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What is happening in Ms. Kinzler’s K4 classroom?

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Presentation on theme: "What is happening in Ms. Kinzler’s K4 classroom?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is happening in Ms. Kinzler’s K4 classroom?
September 19-23, 2016

2 Let the apple exploration commence
Let the apple exploration commence! This week, we began exploring apples with ALL of our senses! The children have been looking, touching and smelling apples , and next week we will begin tasting them…YUM! On Friday, the children explored the star-shaped seed chamber that lies within the core of the apple using paint. The children experimented with how to press the apple into the paint and onto the paper to make a clear imprint!

3 Apple exploration continued…
The children also explored the star-shaped seed chamber at our science table using tweezers. It was quite the fine motor task! JL: [Picking the five seeds out of the seed chamber using tweezers]“These seeds are stubborn!”

4 Happy Autumn! LG, NW & EL watching a slug slide across a leaf that they collected On Thursday, we celebrated the first day of fall by going on a ‘fall hunt.’ The students observed and collected many signs of fall—from fallen leaves and seeds to rolling slugs! They also enjoyed going on a pretend camping trip using our fall surroundings  SC: [showing off a slug he found ] “The leaf is its home!” 

5 Bringing Fall inside the classroom…
VB tracing the shape of his leaf The children explored the color, shape, pattern and texture of fall leaves using crayons and paper at our writing center! FB observing the leaf-vein pattern that appears when doing leaf rubbings

6 GOODBYE BUTTERFLY! When the children returned to school on Monday, they noticed the butterflies had finally emerged from their chrysalis! We spent two days observing our Monarch butterflies in their cage, then we released them outside so they could begin their migration to warmer regions! LT, NW & VB observing and drawing the newly emerged monarch butterflies!

7 Working together  Each day, the children practice learning, praying and playing as a group. They are learning how to share a space and work as a community! EL, FB, VB & LT playing the Shape Memory Match game as one big group. The children did a great job with negotiating turns and helping one another find a match! 

8 Stay tuned for next week’s learning as we ‘fall’ deeper into the season…

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