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Guy Martin, OSLab, GNU Fall-09

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Presentation on theme: "Guy Martin, OSLab, GNU Fall-09"— Presentation transcript:

1 Guy Martin, OSLab, GNU Fall-09
5 CHAPTER Process scheduling Guy Martin, OSLab, GNU Fall-09

2 Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin
5 CHAPTER Contents Basic Concepts Scheduling Criteria Scheduling Algorithms Thread Scheduling Multiple-Processor Scheduling Operating Systems Examples Algorithm Evaluation Summary Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

3 Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin
5 CHAPTER Objectives To introduce CPU scheduling, which is the basis for multi-programmed Operating Systems To describe various CPU-scheduling algorithms To discuss evaluation criteria for selecting a CPU-scheduling algorithm for a particular system Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

4 Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin
5 CHAPTER Contents Basic Concepts Scheduling Criteria Scheduling Algorithms Thread Scheduling Multiple-Processor Scheduling Operating Systems Examples Algorithm Evaluation Summary Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

5 Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin
5 CHAPTER Basic Concepts CPU-I/O Burst Cycle Processes alternate between CPU cycle and I/O wait Process execution: CPU burst - I/O burst -… -CPU burst – I/O burst… CPU Scheduler Or Short-term scheduler selects a process to be run in the CPU from the ready processes queue in memory. The queue is not necessary a FIFO queue. Preemptive Scheduling Process switches from the running state to the waiting state Process switches from the running state to the ready state Process switches from the waiting state to the ready state The process terminates Dispatcher Gives control of the CPU to the selected process by the short-term scheduler Dispatch latency: time to stop a process and start another running process Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

6 Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin
5 CHAPTER Scheduling Criteria CPU utilization Keep the CPU as busy as possible Throughput Number of completed processes per time unit. Depends on processes’ length Turnaround time Interval from the submission time to the finish time Waiting time Sum of time spent by a process in the waiting queue Response time Time from the submission of a request until the first response is produced  It is desirable to minimize CPU utilization and throughput and to maximize turnaround time, waiting time and response time Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

7 Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin
5 CHAPTER Contents Basic Concepts Scheduling Criteria Scheduling Algorithms Thread Scheduling Multiple-Processor Scheduling Operating Systems Examples Algorithm Evaluation Summary Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

8 Scheduling Algorithms (1/6)
5 CHAPTER Scheduling Algorithms (1/6) Problem: Decide which of the processes in the ready queue is to be allocated the CPU. First-Come, First-Served Scheduling The process that requests the CPU first is allocated the CPU first. Can be implemented with a FIFO queue. Non preemptive algorithm. Disadvantage: the average waiting time can be long. Small processes can wait for long time a big process to finish Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

9 Scheduling Algorithms (2/6)
5 CHAPTER Scheduling Algorithms (2/6) Shortest-Job-First Scheduling Associates with each process the length of its next CPU burst CPU is assigned to the process with the smallest next CPU burst. FCFS is used for processes with same CPU bursts Problem: CPU burst is evaluated as an exponential average of the measured lengths of previous CPU bursts. Provide the minimum average waiting time for a set of processes Can be either preemptive or non preemptive Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

10 Scheduling Algorithms (3/6)
5 CHAPTER Scheduling Algorithms (3/6) Priority Scheduling Priority is associated with each process CPU is assigned to the process with the highest priority. Equal priorities are scheduled with FCFS Can be either preemptive or non preemptive Problem: indefinite blocking or starvation. Rumor: when the IBM 7094 has been shut down in 1973 at MIT they found a process that had been submitted in 1967 and that had not yet been run Solution: Aging Gradually increase the priority of processes that wait for long time in the system Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

11 Scheduling Algorithms (4/6)
5 CHAPTER Scheduling Algorithms (4/6) Round-Robin Scheduling Designed especially for time sharing Each process uses the CPU for a time quantum or time slice before be preempted Problem: choose the right time slice (between 10 and 100ms for most OS) How a smaller time quantum increases context switches Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

