Studio Art Weekly Plans Livoti 9-26 to 9-30

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Presentation on theme: "Studio Art Weekly Plans Livoti 9-26 to 9-30"— Presentation transcript:

1 Studio Art Weekly Plans Livoti 9-26 to 9-30

2 Monday 9/26 Aim: How can the Mexican festival Dia De Los Muertos inspire your mixed media self-portrait? Do Now: Monday Written Reflection- has there been a time when doing something creative helped you get through a difficult moment? HW: Using a graphite pencil, draw the picture of the skull and fully shade it in, add drawings of other objects around the skull to create your own still life. Use the full space of your sketchbook. Due Friday 9/30 TOMORROW: NOTEBOOK Check for classwork/Notes!

3 BALANCE: Dia De Los Muertos Mixed Media Self- Portrait Project

4 Dia de los Muertos—the Day of the Dead—is a holiday celebrated on November 1. Although marked throughout Latin America, Dia de los Muertos is most strongly associated with Mexico, where the tradition originated. Assured that the dead would be insulted by mourning or sadness, Dia de los Muertos celebrates the lives of the deceased with food, drink, parties, and activities the dead enjoyed in life. Dia de los Muertos recognizes death as a natural part of the human experience, a continuum with birth, childhood, and growing up to become a contributing member of the community. The most familiar symbol of Dia de los Muertos may be the calacas and calaveras (skeletons and skulls), which appear everywhere during the holiday: in candied sweets, as parade masks, as dolls. Calacas and calaveras are almost always portrayed as enjoying life, often in fancy clothes and entertaining situations.

5 In some of these photos, masks and other decorations are only half-decorated with calacas and calaveras. Why?

6 Vocab to know: Form Actual Form: A three-dimensional object
Implied form: The illusion of an object appearing 3D on paper

7 Balance: The visual weight within a composition.
Symmetry: A mirror image, the design is equally balanced on each side. Asymmetry: Balanced on each side, but not equal and not a mirror image. How could this become asymmetrical?

8 Project Goal: Observationally draw a skull Observationally draw a portrait Combine the two drawings together Overlay designs that represent your personality! Get creative! Use mixed media Use shading techniques and collage

9 Artist Connection José Guadalupe Posada (February 2, 1852 – January 20, 1913) was a Mexican political printmaker and engraver whose work has influenced many Latin American artists and cartoonists because of its satirical acuteness and social engagement. He used skulls, calaveras, and skeletons to make political and cultural critiques.

10 A Jig Beyond the Grave

11 Don’t Forget Me

12 Tuesday 9-27 Aim: Aim: How can you create a self portrait using Photo Booth? Do Now: Explain why artists create self-portraits. HW: Using a graphite pencil, draw the picture of the skull and fully shade it in, add drawings of other objects around the skull to create your own still life. Use the full space of your sketchbook. Due Friday 9/30 TODAY: NOTEBOOK Check for classwork/Notes!

13 A portrait of the artist. Usually just shows head and shoulders.
What is a Self Portrait? A portrait of the artist. Usually just shows head and shoulders. Why do artists make self- portraits? Self-exploration in order to make decisions about how to represent him/herself authentically. For each self-portrait, the artist must ask: What expression, posture, clothing, background, colors, texture, and style best express the real me? Self-portraits are a good way for an artist to practice rendering different expressions and moods A way to leave behind an image that will outlive the artist. A self-portrait can preserve a memory, serve as a gift, and even help an artist further understand him/herself. Vincent Van Gogh Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear (1889)

14 Expressionist Portraits
Expressionism is an artistic style in which the artist attempts to depict the subjective response to emotions, objects and events. Images from Subjective: artist choice Objective: factual information

15 Francis Bacon Portrait of Michel Leris, 1976

16 Edvard Munch The Scream

17 Paul Klee

18 Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Two Women in the Street 1914

19 Photobooth Portraits Tips: Effects: Use a prop if you’d like!
Step in close to the camera to fill up more space in the image and to get more of your portrait in Play with lighting to effect the colors on the app Remember only HALF of your face is going to be in your project! The other half is your observational skull drawing. Effects: Distort your image according to shape, color, and action How can you show emotion using Photo Booth effects for distortion?

20 Digital artist Samrit Roy



23 Wednesday 9-28 Aim: How can you use watercolor techniques to prepare a background for your project?
“The modern artist... is working and expressing an inner world - in other words - expressing the energy, the motion, and other inner forces.” Do Now: Read the above quote by Artist Jackson Pollock. Explain how the colors you choose can be symbolic to your project. Homework: Continue Sketchbook Assignment due Friday HW: Using a graphite pencil, draw the picture of the skull and fully shade it in, add drawings of other objects around the skull to create your own still life. Use the full space of your sketchbook. Due Friday 9/30

24 8' 10" x 17' 5 5/8" One: Number 31, 1950

25 Abstract Expressionism
Term applied to a movement in American painting that flourished in the 1940s and 1950s, sometimes referred to as the New York School or, very narrowly, as Action Painting Abstraction used to convey strong emotional or expressive content. Paul Jackson Pollock was born in Cody, Wyoming on 28 January 1912 Pioneered the spontaneous pouring technique for which he became world-renowned. In his barn studio, he spread his canvas on the floor and developed his compositions by working from all four sides, allowing the imagery to evolve spontaneously, without preconceptions.

26 Watercolor Techniques
Write your name and class period on the back FIRST! Keep the background light! You may want some white space of the paper to show through Splatter watercolor Drip watercolor Let watercolor bleed into each other Don’t let the paper get TOO wet too fast! This will warp your paper a TON!

27 Thursday 9-29 Aim: How can you arrange your portrait onto your final background paper?
Do Now: Recall 3 watercolor techniques from the previous class. Homework: Continue Sketchbook work, due tomorrow! HW: Using a graphite pencil, draw the picture of the skull and fully shade it in, add drawings of other objects around the skull to create your own still life. Use the full space of your sketchbook. Due Friday 9/30 TOMORROW: NOTEBOOK Check for classwork/Notes!

28 Positioning Your Portrait
Cut your portrait from the paper, cut it in half too. Decide how you want to cut your portrait in half. Do you want to cut vertical, horizontal etc. Do you want to cut squares? How you cut your portrait will effect how you apply your skull drawing to the project! Sketch your idea in your sketchbook first!

29 Aim: How can you create an observational drawing of the skull?
Friday 9/30 Aim: How can you create an observational drawing of the skull? Do Now: Determine what techniques are needed to make the skull appear 3D Sketchbook check today

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