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The Punic Wars.

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1 The Punic Wars

2 1st Punic War:


4 causes Long Term: competition for resources like olive oil and grain AND Carthage is a naval threat Short Term: Rome violates a treaty with Carthage

5 results Rome WINS! Carthage gives up claims on Sicily AND Sicily becomes Rome’s 1st province Carthage pays Rome 3300 talents of silver [about 21 million dollars]

6 2nd Punic war: 218 – 202 BCE

7 The generals Fabius Cunctator & Publius Cornelius Scipio
Hannibal [Carthage] VS Fabius Cunctator & Publius Cornelius Scipio

8 Causes Carthage was taking over land in Spain – getting closer to Italy! Hannilbal had SWORN eternal hatred towards Rome – he wants to attack them

9 Hannibal crosses the alps

10 events Battle of Trebia – Rome loses Lake Trasimene – Rome loses
Hannibal prepares to march on Rome. Rome appoints Fabius dictator [it’s an emergency!] His strategy is to DELAY so that Hannibal will run out of supplies and have to go back to Carthage. Note: Hannibal doesn’t have siege engines either – why is this important?

11 Disaster at cannae!

12 Battle of zama: end of the line 202 BCE
Hannibal regroups in Tunisia (Africa) Carthage loses Terms: Must pay about 65 million over 50 years Give up their commercial empire Get rid of their navy

13 3rd punic war: 149 – 146


15 Causes Carthage violates a treaty with Rome by building up her military and attacking a Roman ally (Numidia) BUT it’s not that simple….


17 Carthage was provoked! Numidia attacked Carthage on numerous occasions
Carthage appealed to Rome for help – Rome ignored them Eventually Carthage fights back, so Rome uses that as an EXCUSE to attack Carthage Carthage surrenders unconditionally BUT that’s not good enough – Rome wants war! So, Carthage must be evacuated because Rome wants to burn it down AND its citizens must settle at least 10 miles from the sea. They fight back and are massacred. The survivors are sold into slavery and the city is left to burn for 10 days – even though Scipio asked for Carthage to be spared.

18 More results Carthage becomes the Roman province of Africa
Rome inherits what is left of the Carthaginian empire This leads to a massive influx of slaves….Rome is becoming dependent on slave labour.



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