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Henderson State Focus Group (1)

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1 Henderson State Focus Group (1)
Focus Group Definition: A small group interview procedure that is guided by a moderator or facilitator. Individual reflection and participatory group methods will be used for collecting data Results are tabulated in easy-to-use format and go only to instructor. Instructor may share results back to the class if useful.

2 Henderson State Focus Group (2)
A facilitator will guide you through the session by using this slide set. Participants will use numbers to preserve anonymity of their responses. Facilitators will use data collection procedures that ensure equal opportunity for participation.

3 Henderson State's Course Focus Group Consists of two activities
Index Card - Taps reflective introspection Overall feeling Check on learning outcomes (optional) Roundtable Activity - Taps group dynamics What practices resonate as most helpful to success What practices resonate as most worth changing

4 Procedure for INDEX CARD
Count off in groups of four. WATCH as you count! Be sure you know the three others in your group, because each group of will come together later. Write your number on your card (upper right) Working independently, jot down an adjective or short phrase (5 words max) on the card to describe the course. Add a number from 4 (highest) to (1) (lowest) that expresses your overall satisfaction level with the course. In a moment, you will look at the published learning outcomes and make two columns. In the left column, jot down the numbers of the two (2) outcomes that you feel the course best prepared you to achieve. In the right, you'll jot down the numbers of the two (2) outcomes that you feel the course least prepared you to achieve. The next slide will you how to set up your card.

5 Outcomes section of 3x5 cards
Two #s: of the two outcomes best met: A - #? B - #? Two #s: of the two outcomes least met: A - #? B - #?

6 Art 111 Outcomes Describe and analyze the connections between art and history Evaluate the ways in which art develops within certain areas and specific conceptual contexts Examine and describe a wide range of artistic developments in different areas and time periods <CLIP> Facilitator replaces this entire slide with the appropriate course title and outcomes

7 Procedure for ROUNDTABLE
Assemble in groups of four (4) based on count-off. Members ideally consist of a 1, 2, 3, and a 4. There is one Roundtable activity sheet per group to be completed Strengths & ranking - 5 minutes Needs for change & ranking - 5 minutes

8 Strengths and Rankings
4 minutes - the person holding the sheet jots down a strength of the course that first comes to mind, saying it aloud as the person writes them, so others in the group can hear. Immediately pass the sheet to the person on your left. Next person does the same and passes continue until time ends. 1 minute - As a team, rank order strengths you identified. Rank at least three by writing the numbers “1,” “2,” and “3” from most important (1) to lesser importance (progressively higher numbers).

9 Desired Changes and Rankings
4 minutes - the person holding the sheet jots down a "negative" of the course that first comes to mind, saying it aloud as the person writes them, so others in the group can hear. Immediately pass the sheet to the person on your left. Next person does the same and passes continue until time ends. 1 minute - As a team, rank order the "negatives" you identified. Rank at least three by writing the numbers “1,” “2,” and “3” from most important to address (1) to lesser importance (progressively higher numbers).

10 Turn in cards and sheets
We're done!

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