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Honors American Literature

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1 Honors American Literature
Journals 1-10 Honors American Literature

2 Journal #1: Snow-pocalypse 2017!
Express your feelings about our recent winter weather break. What did you do? How did you feel? Were you productive or, like me, completely lazy? Describe your neighborhood frozen over (or, like me, NOTHING), your family’s reaction, etc. Format: Letter Journal Paragraph Narrative Some Inspiration:

3 Into the Wild: Chapters 1 and 2
Using your book, locate the answers to the following questions: Who is Jim Gallien and why is he important? What did he do to try and dissuade Alex from going into the Alaskan wilderness? What did he do to help him? Describe Alex in chapter 1. Describe the bus in Chapter 2. Where did it come from and what purpose did it serve? Re-read the final note (SOS note) that Chris left. Compare it to the epigraph at the beginning of chapter 1. How and why is the tone different? Any other interesting differences between the notes?

4 Chapter Assignment for Lit Circle Tuesday, January 17:
Read, annotate and analyze the epigraph at the beginning of your assignment chapter. Takes notes on the details (dates, people, places, events) that occur in your chapter. Connect the Epigraph to the chapter. There will be something each student/group fills out together for these assigned chapters. Your notes and annotated book/epigraphs will help expedite the process, so be prepared!

5 Journal #2: COPY: Carpe Diem is Latin for “Seize the Day.” What does the phrase “Seize the Day” mean to you? Why do you think rebels and dreamers throughout history would adopt this phrase as their mantra in life? Describe a moment in your life when you threw out expected societal conventions and seized the day.

6 Journal #3: A Walk through the Woods.
After: What did you like/not like about this activity and why? Why do you think schools have slowly faded out the outdoor classroom?

7 HRLP Writing Assignment
TYPED!!! MLA Format (1 inch margins, double spaced, heading, page numbers, times new roman, 12 point font) Lead Ins Citations (Author's last name) Avoid personal pronouns, contractions, comma splices, informal language ANALYZE, do not summarize. This is a fully developed paragraph, so going on the second page is fine but should be NO MORE than 2 typed, double spaced pages.

8 Literature Circle: Turn in to me!
Choose the most thorough and significant epigraph/chapter your group discussed and write down the section from the chart on a piece of paper (1 per group). Write down on the same piece of paper the answer to the question at the end of the chart: How does Into the Wild connect to the theme of Unit 1 (Carpe Diem: Rebels and Dreamers)?

9 Journal #4 Read and annotate the Emerson Quote. When you are done, tape it into your journal and answer the following questions: There are 5 sentences. Put each sentence into your own words. Where does the writer make use of anaphora? Why use this device? Society and Self-Reliance are personified. Why? APPLY: Write a 6th sentence that would go after the 5th sentence in this passage. Continue with the use of anaphora, metaphor or personification. Make sure it fits thematically.

10 Journal #5 "I am asking you to hold fast to that faith written into our founding documents; that idea whispered by slaves and abolitionists; that spirit sung by immigrants and homesteaders and those who marched for justice; that creed reaffirmed by those who planted flags from foreign battlefields to the surface of the moon; a creed at the core of every American whose story is not yet written: Yes We Can. Yes We Did.” –Obama Farewell address What devices does Obama use in his farewell address speech? What does creed mean? Why repeat it? Apply: The last line is an iso colon. Make it a tetra colon (think literarily, not politically).

11 “Society” As the song plays, highlight and annotate elements of transcendentalism, connections to Emerson, connections to Chris, DIDS (see board). After, write a claim sentence (thesis) that connects Emerson, McCandless and the lyrics together.

12 Journal 6 “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” – Charles Dickens How is anaphora evident? How is parallel structure evident (iso colon, tri colon, tetra colon)? Why do you think the author makes contradictory statements? What is he trying to show? Apply: Add 2 more contradictory statements at the end of this sentence. Please continue the use of anaphora and please make sure it fits with the content of the sentence as a whole.

13 Walden and Nature Read and annotate the excerpt.
Create a T chart, labeling one side Nature by Emerson, the other side Walden by Thoreau. For the T chart, find passages from each excerpt that are similar in nature and write them next to one another on each side of the chart. The goal is three passages. At the bottom of the chart, finish the claim: Both Emerson and Thoreau believe ________________________________, which is evident in both Nature and Walden. Staple both the annotated Nature and Walden to your T chart and turn in by the end of the block.

14 Journal #7 After watching the 20/20 clip, and considering what you have read in the book (Into the Wild), do you think Chris is a hero that people should idolize and imitate, or do you think he was selfish and reckless and should serve as a warning to those who desire to follow in his footsteps? Explain.

15 “Civil Disobedience” page 388
First, read “Civil Disobedience” and answer the questions that follow on page 389 (#1-4). Then, read the Thoreau, Ghandi, and King article to help you answer #5. After, look at the Thoreau, Ghandi, and King quotes on the back. Choose 1 from each section to connect back to Chris McCandless. You can recreate the following chart if you need help with organization: Individual: Quote: Connection to Chris: Thoreau Ghandi King

16 Journal #8 What would Thoreau have liked about this song? Why?
As the song plays, highlight lines that remind you of: Thoreau, “Civil Disobedience,” transcendentalism, and/ Into the wild. After, answer the following questions: What would Thoreau have liked about this song? Why? What is the difference between rioting and protesting? Which do you think is more effective? Do you believe, as Thoreau did, that all individuals need to do in order to create change is to “make known what kind of government would command [their] respect, and that will be one step toward obtaining it”? Why/why not?

17 Journal #9 How are ethos, pathos and logos evident in the speech from Coach Boone from Remember the Titans? Where do you see similarities between Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and Coach Boone’s speech? c

18 ‘Oh Captain, My Captain’
Rhyme Scheme Metaphor: Captain: Fearful trip: Ship: Prize: Port: Vessel: The deck: The people: DIDS Ethos, pathos, logos

19 Journal #10 Read the final lines from President Trump’s inaugural address. Annotate, identifying the following: Iso colon, tri colon, and/or tetra colon Anaphora Epiphora Loaded Words Ethos, pathos and/or logos Apply Option 1: Write a letter in response to the content in President Trump’s address. Make use of parallel structure, anaphora OR epiphora, loaded words, and either ethos, pathos or logos. Apply Option 2: Write a mirror speech, where you mimic his lines/structure, but it is about a different topic. Example: “We will make Kell great today.” Make use of parallel structure, anaphora OR epiphora, loaded words, and either ethos, pathos or logos.

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