materials Elliptically Polarized Undulator (EPU) Apple-II v.s. HiSOR (SPring-8) Design Permanent Magnet Damping Wiggler Superconducting Wiggler (SCW) Superconducting Undulator (SCU) Conventional, VPU and HTS versions No QPU, Figure-8, Revolver options are discussed

3 List of NSLS-II IDs

4 RMS Phase Errors Roger Dejus Improving the rms phase error from 3.0° to 2.0° changes the relative intensities by 86% -> 98% for harmonic 7 (D = 12% points), 81% -> 96% for harmonic 9 (D = 15% points), and 75% -> 93% for harmonic 11 (D = 18% points).

5 CPMU Cryo-Permanent Magnet Undulator (Hara, et. al., 2004)
Simple Concept: NdFeB has a negative thermal coefficient of remanent field (Br) [-0.1 % / and of intrinsic coercivity (Hcj) [-0.5% / ] Higher field and higher radiation damage resistance simply by cooling the magnet array in lower temperature (~150K) Remaining Issues Cold measurement system Cold shimming technique if required New Material R&D PrFeB magnet and Dy pole combination for operation at lower temperature than 150K

6 History of Mini-Gap Undulators at the NSLS
Currently Installed Proposed

7 X-25 MGU Installed in the NSLS X-Ray Ring

8 Direct Gap Measurement by Keyence LS-7030
Measurement accuracy of ±2mm and repeatability of ±0.15mm Upper Array Detector Emitter Lower Array

9 Direct Gap Measurement at Micron Resolutions
Keyence gap readings track with post temperatures 35C° 10 min Upstream Gap 10 mm Post temperatures Downstream Gap 30C°

10 Cold Measurement System
Cold In-Situ Field Measurement In-vacuum mapper with Hall probe. The postion accuracy is maintained by laser tracker and piezo controller. In-vacuum streched / pulsed wire systems are also in consideration

11 EPUs Apple-II v.s. HiSOR EPU (eventually in-vacuum)
Apple-II : bigger tuning range, simpler structure HiSOR EPU: easier shimming and more benign field profile Better vacuum chamber design to reduce the radiation damage of permanent magnets maybe needed

12 Peak Field Profile Comparison
Apple-II HiSOR Tracking studies are needed to determine the effect of dynamic aperture reduction due to these roll-offs.

13 MPW (1.8T / 15mm Gap) Conventional Hybrid Design with Permendur Poles
Close to the limit with simple block structures Reducing the gap with soft-iron poles will certainly reduce the cost

14 Superconducting Wiggler
NSLS-I Three Mode SCW by Oxford 11 3.0T (lu=17.6cm, gvac=19.5mm) 5 4.7T 1 5.5T HTS version will be investigated

15 Superconducting Undulator (NSLS proto type)
Bifilar SC winding APC-type NbTi with integral He gas 4K APC-type NbTi expected to run at Je=2000A/mm2 Cooling channel underneath the coils to ensure maximum cooling (Ceramic) isolating spacer Beam tube with integral cooling by He gas > 4K Low carbon steel yoke Yoke: 1006 Steel Embedded He Gas Cooling Channel

16 Other Insertion Device R&Ds
New (In-vacuum) Gap Separation Mechanism Superconducting EPU Inner cage S. Chouhan High-Temperature Superconducting Undulator Cryocooler capacity increases drastically with higher temperature (ex. by Cryomech, Inc.) Splices do not create quench problem if cooled sufficiently Quench propagation is on order of magnitude slower than LTS  Simpler and cheaper protection scheme

Cold measurement and shimming are main remaining issues New material R&Ds for further enhancement of the performance EPU Apple-II or other structure to be determined after tracking study Better vacuum chamber design to minimize radiation damage on magnets In-vacuum EPU design will be a R&D subject DW Design and cost issues only Possible candidate for new gap separation mechanism SCW OK for LTS Higher field version / HTS version will be investigated SCU Low temperature SCUs still require R&Ds HTS versions are promising candidates in the future

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