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Presentation on the Roles of Managers 15 May 2007

2 Role of Managers Manage performance to VUT goals – Plan, Implement, Review and Improve Resource Management Recruitment Strategy Employee Relations and Conflict Management Compliance Management Health and Safety Represent the Employer

3 Performance Management
Purposes: Communicate performance expectations Assess suitability in respect of employees on probation Basis for rewarding excellent performance Ensure compliance with the policies and legislative framework regulating the operations of the university

4 Performance Management (Contd..)
Features Contract between line manager and subordinate Assumes that an employee is paid for the day-to-day performance of duties Key Performance Areas = dimensions of work, e.g. Admin, Teaching, etc Outputs = Why perform?, e.g. Admin to ensure compliance

5 Performance Management (Contd…)
Features Standards = How to measure?, e.g. Compliance = clean audit Performance indicators = How do we tell when good performance has happened?, e.g. approved reports/strategies Developmental Goals Remedial Plan for any deviations from the standards

6 Performance Management (Contd…)
Features Service Level Agreements for inter-departmental operations 3-point scale 1 = Performance improvement plan is required 2 = Performance meets set and agreed standards 3 = Excellent Performance

7 Performance Management (Contd…)
Considerations Higher education imperatives (targets/norms) What constitutes a university – teaching, research and community engagements Budgetary constraints Qualification requirements Need for continuous improvement (PIRI model of quality) HEQC criteria for human resources management

8 Performance Management (Contd…)
Considerations continued: Cascading model from VC to the lowest levels 360º assessment (student/peer reviews, management, self-assessment, etc.) Evidence led assessment Semester progress reviews Goal setting and assessment committee Line managers to make presentations once annually before the budget allocation and at the end of the year to account

9 RECRUITMENT STRATEGY Scarcity of skills Equity Imperatives
Permanentisation of staff v/s outsourcing

10 SUPPLY DEMAND 2010 Projects Engineering Industry Competition
Internationalization Engineering Applied & Computer Sciences Recurriculation Relevance of qualifications University of Technology DoE Criteria Job Profiling Subventions Mass recruitment outside South Africa Expedited appointments Build own timber Improved PBC system

11 Employee Relations Processes
VUT Experiences

12 Critical Issues Legitimate expectations Compliance management
Labour relations management Conflict/disputes in the workplace Exits and terminations External litigation Role in respect of unions

13 Legitimate Expectations
Promises Senior with authority Communicating with candidates on interview recommendations Conduct Planning for the next year Encouraging employees not to seek jobs Omission “I will come back to you”

14 Compliance Management
Employment of expatriates Know your business and its needs Overtime, health and safety Know your policies and procedures Know your legislation

15 Labour Relations Management
Employee discipline Capacity Health Non-performance Conduct Grievance handling Conflict/dispute Prevention, management and resolution

16 Exits and Terminations
Resignation Dismissal Conduct Capacity Operational requirements / retrenchments Forced resignations Constructive dismissal Death

17 External Litigation Department of Labour
Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) Labour court / High court Labour Appeal Court Constitutional Court Managers must attend to defend own actions Very costly

18 Role i.r.o. Unions Unions in the workplace Partnership with unions
NUTESA NEHAWU Solidarity Partnership with unions Time off to be managed by line Management prerogative v/s union activities on campus

19 Conclusion Managers play a critical role in:
Ensuring cost-effective procurement and management of all resources; Ensuring a safe and healthy working environment; Maintaining discipline and managing conflicts in the workplace; and Representing the employer in all respects

20 Thank You


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