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Nervous System & Synapses

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1 Nervous System & Synapses

2 I. Neurons and Supporting Cells

3 Introduction to the Nervous System
Divided into: Central nervous system: brain and spinal cord Peripheral nervous system: cranial and spinal nerves Tissue is composed of two types of cells: Neurons that conduct impulses but generally can not divide. Glial cells (neuroglia) that support the neurons and can not conduct impulses, but can divide

4 Neurons Structural and functional units of the nervous system
General functions Respond to chemical and physical stimuli Conduct electrochemical impulses Release chemical regulators Enable perception of sensory stimuli, learning, memory, and control of muscles and glands Most can not divide, but can repair

5 General Structure of Neurons
Neurons vary in size and shape, but they all have: A cell body that contains the nucleus, Nissl bodies, and other organelles; cluster in groups called nuclei in the CNS and ganglia in the PNS Dendrites: receive impulses and conducts a graded impulse toward the cell body Axon: conducts action potentials away from the cell body

6 Structure of Two Kinds of Neurons
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Dendrites Axon hillock Direction of conduction Collateral axon (a) Cell body Axon Axon Direction of conduction (b) Dendrites

7 Axons Vary in length from a few millimeters to a meter
Connected to the cell body by the axon hillock where action potentials are generated at the initial segment of the axon. Can form many branches called axon collaterals Covered in myelin with open spots called nodes of Ranvier

8 Axonal Transport An active process needed to move organelles and proteins from the cell body to axon terminals Fast component moves membranous vesicles Slow components move microfilaments, microtubules, and proteins Anterograde transport – from cell body to dendrites and axon; uses kinesin molecular motors Retrograde transport – from dendrites and axon to the cell body; uses dynein molecular motors

9 Parts of a neuron Cell body Nucleus Dendrite Node of Ranvier Schwann
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Cell body Nucleus Dendrite Node of Ranvier Schwann cell nucleus Myelinated region Axon Axon hillock Initial segment of axon Myelin

10 Classification of Neurons and Nerves
Functional classification of neurons – based on direction impulses are conducted Sensory neurons: conduct impulses from sensory receptors to the CNS Motor neurons: conduct impulses from the CNS to target organs (muscles or glands) Association/interneurons: located completely within the CNS and integrate functions of the nervous system

11 Motor Neurons Somatic motor neurons: responsible for reflexes and voluntary control of skeletal muscles Autonomic motor neurons: innervate involuntary targets such as smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands Sympathetic – emergency situations; “fight or flight” Parasympathetic – normal functions; “rest and digest”

12 Classification of Nerves
Nerves are bundles of axons located outside the CNS Most are composed of both sensory and motor neurons and are called mixed nerves. Some of the cranial nerves have sensory fibers only. A bundle of axons in the CNS is called a tract.

13 Neuroglia Cells that are non-conducting but support neurons
Two types are found in the PNS: Schwann cells (neurolemmocytes): form myelin sheaths around peripheral axons Satellite cells (ganglionic gliocytes): support cell bodies within the ganglia of the PNS

14 Neuroglia, cont Four types are found in the CNS:
Oligodendrocytes: form myelin sheaths around the axons of CNS neurons Microglia: migrate around CNS tissue and phagocytize foreign and degenerated material Astrocytes: regulate the external environment of the neurons Ependymal cells: line the ventricles and secrete cerebrospinal fluid

15 Types of CNS Neuroglial Cells
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Capillary Neurons Astrocyte Oligodendrocyte Perivascular feet Axons Myelin sheath Ependymal cells Cerebrospinal fluid Microglia

16 Neuroglial Cells & their Functions

17 Neurilemma and Myeline
Myelin sheath in the PNS All axons in the PNS are surrounded by a sheath of Schwann cells called the neurilemma, or sheath of Schwann. These cells wrap around the axon to form the myelin sheath in the PNS. Gaps between Schwann cells, called nodes of Ranvier, are left open.

