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Righteous Judgment Matthew 7:1.

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Presentation on theme: "Righteous Judgment Matthew 7:1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Righteous Judgment Matthew 7:1

2 A Blanket Condemnation of Sin
Condemning all forms of judgment is foolish and unbiblical A judgment is simply a conclusion based on evidence Good, bad, or neutral

3 Commands to Judge Matthew 7:3-6 John 7:24 Philippians 1:9-11
From the very context of this verse! John 7:24 Jesus commanded and regulated judgment Philippians 1:9-11 Approve what is excellent

4 Many use Matthew 7:1 to condemn a different type of judgment…

5 Judgments Against Well-Meaning People
“The ends justify the means” “Unity in diversity” “Many paths to Heaven” “Be a positive change in the world” These all have one thing in common More concerned with intent and result than an authorized process

6 Many really use Matthew 7:1 to say, “Don’t condemn people who mean well and are working to do good. Save your judgment for those who promote hatred and evil.”

7 God Cares About Process
Commands us to worship Him Also prescribes a pattern to follow Preaching, singing, praying, communion, and a free-will offering Taking the Lord’s Supper as an example: 1 Corinthians 11:23-29 – emblems & mindset Acts 20:7 – frequency and day

8 God Cares About Process
Church organization as an example: Elders (1Pet. 5:1ff; Acts 20:28ff; 1Tim. 3; Titus 1) Deacons (1Tim. 3; Acts 6) Evangelists (2Tim. 4:1-5) Each member working according to his/her talents (Rom. 12:3-8) Congregational autonomy

9 What does righteous judgment
look like?

10 Righteous Judgment Is… Consistent
Free from hypocrisy (Matt. 7:1-5) Human nature to be blind to our own sins John 8:1-11 another example of hypocritical judgment

11 Righteous Judgment Is… Persistent
Seeks out the truth (Matt. 7:7-14) Righteous judgment asks, seeks, and knocks Wisdom loves those who seek her diligently Prov. 8:12, 17

12 Righteous Judgment Is… Vigilant
Watchful for dangerous people and doctrines Matt. 7:6, 15-20 Righteous judgment tests all 1 John 4:1

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