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Unit 1.2 Support healthy lifestyles for children through exercise

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1 Unit 1.2 Support healthy lifestyles for children through exercise

2 Learning Outcomes LO3 Be able to support children’s exercise in an outdoor space. AC 3.1 Plan an activity which supports children’s exercise in an outdoor space. AC 3.2 Implement an activity which supports children’s exercise in an outdoor space. AC 3.3 Reflect on an activity which supports children’s exercise in an outdoor space. AC 3.4 Make recommendations for the outdoor provision for own setting.

3 3. Be able to support children’s exercise in an outdoor space (3.3)
Time: 15 mins What are your memories of outdoor PE lessons? Consider: Were they fun? Were they hard? Did it depend on the sport involved? Was it your worst nightmare? Was it good exercise? It was a waste of time?

4 3. Be able to support children’s exercise in an outdoor space (3.1)
All settings will provide a range of planned and unplanned exercises and activities in an outdoor space. It could be a 10-minute ‘run-around’ or a free-flow session involving all of the outdoor equipment. Schools will run PE sessions outdoors when the weather and space permits. All children will be encouraged to join in physical outdoor activities.

5 3. Be able to support children’s exercise in an outdoor space (3.1)
Outdoor exercise Ball games Hide and seek Obstacle course Climbing frame Bikes Skipping ropes Sand pit PE session

6 3. Be able to support children’s exercise in an outdoor space (3.1)
Time: 15 mins Discuss a range of outdoor exercise activities you could carry out in your setting and then decide on one you would like to implement. Consider: The age and stage of the children Outdoor provision already available Equipment Meeting individual needs Your role during the activity. Learners can use relevant books or the internet to search for a range of possible activities. Learners can then choose one suitable activity to implement.

7 3. Be able to support children’s exercise in an outdoor space (3.2)
Once you have decided on the activity that you would like to carry out, you will need to find time to discuss it with your supervisor. Prior to implementing your activity, you will need to make sure you are fully prepared. You may need to ensure that the outdoor space and any necessary equipment is available for you to use at that time. If the weather is chilly or cold, you will need to make sure the children are dressed appropriately.

8 3. Be able to support children’s exercise in an outdoor space (3.2)
Time: 15 mins Share your planned outdoor exercise activity with the rest of the group and discuss how you will implement it. Consider: The age and stage of the children Equipment needed Length of activity The role of the practitioner The expected outcome. This activity will support learners to prepare to carry out their chosen activity. It will also encourage discussion about what they want the children to gain from this activity.

9 3. Be able to support children’s exercise in an outdoor space (3.3)
It is important to reflect on an activity once it has taken place. Reflecting on your outdoor exercise activity will enable you to identify what went well and what could be improved in the future.

10 3. Be able to support children’s exercise in an outdoor space (3.3)
Time: 15 mins Once you have implemented your outdoor exercise activity, you will need to reflect on its effectiveness. Consider: Did it go as planned? Why? Did you have all the necessary equipment? What did the children gain from the activity? What would you do differently next time? Learners will require access to the internet.

11 3. Be able to support children’s exercise in an outdoor space (3.4)
Make recommendations for the outdoor provision for own setting Settings should regularly review their own practice to identify areas for improvement. When reviewing their outdoor exercise provision, a setting may decide to offer a wider variety of equipment and resources. They may decide to plan more structured activities so that children can experience a range of different physical activities. Settings could involve children in deciding how to improve the outdoor space at the setting.

12 3. Be able to support children’s exercise in an outdoor space (3.4)
Time: 15 mins If you could change one element of your setting’s outdoor provision, what would it be and why? Consider: Space Time Resources Equipment Variety Shelter. Learners may feel that their static outdoor equipment is old and tired and needs replacing. It could be that there is not a wide range of small toys such as balls and hoops. It may be that the same things are put out day after day.

13 3. Be able to support children’s exercise in an outdoor space (3. 1, 3
Time: 15 mins Create a list of games that will encourage outdoor physical exercise but require no equipment. Consider: The age and stage of the children Traditional games Made up games Songs and rhymes that involve movement What is the benefit of activities that require no equipment? What’s the time, Mr. Wolf? Hide and seek Sticky glue Traffic lights Tag Piggy in the middle Okey cokey These can all be spontaneous, and children can play them on their own in any outdoor space.

14 Summary Practitioners will plan a range of activities that will support exercise in an outdoor space. Children will spontaneously create their own outdoor play activities. Reviewing your own provision and practice will support practitioners to make improvements.

15 Plenary Name five things that will encourage children to exercise in an outdoor space. List three outdoor games that require no equipment, but will encourage children to run around. Describe three different things a child can do on a climbing frame that can be described as physical exercise.

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