18 Neurilemma and Myelin Schwann cell Axon Myelin sheath Nucleus
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Schwann cell Axon Myelin sheath Nucleus Sheath of Schwann (neurilemma)

19 Myelin Sheath in CNS In the CNS, the myelin sheath is produced by oligodendrocytes. One oligodendrocyte sends extensions to several axons and each wraps around a section of an axon Produces the myelin sheath but not a neurilemma Myelin gives these tissues (axons) a white color = white matter. Gray matter is cell bodies and dendrites which lack myelin sheaths

20 Myelin Sheath in CNS Oligodendrocyte Node of Ranvier Myelin sheath
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Oligodendrocyte Node of Ranvier Myelin sheath Axon

21 Regeneration of a cut neuron
When an axon in the PNS is cut, the severed part degenerates, and a regeneration tube is formed by Schwann cells. Growth factors are leased that stimulate growth of axon sprouts within the tube New axon eventually connects to the undamaged axon or the effector

22 Regeneration of a Cut Neuron, cont
CNS axons are not as able to regenerate. Death receptors form that promote apoptosis of oligodendrocytes Inhibitory proteins in the myelin sheath prevents regeneration Glial scars from astrocytes form that also prevent regeneration

23 Process of PNS Regeneration
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Motor neuron cell body Schwann cells Site of injury Skeletal muscle fiber (a) Distal portion of nerve fiber degenerates and is phagocytosed (b) Proximal end of injured nerve fiber regenerating into tube of Schwann cells (c) Growth (d) Former connection reestablished (e)

24 Blood-Brain-Barrier Capillaries in the brain do not have pores between adjacent cells but are joined by tight junctions. Substances can only be moved by very selective processes of diffusion through endothelial cells, active transport, and bulk transport Movement is transcellular not paracellular Astrocytes influence the production of ion channels and enzymes that can destroy toxic substances by secreting glial-derived neurotrophic factor. Creates problems with chemotherapy of brain diseases because many drugs can not penetrate the blood-brain barrier.

25 II. Electrical Activity in Axons

26 Resting Membrane Potential
Neurons have a resting potential of −70mV. Established by large negative molecules inside the cell Na+/K+ pumps Permeability of the membrane to positively charged, inorganic ions At rest, there is a high concentration of K+ inside the cell and Na+ outside the cell.

27 Altering Membrane Potential
Neurons and muscle cells can change their membrane potentials. Called excitability or irritability Caused by changes in the permeability to certain ions Ions will follow their electrochemical gradient = combination of concentration gradient and attraction to opposite charges. Flow of ions are called ion currents which occur in limited areas where ion channels are located

28 Changes in Membrane Potential
At rest, a neuron is considered polarized when the inside is more negative than the outside. When the membrane potential inside the cell increases (becomes more positive), this is called depolarization. A return to resting potential is called repolarization. When the membrane potential inside the cell decreases (becomes more negative), this is called hyperpolarization.

29 Changes in Membrane Potential, cont
Depolarization occurs when positive ions enter the cell (usually Na+). Hyperpolarization occurs when positive ions leave the cell (usually K+) or negative ions (Cl−) enter the cell. Depolarization of the cell is excitatory. Hyperpolarization is inhibitory.

30 Ion Gating Changes in membrane potential are controlled by changes in the flow of ions through channels. K+ has two types of channels: Not gated (always open); sometimes called K+ leakage channels Voltage-gated K+ channels; open when a particular membrane potential is reached; closed at resting potential Na+ has only voltage-gated channels that are closed at rest; the membrane is less permeable to Na+ at rest.

31 Voltage Gated Na+ Channels
These channels open if the membrane potential depolarizes to −55mV. This is called the threshold. Sodium rushes in due to the electrochemical gradient. Membrane potential climbs toward sodium equilibrium potential. These channels are deactivated at +30mV.

32 A Voltage-Gated Ion Channel
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Channel closed at resting membrane potential Channel open by depolarization (action potential) Channel inactivated during refractory period

33 Voltage Gated K+ Channels
At around +30mV, voltage-gated K+ channels open, and K+ rushes out of the cell following the electrochemical gradient. This makes the cell repolarize back toward the potassium equilibrium potential.

