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Presentation on theme: "Probability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Probability

2 Probability Scale 1

3 Probability of 0 1 Walking on Water

4 Probability between 0 and ½
1 Liverpool Winning the League

5 Probability of ½ 1 Flipping a coin and landing on heads

6 Probability between ½ and 1
1 Syria will get bombed Another tSunami in Japan

7 Probability of 1 1 Ireland will be at Euro 2016 Rain in Ireland

8 Key Information Probability is a numerical measure of the chance of an event happening. Probability is always between 0 and 1. Probability = number of desirable outcomes total number of possible outcomes The sum of all probabilities always add up to Probability of getting Heads: ½ Probability of getting Tails: ½ ½ + ½ = 1

9 Key Information ⅙ + ⅙ + ⅙ + ⅙ + ⅙ + ⅙ = 1
Probability of landing on number 1: ⅙ Probability of landing on number 2: ⅙ Probability of landing on number 3: ⅙ Probability of landing on number 4: ⅙ Probability of landing on number 5: ⅙ Probability of landing on number 6: ⅙ ⅙ + ⅙ + ⅙ + ⅙ + ⅙ + ⅙ = 1

10 Key Words in Probability

11 Probability Probability is a numerical measure of the chance of an event happening.

12 List of all possible outcomes.
Sample Space List of all possible outcomes.

13 The act of doing an experiment
Trial The act of doing an experiment

14 Outcome Result of a trial.

15 Occurrence of one or more specific outcomes.
Event Occurrence of one or more specific outcomes.


17 Race Results Tally Frequency Green Car |||| |||| |||| 15 Blue Car
|||| |||| |||| 15 Blue Car |||| |||| || 12 Red Car Yellow Car |||| ||| 8

18 Questions What is the Probability of picking a Green Car?
What is the Probability of picking a Blue Car? What is the Probability of picking a Yellow Car? What is the Probability of picking a Red Car? What is the Total Probability?

19 Spinner What is the probability of landing on red?
What is the probability of landing on blue? What is the probability of landing on yellow? What is the probability of landing on green? What is the total probability?

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