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Anatomy and Physiology

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Presentation on theme: "Anatomy and Physiology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Anatomy and Physiology
Joints, Joint Movements and Assignment 1

2 Learning Outcomes To recap on joints and joint actions
Be able to match the joint action definition with the correct movement Be able to name the joints involved Be able to name the bones involved Be able to name the major muscle involved

3 **TASK** Rotate palm up Bend trunk left and right
Move shoulder girdle inferiorly Move away from the midline of the body horizontally Move towards midline Forward movement of the shoulders making a circle with a limb rotate palm down Move towards midline of the body horizontally Increase angle between two segments Point toes up move away from the midline of the body move shoulder girdle superiorly point toes down decrease angle between two segments backward movement of shoulder girdle twisting of the trunk

4 Seated Row* Protraction Retraction
muscles involved- traps, rhomboids, latissimus dorsi, teres major, brachialis, biceps brachi, brachioradials

5 Shoulder Press* Shoulder Extension Shoulder Flexion
muslces involved- medial and anterior deltoid, supraspinatus, triceps, serratus anterior

6 Triceps Press/Push Down
Flexion Extension

7 Leg Press* Hip Flexion Hip Extension
muscles involved- gluteus maximus, rectus femoris, vatus lateralis , vastus intermedius, vastus medials, biceps femoris, semimembranous, semitendinous,sartorius

8 Lateral Raise* Abduction Adduction
muscles involved- middle deltoid, supraspinatus, levator scapulae, upper trapezius, rhomboids, brachials, brachioradials

9 Chins/Pull Ups Supination Pronation

10 Shrugs Elevation Depression

11 Russian Twist and Skipping
Rotation Circumduction

12 Fly’s* Horizontal Flexion Horizontal Extension
muscles involved-pectoralis major, anterior deltoid

13 Calf Raise* Plantarflexion Dorsiflexion
muscles involved- gastrocnemius, soleus, tibialis anteriour

14 Side Bends Lateral Flexion Lateral Extension

15 **TASK** Label the major muscles of the body on your worksheet..


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