34 Action Potentials At threshold membrane potential (−55mV), voltage-gated Na+ channels open, and Na+ rushes in. As the cell depolarizes, more Na+ channels are open, and the cell becomes more and more permeable to Na+. This is a positive feedback loop. Causes an overshoot of the membrane potential Membrane potential reaches +30mV. This is called depolarization

35 Action Potentials, cont
At +30mV, Na+ channels close, and K+ channels open. Results in repolarization of membrane potential This is a negative feedback loop

36 Action Potentials Sodium equilibrium potential +30 Caused by Na+
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Sodium equilibrium potential +30 Caused by Na+ diffusion into axon Membrane potential (millivolts) Caused by K+ diffusion out of axon –50 Resting membrane potential –70 Potassium equilibrium potential 1 2 3 4 Time (milliseconds) 1. Gated Na+ channels open 2a. Inactivation of Na+ channels begins 2b. Gated K+ channels open Na+ and K+ diffusion 3. Inactivation of K+ channels begins 4. Gated Na+ and K+ channels closed 1 2 3 4 Time (milliseconds)

37 After-Hyperpolarization
Repolarization actually overshoots resting potential and gets down to −85mV. This does not reach potassium equilibrium potential because voltage-gated K+ channels are inactivated as the membrane potential falls. Na+/K+ pumps quickly reestablish resting potential.

38 All-or-None Law Once threshold has been reached, an action potential will happen. The size of the stimulus will not affect the size of the action potential; it will always reach +30mV. The size of the stimulus will not affect action potential duration.

39 (all have same amplitude)
All-or-None Law Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Action potentials (all have same amplitude) –70 mV RMP Weakest Strongest Stimuli (single, quick shocks)

40 Coding for Stimulus Intensity
A stronger stimulus will make action potentials occur more frequently. (frequency modulated) A stronger stimulus may also activate more neurons in a nerve. This is called recruitment.

41 (sustained for indicated times)
Coding for Stimulus Intensity Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Action potentials –70 mV RMP On Off On Off Strength On Off Stimulus Stimulus Stimulus Time Stimuli (sustained for indicated times)

42 Refractory Periods Action potentials can only increase in frequency to a certain point. There is a refractory period after an action potential when the neuron cannot become excited again. The absolute refractory period occurs during the action potential. Na+ channels are inactive (not just closed). The relative refractory period is when K+ channels are still open. Only a very strong stimulus can overcome this. Each action potential remains a separate, all-or-none event.

43 Refractory Periods Absolute refractory period Relative refractory
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Absolute refractory period Relative refractory period (due to inactivated Na+ channels) (due to continued outward diffusion of K+) +30 Membrane potential (millivolts) –55 –70 1 2 3 4 5 Time (milliseconds)

44 Cable Properties of Neurons
The ability of neurons to conduct charges through their cytoplasm Poor due to high internal resistance to the spread of charges and leaking of charges through the membrane Neurons could not depend on cable properties to move an impulse down the length of an axon.

45 Conduction of Nerve Impulses
When an action potential occurs at a given point on a neuron membrane, voltage- gated Na+ channels open as a wave down the length of the axon. The action potential at one location serves as the depolarization stimulus for the next region of the axon

46 Conduction of Nerve Impulses
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Axon Action potential begins + + + + + + 1 Na+ Axon + + + + + + Action potential is regenerated here K+ + + + + + + 2 Na+ + + + + + + K+ Action potential is regenerated here K+ + + + + + + 3 Na+ + + + + + + K+ = Resting potential = Depolarization = Repolarization

47 Conduction in an unmyelinated axons
Axon potentials are produced down the entire length of the axon at every patch of membrane. The conduction rate is slow because so many action potentials are generated, each one, an individual event. The amplitude of each action potential is the same – conducted without decrement

48 Conduction in a myelinated neuron
Myelin provides insulation, improving the speed of cable properties. Nodes of Ranvier allow Na+ and K+ to cross the membrane every 1−2 mm. Na+ ion channels are concentrated at the nodes Action potentials “leap” from node to node. This is called saltatory conduction.

