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Courts, Judges, and the Law

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1 Courts, Judges, and the Law
Chapter 15 Essential Question: How is the U.S. judicial system organized to ensure justice?


3 Goal: resolve conflicts justly
King Solomon and the disputed baby 2 kinds of conflicts Civil – person A does something wrong against person B (think law suit) Criminal – person A does something wrong against “the state” (we the people) Remember the “social contract”?

4 Burden of proof Def. = who must prove a wrong-doing
Civil – burden lies on the plaintiff Plaintiff has the complaint Defendant is accused of wrongdoing Requires only a “preponderance of evidence” (more likely than not) Often involves damages or a money amount Criminal - burden lies with the state (the gov’t has the complaint against the accused) Requires “beyond a reasonable doubt” (?)

5 Procedure (criminal court)
Opening statements Witnesses Direct examination – lawyers call witnesses for their side Cross examination – lawyers try to undercut the other side Closing arguments Jury/judge deliberation Announce the verdict Sentencing

6 Dual court system Dual = (1) federal courts and (2) state courts
Which one? Fed courts have jurisdiction over fed laws, states over state laws. Original jurisdiction – authority to start (originate) a case Appellate jurisdiction – authority to hear an appeal Geography – courts hear cases in their area, state, etc. Type of case – some courts hear “specialty” cases (like bankruptcy)

7 Federal judiciary Federal judges decide the cases (no jury)
President appoints fed judges, Senate must confirm They serve for life, pay can’t be cut U.S. district courts – there are 12 districts, 94 courts (see map) U.S. appeals courts – there are 13 courts accept a small % of appeals have panel of 3 judges look for errors U.S. Supreme Court

8 U.S. Supreme Court Selection – same as fed judges
9 justices on the court; they “vote” to decide a case S.C. chooses its cases (get 1,000s of appeals, accepts 100 to 150) Few cases start here (little original jurisdiction) Mostly appeals cases (lots of appellate jurisdiction) A writ of certiorari is issued – it orders a lower case be sent up to S.C.

9 S. C. Procedure Legal briefs – lawyers write reports for their side
Oral arguments – argue their cases 30 minutes per side No witnesses, just lawyers Justices can interrupt, question them Conference – justices meet in secret to talk about the case Decision – either uphold or overrule lower court decision Majority opinion – report from the winning side Dissenting opinion – report from the losing side Concurring opinion – report from winning side, but for other reasons All decisions serve as examples for the future (common law)

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