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THE EASTERN EUROPE Can we define it?.

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Presentation on theme: "THE EASTERN EUROPE Can we define it?."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE EASTERN EUROPE Can we define it?

2 Geography, demography and religion
From the Baltics in north west to tha Balkans in the sout east From Sibir in the north east to Germany, Austria and Italy in the south west The Slavs people, the south Slavs (Balkans) and the Baltics, Jews The Ortodox church from the old Byzantine Empire The eastern Catholic church The Jewish church

3 The countries Poland The Czech Republic Slovakia Hungary Estonia
Lartvia Lithuania Belarus Ukraina Russia Moldova Romania Bulgaria Slovenia Croatia Bosnia and Herzegovina Serbia Montenegro Kosovo Albania Macedonia

4 Great power’s influance
Russia Tha Habsburgs (Austria- Hungary) Prussia - Germany (late years) The Ottoman Empire France (Napoleon)

5 Economy and freedom A long lastin fuedal system in the east
Unfree peasants without their own farms Huge farms – few and big land owners Ineffective agriculturing Late industrialization Unfree economy – no market economy Socialist economy – communism – late years

6 Wars and disorder Many outside inviders Civil wars The two world wars
Ethnic cleansing and other «cleansings» Terror

7 The Soviet Bloc Many countries were forced into the communist bloc dominated by Soviet Union (Russia) The Iron Curtain devided Europe physical Opression, terror and constricted freedom Failed economic development

8 Freedom, but what about democracy?
!989 – The revolutions and freedom from the communism The confusing 90-th Part of a Common European comunety – integration - EU and NATO And the future? THAT IS YOU…………….

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