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Presentation on theme: "BRANCHES OF HOPE DETOX CENTER"— Presentation transcript:

… A place for restoration and spiritual uplifting Founded by: Calvin Ramlachan, RN Ekanma Madumeye, RN Cathy Gonzaga, RN Roger Forte, RN, Amalia Beckett, RN Report date: May 10, 2016

2 Mission Branches of Hope is a detox facility in Spanish (East)Harlem that provides a multitude of care for individuals seeking help to stay away from drugs. We offer treatment via medication, group therapy, counseling, and personalized needs of the patient.

3 Vision Our vision is to be the leading detox center in all of Spanish (East) Harlem and to ultimately see our rate of substance abuse decline in the area.

4 Philosophy We recognize that people of different races, ethnicity, religion, gender, and sexual orientation deserve an equal opportunity to change their lives for the better.

5 Three Clinical Objectives
Ensuring that our patients safely withdraw from drugs without complications within a period of 6 days. Keeping our patients off drugs and related substances after discharge through incentives. Protecting the mental well-being of our patients so that we can bring them back into the community where they can resume a safe and functioning lifestyle.

6 Services offered Detox Medication Regimen Methadone Ativan, Librium
6 day regimen Group Therapy Pet Therapy Music Therapy Follow up appointments

7 Spanish (East) Harlem Population of 123,579

8 Population by Race

9 Population By Age* **NYC Health Community Health Profile 2015

10 Drug-related hospitalizations in New York City per year
Morrisania / Crotona ,130 Spanish (East) Harlem 2,822 Belmont East Tremont 2,760 Brownsville 2,682 Mott Haven/Melrose 2,669 ** Rate of drug-related Hospitalizations per 100,000 adults

11 Alcohol-related hospitalizations in New York City per year
Morrisania /Crotona 3,130 Mott Haven/Melrose 2,333 Spanish (East) Harlem 2,333 Brownsville 2,285 Belmont/East Tremont 2,163 **Rate of alcohol-related Hospitalizations per 100,000 adults

12 Quality Indicators The following screening and assessment instruments that will be utilized for substance abuse: CAGE Questionnaire Assessment for Alcohol CIWA Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment Scale for Alcohol CINA Clinical Institute Narcotic Assessment Withdrawal Scale for Narcotic/Opioid

13 Quality Indicators CAGE (Questionnaire for Alcohol Abuse)
Cutting Down Annoyed Guilty Eye Opener

14 Quality Indicators CIWA (Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol)
10 item scale Clinician gives score for each response Overall score gives severity of withdrawal and treatment and follow-up as desired

15 Quality Indicators CIWA (Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol)
0-8 Absent or minimal withdrawal 9-15 mild to moderate withdrawal >15 severe withdrawal

16 Quality Indicators CINA (Clinical Institute Narcotic Assessment)
11 Item Scale Clinician give score for each response Overall Score gives severity of withdrawal and treatment and follow-up as desired

17 Quality Indicators CINA (Clinical Institute Narcotic Assessment)
1- 6 Mild withdrawal 7-10 Moderate withdrawal ≥ 11 Severe withdrawal

18 PROVIDERS Physicians Registered Nurses Nurse Aides Unit Clerks
Social Services Counselors Therapists

Hospital Affiliation Pamphlets Seminars Gather Data: Surveys Social Media Magazines & Newspapers Place of worship

20 Marketing Branches of Hope detox center: Specific Needs
Mentally: Self empowerment Coping skills Physical Detoxification Socially: Function effectively in the community Jobs Housing Culturally: Culturally sensitive towards any culture, race or sexual orientation

21 Communication of care providers at Branches of Hope detox center
Quadramed EHR system - an electronic health record system that secures and enhances transmission of information between care providers.

22 Communication of care providers at Branches of Hope detox center
Electronic devices – smartphones and tablets

23 Communication of care providers at Branches of Hope detox center
Daily multidisciplinary meetings. Video conferences

Primary Care Physician Psychiatrist 2 Nurse managers Occupational therapist Social Worker Nursing staff Counselors Interpreters Unit clerk Nurse Aides Creative art therapists Nutritionists

25 Example 1 A patient comes to our facility, seeking treatment. Patient
Social Workers Nutritionists Unit Clerk Creative Arts Therapists Primary Care Providers Guidance Counselors Registered Nurse Psychiatrists

26 Example 2 Another hospital refers a patient to our facility and we provide treatment. ANOTHER HOSPITAL Social Workers Nutritionists Creative Arts Therapists Patient Guidance Counselors Psychiatrists Unit Clerk RNs Primary Care Providers

27 Example 3 A patient comes to our facility. The patient has a court order. RNs Psychiatrists Guidance Counselors Primary Care Providers Patient Nutritionists Creative Arts Therapists Unit Clerk Social Workers

28 Budget Analysis for Branches of Hope Detox Center
RNs NAs Clerks Salary 80 K 39 K 32 K ADC 24 - Ratio 1:6 1:8 Shift 12 12 hours Staff per Shift 4 3 1 Staff per Day 8 6 2 Staff per Year 20.8 15.6 5.2 Year Salary $1,664,000 $608,400 $166,400 Total $1,831, / Y

29 The End


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