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Sustainable CSR & Supply Chains

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable CSR & Supply Chains"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable CSR & Supply Chains
Andrew Jenkins – Global Brands Sustainability Mgr 6 July 2016

2 Our current CSR Process
COMMUNITY To be a responsible neighbour ENVIRONMENT To protect it for future generations MARKETPLACE To do business fairly and with integrity WORKPLACE To treat our people with dignity and respect

3 2015 /16 CSR Topics for Global Brands & BCM
WORKPLACE COMMUNITY BCM Improving Cancer Treatment Employee Volunteering BCM Health & Safety WBA CSR Objectives 2015/16 ENVIRONMENT MARKETPLACE Global Brands Energy and carbon (operational) Waste (product / supply chain) Sustainable materials (deforestation) Global Brands Building Stakeholder Networks Materiality (Prioritise key issues) Ethical & Sustainable sourcing BCM Energy and carbon (strategy & reduction) Waste and recycling Aligned with Walgreens, Boots UK, Ireland, and Opticians CSR Objectives

4 Setting Walgreens Boots Alliance priorities
Stakeholder Dialogue Commercial Commitments UN Sustainable Development Goals Stakeholder Benchmarks DJSI, CDP Divisions + Global Brands Local WBA Objectives Aspirations Targets Measurement Delivery


6 Sustainable Sourcing: Why is this small part of the world so important?

7 Responsibility starts at the beginning of the Supply Chain
Example: The Riau Peninsular, Sumatra Rainforest on peatland providing some of the most biodiverse ecosystems on the planet Home to the Sumatran tiger and elephant In the last 25 years Riau has lost four million ha. of forest (65%) due to logging, fires and palm oil development Deforestation gives rise to CO2 emissions of 0.22 Gt/yr; equivalent of c.40% of UK’s total annual emissions. Deforestation in Riau produces more CO2 than Germany saves meeting its Kyoto targets. Source: WWF Report; Forest Degradation in Riau, Indonesia, 2008


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