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Romanticism vs. Realism

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Presentation on theme: "Romanticism vs. Realism"— Presentation transcript:

1 Romanticism vs. Realism

2 Romanticism Rebelled against Enlightenment’s emphasis on reason
Wanted to inspire deep emotions An age of passion, rebellion, individuality, imagination, intuition, idealism, and creativity. Nature in the raw, wild state

3 Romanticism From the late 18th Century to the mid 19th Century.
The Romantic hero (tragic hero) is a literary archetype referring to a character that rejects established norms and conventions, has been rejected by society, and has the self as the center of his or her own existence. ART: “Hannibal and His Army Crossing the Alps”; JMW Turner

4 Realism Attempted to present the world as it was
Lacked the sentiment and emotion of romanticism Looked at harsh side of life which they wanted to improve

5 Realism 1850 to WWII ART: Realism, French, Jean-Francois Millet, , "The Gleaners," 1857

6 Authors

7 Alexander Dumas vs. Charles Dickens
Birthplace: France Works: The Three Musketeers; The Count of Monte Cristo Technique: Romantic hero battles huge odds - emphasizes heroic past Birthplace: England Works: Oliver Twist, Tale of Two Cities Technique: portrays lives of slum dwellers and downtrodden - exposes ills of society

8 Painters

9 Eugene Delacroix vs. Gustave Courbet
Birthplace: France Works: Landscapes, peasants & medieval knights Technique: wanted to capture beauty of nature & convey violent energy of emotion Birthplace:France Works: painted ordinary, working-class subjects Technique: wanted to portray the realities of the time & reject imagination

10 Composers

11 Beethoven vs. Aaron Copeland
Birthplace: Germany Works: 5th Symphony, Ode to Joy Technique: Conveyed intense emotional struggle through music Birthplace: America Works: Piano Concerto Technique: Sought to restore the order, balance & harmony of the classical era, a revolt against chaos of Romanticism

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