12 Scheduling Algorithms (5/6)
CHAPTER Scheduling Algorithms (5/6) Multilevel Queue Scheduling Processes are easily classified into groups Common division for example Foreground(interactive) Background(batch) Multiple queues with different scheduling algorithms There is a scheduler among the queues Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

13 Scheduling Algorithms (6/6)
5 CHAPTER Scheduling Algorithms (6/6) Multilevel Feedback Queue Scheduling Processes can move from one queue to another The idea: separate processes according to the characteristics of their CPU bursts. The process which uses too much CPU time will be moved to the lower priority queue. A process that waits too long in the lower-priority queue may be moved to the higher-priority queue. Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

14 Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin
5 CHAPTER Contents Basic Concepts Scheduling Criteria Scheduling Algorithms Thread Scheduling Multiple-Processor Scheduling Operating Systems Examples Algorithm Evaluation Summary Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

15 Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin
5 CHAPTER Thread Scheduling(1/2) Contention Scope Two types of threads: user-level and kernel-level User-level thread are mapped to kernel-level using Lightweight process (LWP) Process contention scope (PCS): the thread library schedules user thread to run on available LWP System contention scope (SCS): the kernel decides which kernel thread to schedule onto a CPU. Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

16 Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin
5 CHAPTER Thread Scheduling(2/2) Pthread Scheduling Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

17 Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin
5 CHAPTER Contents Basic Concepts Scheduling Criteria Scheduling Algorithms Thread Scheduling Multiple-Processor Scheduling Operating Systems Examples Algorithm Evaluation Summary Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

18 Multiple-Processor Scheduling(1/5)
CHAPTER Multiple-Processor Scheduling(1/5) Approaches to Multiple-Processor Scheduling Asymmetric multiprocessing: The master server handles all scheduling decisions, I/O processing and other system activities Symmetric multiprocessing: each processor is self-scheduling. All processes in a common ready queue Two processors can choose the same process Possible lost of processes inside queue One private ready queue per processor Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

19 Multiple-Processor Scheduling(2/5)
CHAPTER Multiple-Processor Scheduling(2/5) Processor Affinity Keep a process running on the same processor to avoid high cost of invalidating and repopulating caches. We can distinguish between soft and hard affinity A process that is assigned affinity to a CPU should be allocated memory on the residence board of that CPU by the OS. Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

20 Multiple-Processor Scheduling(3/5)
CHAPTER Multiple-Processor Scheduling(3/5) Load Balancing Keep the workload balanced among all processors Each processor should have its own private queue Two approaches: Push migration: a specific task periodically checks the load on each processor and distributes the load by pushing processes from overloaded to idle or less-busy processors. Pull migration: an idle processor pulls a waiting task from a busy processor Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

21 Multiple-Processor Scheduling(4/5)
CHAPTER Multiple-Processor Scheduling(4/5) Multicore Processors Memory stall: processors accessing the memory spent significant amount of time waiting for data to become available Implementation of multithreaded processor cores in which two or more hardware threads are assigned to each core. 2 ways to multithread a processor Corse-grained multithreading Fine-grained multithreading C M Memory stall cycle Compute cycle time Thread Thread1 Thread0 C M a. Memory stall C M C M b. Multithreaded multicore system Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

22 Multiple-Processor Scheduling(5/5)
CHAPTER Multiple-Processor Scheduling(5/5) Virtualization and Scheduling System with virtualization act like multiprocessor One or more virtual CPU are presented to each of the running virtual machines. The host OS creates and manages VMs that run guest operating system. Virtualization will negatively impact any guest OS scheduler that assumes a certain amount of progress in a given amount of time. Delays are introduced in the scheduling results Delays can be more catastrophic for real-time guest OS Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

23 Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin
5 CHAPTER Contents Basic Concepts Scheduling Criteria Scheduling Algorithms Thread Scheduling Multiple-Processor Scheduling Operating Systems Examples Algorithm Evaluation Summary Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

