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Oakfield History Department

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2 Oakfield History Department

3 Exam Format: 75 minutes 5 mins reading time 10 mins reflecting time
60 mins successful learning!! Each section is work a total of 30 marks There are several different challenges and tasks in each question. You answer 3 of the 4 available sections. That’s a grand total of 90 marks you can achieve

4 Helpful hints…. How much is each question worth (Look at the marks available!!!) Check, Check and Check again! What is the question actually asking you to do?! Attempt and complete the questions you have chosen Time Manage Yourselves!!

5 Topics that may be covered…
Industrial Britain Reformation of Church and State World War 1 Slave Trade Using your skills and understanding of… Historical knowledge Source Enquiry/Analysis Significance Cause & Consequence Continuity & Change

6 How many ways can we revise?
Try to think of 3 different things we could do in order to successfully prepare ourselves for exams. What skills do we need?

7 Key Characters involved:
Topic: Key Events & Dates: Key words: Key Characters involved: What questions do I think might be asked of me?

8 What diagrams/ visuals might I need to revise to develop my learning?
Textbooks & Sources that are relevant:

9 Revision Bingo How many of these questions can you answer?
Can you complete rows or columns?

10 What was the Schlieffen Plan?
Discuss 3 points of what life was like in the trenches for soldiers. Why did WW1 start? What was the Treaty of Versailles and who lost and benefitted from it? Why were so many countries involved in WW1? What was the trigger event of WW1? Why would Hiro Maxim argue that WW1 was a good thing for him? How were the public convinced to join the army? What was a pals battalion? How was the sea important in fighting World War 1? World War 1 is often referred to as ‘The Great War’. How far do you agree with this? Why was the term ‘shot at dawn’ a controversial part of the war?

11 Who were Henry VIII wives?
Who was the most significant in your opinion? What role did Thomas Cromwell play in the reformation of the churches? Discuss the differences between a protestant and catholic church. Explain why Edward VI is considered a relatively unsuccessful monarch. Why is Elizabeth’s reign seen as the ‘Golden Age’ of England? Does Mary deserve the nickname ‘Bloody Mary’? Give reasons for your answer. Was Henry right to set up his own church? What were Henry VIIIs motivations in setting up a new church? Using evidence and prior learning, discuss what childhood was like for Elizabeth. Which monarch is most memorable from the Tudor period? Why do you think this? How did Henry dissolve the monasteries? Discuss how and why portraits were used in Tudor times to spread messages.

12 List 3 features of a town in 1750 Britain.
How did the population of Britain change between ? How did housing change in towns between 1750 – 1900? What were living conditions like in the industrialised towns? What happened to the life expectancy? How did transport change during these years? What factors were most significant in the reduction of deaths in towns? What conditions did factory workers face? What happened to improve quality of life during this time? Which of these changes has had the most significant impact on us today? What were the most significant reasons birth rates increased during these times? What health impacts did living in towns have on people?

13 Define the term ‘slavery’. Why did the trading of slaves begin?
How did slave trading operate as part of a bigger system? Why was Bristol so well suited for slavery? What is the process of setting a slave up for auction? Discuss conditions aboard the ships for slaves and crew during the middle passage. What was a plantation? How would someone know who a slave belonged to? How would slaves be punished if they didn’t fulfil their jobs properly? What moral implications did the trade triangle have in its set up and operation? How accurately has Roots helped you to learn about slavery? What were the attitudes towards Africans held by white Europeans?

14 Written Revision Notes
How do we make them relevant? Interesting? Pick out key information?




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