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World Association for Sustainable Development

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1 World Association for Sustainable Development
15th International WASD Conference Digital Revolution, Smart Cities and Performance Improvement Towards Sustainable, Knowledge Based Inclusive Development Manama - Kingdom of Bahrain Dynamic model for the knowledge management and measurement of intellectual capital in services companies Víctor Hugo MEDINA GARCIA, Yesid FAJARDO RODRIGUEZ and Lina MEDINA ESTRADA District University F.J.C. (Bogotá - Colombia), BBVA (Bogotá - Colombia) May, 16-18, 2017 World Association for Sustainable Development District University “F.J.C.”

2 Content Abstract Introduction Fundamentals of knowledge management
3. Methodology for model development 4. Knowledge management model and intellectual capital measurement in service companies Results of model validation 6. Conclusions

3 Abstract The objective it was to design and to apply a model for knowledge management and measurement of intellectual capital in the BBVA- Colombia in order to improve the commercial results of its offices. To develop the conceptual model it used the Soft Systems Methodology and for the validation and evaluation of the model was based on the integration of Systems Dynamic with the Balanced Scorecard. Model

4 1. Introduction Perspective of the creation and transference of knowledge linked to empiricism. Management models mostly generic and with little empirical evidence about their impacts in an organizational context. Knowledge management as a tool for competitiveness and organizational sustainability. Exploration of the impacts of knowledge management in the Colombian Financial Sector industry

5 2. Fundamentals of Knowledge management
Knowledge in organizations Strategic Management by Competencies Changing environment Vision of Knowledge Organizational Learning Knowledge as a Strategic Resource Strategic Management and Organizational Culture Competencies, Capabilities and Skills Source of competitive advantage Relevance of tacit knowledge about the explicit Knowledge Creation Problem resolution New premises Decision factors for managing knowledge Business motivation Facilitators Indicators Fast obsolescence of know how Intangible asset weight in the VM Social awareness of the value of knowledge Convergence new sciences and technologies Measurement of intellectual capital Effect of knowledge management

6 3. Methodology for model development
Development steps Definition (Offices network under study). Initial diagnosis. Selection an indicators system. Transformation knowledge dimensions (nodes) into influential and related variables. Determination of direct causal relationship type between the variables of influence and dependence. Design the model for KM and IC measurement in the office network. Validation the proposed model through a strategic approach based on the Systems Dynamic.

7 4. Knowledge management model and intelectual
capital measurement in services companies Aplication and updating Clasification and storage Knowledge transfer Identification and acquisition ICT´s Culture and leadership Knowledge growth Knowledge measurement Creation of knowledge Indicators Indicators Corporate memories Teams or practice comunities Operating management Productivity KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT MODEL AND INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL MEASUREMENT IN BBVA COLOMBIA (Office network) Knowledge development Impact on results Customer management Growth Innovation management Indicators Indicators Customer support Fidelity New products Satisfaction Prices

8 4. Model of knowledge management and intellectual capital measurement - Indicators
ATTRIBUTE OBJETIVE INDICATOR 1 . Knowledge growth Increase knowledge creation Training Staff capabilities R & D projects Incentives to create knowledge Ensure transfer of knowledge Satisfaction at work Organizational climate Culture of knowledge sharing Leadership To promote the identification and acquisition of knowledge Identification of key knowledge Graphical representation of key knowledge Strategies for acquiring knowledge Recruitment of external advisors Group Meetings To promote the classification and storage of knowledge Support for ICT Storage of knowledge Investment in ICT Increase application and update knowledge New Practices Product and process innovation Measuring the growth of knowledge Process Improvements Customer Service Improvements Business management and efficiency ATTRIBUTE OBJETIVE INDICATOR 2. Knowledge development process Develop new products and / or services New products and / or services Time to market Percentage of investment in R & D Improve the quality of products and / or services Percentage of PQR'S Improve customer service Contact with the client Provision of service Delays in providing the service 3. Contribution of knowledge management to the client Increase sales volume Growth rate Increase customer satisfaction Customer satisfaction level Increase customer loyalty Customer Deepening Percentage of participation of new products and / or services within the portfolio 4. Impact of knowledge management on results Increase profitability Return on assets Profit margin Rotation of assets Office growth

9 5. Results of model validation
Information collection techniques and tools First questionnaire (Delphi method): determined the initial situation of KM: Consisting of 38 closed and multiple-choice questions. Second questionnaire: Collects the information to assess the indicators system included in the model. The reliability of the instrument content: was used the Cronbach´s Alpha method, with surveys total (157 officials), using equation: The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was at α = 0.80 which means that reliability is high. Where: α: Cronbach's alpha coefficient K: The number of items ∑Si2 : Summation of variance of the items ST2 : Variance of the sum of the items

10 5. Results of model validation
5.1 Initial evaluation of KM in the commercial offices BBVA Colombia First questionnaire determines the initial situation of the KM

11 5. Results of model validation
5.2 Analysis of the evaluation of knowledge growth objectives and indicators - Simulation Fig. 4. Forrester diagram - Vensim PLE Vr. 6.4 software

12 Fig. 5. Projects in execution variable in the model
5. Results of model validation 5.2 Analysis of the evaluation of knowledge growth objectives and indicators - Simulation Fig. 5. Projects in execution variable in the model Fig. 6. Clients variable in the model Fig. 7. Utilities variable in the Model of Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Measurement - BBVA Colombia Commercial Banking Offices Network

13 8. Conclusions The empirical study allowed to characterize the form in which knowledge and intellectual capital are managed in the office network. Also, the empirical study allowed to analyze the determinants factors related to the KM and IC. It also allowed to determine the existing causal relationships between KM and IC with the contribution in the commercial results of the offices.

14 8. Conclusions The research allowed to establish, 31 determinant indicators for the measurement of IC through a process of evaluation of its reliability, validity and consistency. Finally, the validation of the model through the integration of the tools between BSC and the Systems Dynamic, allowed to demonstrate that the KM has a direct relation with the increase of the commercial results.

15 15th International WASD Conference Manama – Kingdom of Bahrain
World Association for Sustainable Development District University “F.J.C.” “Thank you for you attention!”

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