24 Operating System Examples(1/3)
5 CHAPTER Operating System Examples(1/3) Windows XP Scheduling Priority-based, preemptive scheduling algorithm The dispatcher is the portion of the kernel that handles scheduling 32 levels of priorities divided into 2 classes The variable class: priorities from 1 to 15 The real-time class: priorities from 16 to 31 The memory management thread run at priority 0 The idle thread is executed whenever there is ready thread to execute Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

25 Operating System Examples(2/3)
5 CHAPTER Operating System Examples(2/3) Linux Scheduling No distinction between process and thread task Prior to version 2.5 an old UNIX scheduler is used Not adequate support for SMP Not scale well as the number of tasks grows With version 2.5, an O(1) scheduler is introduced Support for SMP, processor affinity, load balancing, etc. Preemptive, priority-based with 2 priority ranges Real-time: from 0 to 99, static priorities Nice value: from 100 to 140, dynamic priorities Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

26 Operating System Examples(3/3)
5 CHAPTER Operating System Examples(3/3) Linux Scheduling The kernel maintains a list of all runnable tasks in a runqueue data structure. A runqueue contains two priority arrays Active: tasks with time remaining in their time slices Expired: expired tasks Each processor maintains its own runqueue and schedules it itself When the active array is empty, the two priority arrays are exchanged; the expired array becomes active, and vice versa Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

27 Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin
5 CHAPTER Contents Basic Concepts Scheduling Criteria Scheduling Algorithms Thread Scheduling Multiple-Processor Scheduling Operating Systems Examples Algorithm Evaluation Summary Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

28 Algorithm Evaluation(1/4)
5 CHAPTER Algorithm Evaluation(1/4) Deterministic Modeling Type of analytic evaluation: Uses the given algorithm and the system workload to produce a formula or number that evaluates the performance of the algorithm for that workload Takes a predetermined workload and defines the performances of each algorithm for that workload. Simple and fast, produces numbers permitting to easily compare algorithms. Results are applied only to the analyzed cases Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

29 Algorithm Evaluation(2/4)
5 CHAPTER Algorithm Evaluation(2/4) Queueing Models Just the distribution of CPU and I/O burst can be determined Little’s formula: n = λ x W n is the average queue length, W average waiting time in a queue, and λ average arrival rate for new processes in the queue Particularly useful because it is valid for any scheduling algorithm and arrival distribution Difficult to apply on complicated algorithms Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

30 Algorithm Evaluation(3/4)
5 CHAPTER Algorithm Evaluation(3/4) Simulations Evaluate the scheduling algorithms using simulators. Trace tapes: monitor the real system and record the sequence of actual events. Simulations are expensive and trace tapes require more storage space. Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

31 Algorithm Evaluation(4/4)
5 CHAPTER Algorithm Evaluation(4/4) Implementation All the previous method are of limited accuracy The completely accurate way to evaluate a scheduling algorithm is to code it, put it in the operating system, and see how it works Difficulties The real problem here is the high cost The environment can change Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

32 Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin
5 CHAPTER Contents Basic Concepts Scheduling Criteria Scheduling Algorithms Thread Scheduling Multiple-Processor Scheduling Operating Systems Examples Algorithm Evaluation Summary Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

33 Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin
5 CHAPTER Summary CPU Scheduling is the task of selecting a waiting process from the ready queue and allocating the CPU to it. The CPU is allocated to the selected process by the dispatcher. Many algorithms are proposed: FCFS, SJF, RR… Scheduler can be preemptive or non-preemptive Multiprocessor scheduling must consider processor affinity, load balancing, multicore processing scheduling in virtualization systems. Some OS provide threads at the kernel level and mechanisms to schedule them. We need methods to select among the wide variety of the existing algorithm. Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

34 © Modern Operating Systems - Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Operating Systems Concepts - Process Scheduling - Guy Martin

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