Sustainable water management

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable water management"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable water management
Saint-Petersburg State University

2 The methodical aspects
The first important one is the system approach The second is use of relationships of cause and effect The third is the complex analysis

3 The forms of training Lectures 2. Seminars Themes of seminars are:
Water use in cities Sewage treatment Problems of the small rivers Restoration of water objects Transboundary water objects and their problems Laws on water

4 3. Videoconferences Themes of videoconferences:
Well functioning systems for supplying a city with good water Sustainable Wastewater Treatment in Saint-Petersburg

5 4. Excursions We have excursions to water treatment plants
Station of purification of water А water museum

6 Visit to treatment plants



9 Small papers Examples themes for Small papers:
Biological water quality Oil pipeline risks/disasters Implementing the EU water directive Functions of small rivers How to set a consumers price on water The influence of agriculture on water quality Sludge management Eutrophication of surface water Invasive species – problems

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