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Central Ancillary Program (CAP)

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1 Central Ancillary Program (CAP)
Generate your own ancillary files

2 Ancillary files are in UM format – use xconv to inspect content
Where can you find ancillary files? Met Office (via CMS) National HPC service - for example in $UMDIR/vnX.Y/ancil For vn6.1 n48_hadgem1 n96_hadgem1 n brae_4km …. /work/n02/n02/hum/vn6.1/ancil/atmos/n48_hadgem1> ls BC1ct_c_Bond.N Bioburn_Nozawa_1860.N48 DMSlandNH3SO N48 RSPARC_O3_1860.anc qrclim.ozone qrparm.lfrac qrparm.veg.dist qrparm.veg.func_seas BC_hi_Nozawa_ N48 Bioburn_Nozawa_2000.N48 DMSlandNH3SO21860NCAR.N48 RSPARC_O3_1990.anc qrclim.slt qrparm.mask qrparm.veg.frac_1860.old qrsst_amip2_c216 BC_hi_Nozawa_1860.N CW96_bioburn_N DMSlandNH3SO21985NCAR.N48 VOLC_ND_N48_L qrclim.smow_igbp qrparm.orog qrparm.veg.frac_igbp spec3a_lw_hadgem1_3 BC_hi_Nozawa_2000.N DMS_conc.N DMSlandNH3SO22000NCAR.N48 basin_hadgom_ qrclim.sst qrparm.orog_1min_1pc_ant qrparm.veg.func_ spec3a_sw_hadgem1_3 BioburnNozawa N48 DMSconc_noassim_N RCSPARC_O3_1860.anc qrice_amip2_c216 qrparm.soil_igbp_sahara qrparm.veg.func_igbp sulpc_oxidants_N48_L38

3 Standard ancillary files (to run LAM typically)
use CAP hosted by NCAS-CMS ( Orography Land-sea mask Soil Moisture, Snow Soil temperature Vegetation Aerosol SST/Ice Ozone



6 CAP architecture Web server PUMA serves ancillary files User browser request Local compute generates data Local compute polls the Web server every 15 mins Files remain on PUMA for 7 days

7 NCAS-CMS CAP – not the very latest version, but we are constantly upgrading CAP runs on MONSooN and HECToR but neither have the web interface – note you consume AUs running the CAP on HECToR (very little need for parallel processing, memory is more of an issue). Willie McGinty is developing the CAP to run on the supercomputer – better for code maintenance and management CAP also runs on the Large Memory Server (LMS) attached to HECToR (free) again no web interface NCAS-CMS CAP interface does not expose all the capabilities of the CAP

8 References UM model documentation paper 70
Description of data sources UM model documentation paper 73 Parameters controlling the CAP CAP options

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