49 Conduction in a Myelinated Neuron
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Action potential was here Action potential was here Na+ Myelin + + + + + + + + + + Axon Na+ = Resting potential = Depolarization = Repolarization

50 Action Potential Conduction Speed
Increased by: Increased diameter of the neuron. This reduces resistance to the spread of charges via cable properties. Myelination because of saltatory conduction Examples Thin, unmyelinated neuron speed 1.0m/sec Thick, myelinated neuron speed 100m/sec

51 III. The Synapse

52 Introduction A synapse is the functional connection between a neuron and the cell it is signaling In the CNS, this second cell will be another neuron. In the PNS, the second cell will be in a muscle or gland; often called myoneural or neuromuscular junctions

53 Introduction, cont’d If one neuron is signaling another neuron, the first is called the presynaptic neuron, and the second is called the postsynaptic neuron. A presynaptic neuron can signal the dendrite, cell body, or axon of a second neuron. There are axodendritic, axosomatic, and axoaxonic synapses. Most synapses are axodendritic and are 1 direction Synapses can be electrical or chemical

54 Electrical Synapses Electrical synapses occur in smooth muscle and cardiac muscle, between some neurons of the brain, and between glial cells. Cells are joined by gap junctions. Stimulation causes phosphorylation or dephosphorylation of connexin proteins to open or close the channels

55 Structure of Gap Junctions
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Cytoplasm Plasma membrane of one cell Plasma membrane of adjacent cell Two cells, interconnected by gap junctions Connexin proteins forming gap junctions Cytoplasm

56 Chemical Synapses Most synapses involve the release of a chemical called a neurotransmitter from the axon’s terminal boutons. The synaptic cleft is very small, and the presynaptic and postsynaptic cells are held close together by cell adhesion molecules (CAMs).

57 © John Heuser, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
Chemical Synapses Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Mitochondria Terminal bouton of axon Synaptic vesicles Synaptic cleft Postsynaptic cell (skeletal muscle) © John Heuser, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO

58 Release of Neurotransmitter
Neurotransmitter is enclosed in synaptic vesicles in the axon terminal. When the action potential reaches the end of the axon, voltage-gated Ca2+ channels open. Ca2+ stimulates the fusing of synaptic vesicles to the plasma membrane and exocytosis of neurotransmitter. A greater frequency of action potential results in more stimulation of the postsynaptic neuron.

59 Release of Neurotransmitter
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Axon terminal 1. Action potentials reach axon terminals Action potentials Ca2+ Action potentials 2. Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels open Sensor protein + Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Synaptic vesicles Ca2+– protein complex 3. Ca2+ binds to sensor protein in cytoplasm SNARE complex Docking Ca2+ Ca2+ Fusion Synaptic cleft Exocytosis 4. Ca2+-protein complex stimulates fusion and exocytosis of neurotransmitter Neurotransmitter released Postsynaptic cell Ca2+

60 Actions of a Neurotransmitter
Neurotransmitter diffuses across the synapse, where it binds to a specific receptor protein. The neurotransmitter is referred to as the ligand. This results in the opening of chemically regulated ion channels (also called ligand-gated ion channels).

61 Graded Potential When ligand-gated ion channels open, the membrane potential changes depending on which ion channel is open. Opening Na+ or Ca2+ channels results in a graded depolarization called an excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP). Opening K+ or Cl− channels results in a graded hyperpolarization called inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP).

62 EPSPs vs IPSPs EPSPs move the membrane potential closer to threshold; may require EPSPs from several neurons to actually produce an action potential IPSPs move the membrane potential farther from threshold. Can counter EPSPs from other neurons so summation of EPSPs and IPSPs at the initial segment of the axon (next to the axon hillock) determines whether an action potential occurs.

63 Some Cool Neurotransmitters
GABA ACH Dopamine Serotonin Epinephrine/Norepinephrine

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