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Leadership Summit.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership Summit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership Summit

2 Welcome & Opening Devotion
Bishop Wolfgang

3 Opening Devotion What’s God going to say to my questions? I’m braced for the worst. I’ll climb to the lookout tower and scan the horizon. I’ll wait to see what God says, how he’ll answer my complaint. And then God answered: “Write this. Write what you see. Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run. This vision-message is a witness pointing to what’s coming. It aches for the coming—it can hardly wait! And it doesn’t lie. If it seems slow in coming, wait. It’s on its way. It will come right on time. (Habakkuk 2:1-3)

4 Prayer Draw your church together, O God, into one great company of disciples, together following our teacher Jesus Christ into every walk of life, together serving in Christ’s mission to the world, and together witnessing to your love wherever you will send us; for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (ELW p. 75)

5 Leadership Summit Goals
Outline the goals and objectives of the Forward in Faith Campaign Understand how the success of the campaign is critical to the Holy Spirit’s work in your congregation, our synod and the ELCA Understand how Vision 2018 and this campaign are mutually supportive Invite your leadership as crucial to success

6 Forward in Faith – What it is Really About
It’s about Christ It’s about You It’s about Us

7 Forward In Faith Goals $2.5 million overall goal over the next 3 years
$500,000 will stay in our synod to support the Vision 2018 initiatives $2 million will go to the ELCA church-wide campaign – Always Being Made New Any support over the $2.5 million will stay in our synod

8 The Great News! We already have well over half of our goal in pledges or gifts received! This includes: $ 921,000 from 13 congregations $ 118,270 from individuals $ 799,223 already to ELCA $1.838 million

9 What is Vision 2018 A very open and inclusive discernment process that had input from more than 1000 of you Approved at the Synod Assembly last May Synod Council, Staff, Deans and other leaders are now in implementation phase We truly believe that this “roadmap” will help us achieve the God’s mission for our congregations and synod

10 Vision 2018 The Four Ways The Way of Discipleship
The Way of Connectedness The Way of Communication The Way of Leadership

11 Vision 2018 Key Focus The main focus of Vision 2018 is to help each congregation discern and live out their unique mission in their community.

12 Vision 2018 and Forward in Faith
God’s Mission for Your Congregation

13 The Way of Discipleship
Our people will be empowered to share the Good News of Jesus in their communities. How? By working with every congregation to execute a plan for mission and ministry Identifying areas for two new mission starts Revitalizing three congregations through intentional redevelopment Forward in Faith Funding: $265,000


15 The Way of Connectedness
Our congregations and related ministries will thrive through deeper connectedness with other congregations and communities through mutual support and sharing of resources. How? By connecting each congregation with at least two others to share ideas, insights, and resources Developing discipleship and stewardship ministries to grow generosity in support of both congregational and partner ministries Forward in Faith Funding: $50,000


17 The Way of Communication
Our communications will be effective and a defining characteristic of our synod. How? Implementing technology to enhance communication Identifying a Congregational Connector in each congregation, so that communication can flow throughout our synod more easily Forward in Faith Funding: $60,000


19 Forward in Faith funding: $125,000
The Way of Leadership Our leaders, lay and rostered, will be energized to serve with passion, health, and effectiveness. How? Hire a Leadership Director – Done – Rev. Stuart Luce Creating a lay and rostered leadership development curriculum Equipping every congregation to have a Mutual Ministry team Financially supporting our synod’s seminary candidates. Forward in Faith funding: $125,000


21 Vision 2018 – The Four Ways The Way of Discipleship $265,000
The Way of Connectedness $ 50,000 The Way of Communication $ 60,000 The Way of Leadership $125,000 Total Vision 2018 Funding $500,000

22 ELCA Campaign – Always Being Made New
Congregations $ 16 million Leadership $ 19 million Hunger & Poverty $130 million Global Church $ 33 million Total ELCA Funding $198 million Our synod will contribute $2 million

23 Forward in Faith – What it is Really About
It’s about Christ It’s about You It’s about Us

24 It’s about Christ Everything we do is a response to Christ’s Great Commission We are being called to live out our faith right here and right now Reaching others in Christ’s name Affirming and supporting each congregation’s mission in the community Empowering disciples to be the heart and hands of Christ, welcoming and serving all

25 It’s About You Discovering the Holy Spirit’s mission for your congregation, then supporting you to implement that mission plan Developing both your rostered and lay leadership in a focused and practical way to grow your ministry in the community Helping you to connect with other congregations to share and learn Increasing communication avenues

26 It’s About Us Connecting us as we “walk together” as a synod
Increasing the assistance we are giving to our next generation of rostered leaders Helping us share and use ideas and resources across the synod Supporting the ELCA Campaign – Always Being Made New

27 What Can You Do to Get Your Congregation Involved?

28 Congregational Involvement
Option A: Three week mini-campaign Option B: Include in a congregational capital campaign Option C: Build into your congregational budgets Option D: Receive a designated offering every 5th Sunday for three years Option E: Smorgasboard Reference: Forward in Faith summary and Congregational Involvement brochures

29 What Do We Need Now? Your prayers for guidance and support
Congregational Key Leader identified Ambassadors – communicator with 4 – 5 congregations in their conference Outline which approach you will use Establish giving goals (see next slide) Identify Leadership Gift candidates

30 AWA = Average Worship Attendance

31 In Summary This is a very exciting time for our synod, congregations and ministries! Vision 2018 discernment process gives us a roadmap We have a very achievable goal in front of us, and we need your support through prayers and leadership to reach our goals We thank you for your partnership!

32 Campaign Action Team Geneva Wallace, Co-Chair
Bishop Emeritus Jerry Knoche, Co-Chair Bruce Albright The Rev. David Asendorf John Auger Alice Benson Em Cole The Rev. Bob Harvey Bishop Wolfgang Herz-Lane The Rev. Fred Lehr The Rev. Glenn Ludwig The Rev. David Misenheimer Carla Palamone The Rev. Ray Ranker Julie Stecker, AiM The Rev. Stanley Steele Cheryl Williams

33 Questions & Answers

34 Closing Prayer Bishop Wolfgang

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