Random Numbers and Simulation

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1 Random Numbers and Simulation
Generating truly random numbers is not possible Programs have been developed to generate pseudo-random numbers Values are generated from deterministic algorithms © Fall 2011 John Grego and the University of South Carolina

2 Random Numbers Pseudo-random deviates can pass any statistical test for randomness They appear to be independent and identically distributed Random number generators for common distributions are available in R Special techniques (STAT 740) may be needed as well

3 Monte Carlo Simulation
Some common uses of simulation Modeling stochastic behavior Calculating definite integrals Approximating the sampling distribution of a statistic (e.g., maximum of a random sample) Use when analytical results are difficult, unavailable or unconfirmed. Students are used to analytical results.

4 Modeling Stochastic Behavior
Buffon’s needle Random Walk Observe X1, X2, …, where p=P(Xi=1)=P(Xi=-1)=.5 and study S1,S2,…, where This is also called Gambler’s ruin; each Xi represents a $1 bet with a return of $2 for a win and $0 for a loss. Buffon’s Needle: why bother? The analytical result isn’t that difficult.

5 A Fair Game The properties of a fair game (p=.5) are a lot more interesting than the properties of an unfair game (p≠.5) Some properties of this process are easy to anticipate (E(S)) Run code. Source Random_Walk.R

6 Gambler’s Ruin Some properties are difficult to anticipate, and can be aided by simulation. Expected number of returns to 0 Expected length of a winning streak Probability of going broke given an initial bank

7 Calculating Definite Integrals
In statistics, we often have to calculate difficult definite integrals (posterior distributions, expected values) (here, x could be multidimensional)

8 Integral Examples Example 1 Example 2

9 Hit-or-Miss Monte Carlo Example
Determine c such that c≥h(x) across entire region of interest (here, c=4)

10 Hit-or-Miss Monte Carlo Simulation
Generate n random uniform (Xi,Yi) pairs, Xi’s from U[a,b] (here, U[0,1]) and Yi’s from U[0,c] (here, U[0,4]) Count the number of times (call this m) that Yi is less than h(Xi) Then I1 ≈c(b-a)m/n I.e., (height)(width)(proportion under curve)

11 Classical Monte Carlo Integration
Take n random uniform values, U1,…,Un over [a,b] and estimate I using This method seems straightforward, but is actually more efficient than Hit-or-Miss Monte Carlo b-a is the width. The sum of h’s over n is the sample average of height from a uniform random sample on the x axis.

12 Expected Values Suppose X is a random variable with density f. Find E[h(x)] for some function h, e.g.,

13 Esimtating Expected Values
For n random values X1, X2, …, Xn from the distribution of X (i.e., with density f), For the first term, integrate over the density of X (the population average).

14 Examples Example 3: If X is a random variable with a N(10,1) distribution, find E(X2) Example 4: If Y is a random variable with a Beta(5,1) distribution, E(-lnY) There are more advanced methods of integration using simulation (Importance Sampling) E(X^2) is 101

15 Integration integrate() performs numerical integration for functions of a single variable (not using simulation techniques) adapt() in the adapt package performs multivariate numerical integration

16 The Sampling Distribution of a Statistic
To perform inference (CI’s, hypothesis tests) based on sampling statistics, we need to know the sampling distribution of the statistics, at least up to an approximation Example: X1, X2, …, Xn ~ iid N(m,s2).

17 Approximating the Sampling Distribution of a Statistic
What if the data’s distribution is not known? Large sample: Central Limit Theorem Small sample: Normal theory or nonparametric procedures based on permutation distributions

18 Simulating the Sampling Distribution of a Statistic
If the population distribution is known, we can approximate the sampling distribution with simulation. Repeatedly (m times) generate random samples of size n from the population distribution Calculate a statistic (say, S) each time The empirical (observed) distribution of S-values approximates the true distribution of S

19 Example X1, X2, X3, X4 ~Expon(1) What is the sampling distribution of:

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