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Perry Beeches Junior School
Special Educational Needs and Disability Offer Welcome to Perry Beeches Junior School inclusion zone. My name is Mr. Ellis and I am the SENCo. I work with children, teachers, parents and agencies to ensure that our pupil’s needs are met. If you think your child has special educational needs, click on the tabs below to find out what Perry Beeches can offer you. If you need to contact me, phone for an appointment. Click here to visit Birmingham City Council’s Local Offer. Click on the trees for more information SENCo means Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator Open and honest communication Appropriate and effective teaching and learning A Partnership approach
Open and honest communication
How we ensure the necessary people know about your child’s needs. What happens when your child moves school. Open and honest communication Who to speak to if you have a concern about your child’s needs. How we try to make the information about your child clear and easily understood. Which agencies might become involved with your child. What happens when your child moves school. How we ensure the necessary people know about your child’s needs. These will then link to the other areas BACK to MAIN PAGE
Open and honest communication
If you have a concern about your child, speak to your class teacher. They are available every morning at 8.45 (unless they are doing their morning duty), and after school at 3.20 for brief chats. For a longer conversation, make an appointment at the office. Mr. Ellis, the SENCo, is also the Assistant Headteacher. He works every day in school. He may be busy or he might not be in the building, so you can do the following: Speak to Mrs. Gillespie or Mrs. Barker in the office to find out when he may be available. Make an appointment to see him or ask if he can telephone you. We hold two parent consultation meetings during the year so that you can find out how your child is doing in school. Could this be opened up under – how to speak/contact the SENCo if you have a concern BACK
Open and honest communication
We will make all the information we need to share with you clear and easy to understand. You can read our SEN Policy in the policy section of the website.The policy explains how we identify and assess children who we think might have special educational needs. If you prefer information on paper, please ask for a copy at the school office. Our governing body has a governor who is responsible for special educational needs. BACK What happens if there is a concern about progress? Could this be linked to clear information Teacher/ parent concerns re poor progress We will meet to produce a plan of support in school. Provision made – input from teacher, pupil, parent and SENCo If there are still concerns then the SENCo arranges for external agency support
Open and honest communication
Perry Beeches Junior School works with a lot of external agencies to help identify specific needs. These are: Birmingham County Council Education Psychology Service Communication and Autism Team (CAT) Behaviour Support Service Social Services Speech and Language Service Pupil and School Support Service Specialist Outreach Services Big Community for Attendance, Emotional Well Being and Family Support Spurgeon’s for Young Carers Support School Nursing Team If your child requires support from these services, school will always consult you and request written permission. Link to outside agencies BACK
Open and honest communication
If your child has been identified with extra educational needs, an Individual Target Plan will be written with the teacher and shared with you and your child. If your child has medical needs, a plan will be written and shared with you. All staff have access to a copy of these plans in the classroom. The plans identify how your child should be helped to succeed and make progress. Occasionally, your child’s teacher may not be in class and this extra information is useful for the covering teacher. All of these plans will be reviewed on a regular basis. All necessary people have the info relating to your child. BACK
Open and honest communication
What happens when your child moves school? If your child is in Year 6, all documents and Individual Target Plans will be sent to their new Secondary School. The SENCo from the new school will contact us and organise a time when they can come in and discuss the needs of the pupil. Transition sessions will be organised to ease the journey into Secondary School. If you move and your child has to start a new school, all documents will be forwarded to them when they contact us. BACK
Appropriate and effective teaching and learning
How are staff trained to support your child? How do we ensure good teaching for your child? How do we ensure that parents and children with additional needs are fully included? How do we ensure work is pitched to the right level to make good progress? These will then link to the other areas BACK to MAIN PAGE
Appropriate and effective teaching and learning
All school staff will receive appropriate training so they have the knowledge and confidence to support children’s needs. At Perry Beeches we hold a weekly staff meeting. These are used to ensure staff have up-to-date knowledge to teach children of all abilities. Inset days (teacher days) are also used to ensure staff receive up-to-date relevant training. Sometimes training is run by specialists e.g. Epipen training or training by a member of the Communication and Autism Team. (All staff are Level 1 trained in ASD) We also receive training from PSS (Pupil and School Support) All necessary people have the info relating to your child. BACK
Appropriate and effective teaching and learning
The school will provide good teaching for your child and extra support when needed. At Perry Beeches we use a range of strategies to monitor the progress of children and to ensure that good teaching is in place for all pupils. We do this through: Tracking your child’s progress and holding teachers to account through pupil progress meetings. Book scrutiny for all classes and constructive feedback to teachers. Classroom observations and learning walks, including monitoring the learning environment. Extra Support: If it is felt your child needs extra support, we offer a range of interventions in reading, phonics, maths and writing. This may in the form of individual 1-1 work or in small groups. Class Teachers will plan for these activities and will be supported by Teaching Assistants (TAs) BACK
Appropriate and effective teaching and learning
How do we ensure that children and parents are fully included? When targets are planned, parents and children will be included in the process. Also there will be a specific time when we review the targets and plan the next steps. Parent will be notified when these meetings will take place. Children will have clear targets in place so that they know exactly what they need to do to progress. BACK
Appropriate and effective teaching and learning
Teaching and support staff will be able to accurately assess the level children are working at and differentiate the curriculum. We use a range of criteria and evidence to help us identify the level children are working at. This might include: Checking the words children can read and spell independently Moderating writing together Making observations, particularly regarding speaking and listening and maths Use of tests, where appropriate Children’s work is regularly looked at by the SENCo and the Senior Leadership Team. This helps teachers to plan work for all children to make progress. The work and support will be different for different groups of children. All necessary people have the info relating to your child. BACK
A partnership approach
What is the role of the Governing Body regarding SEND? How will we ask your permission to involve outside agencies to work with your child? How decisions are made. How we will involve your children in decisions about their learning. Who can we contact for more support? These will then link to the other areas BACK to MAIN PAGE
A partnership approach
The role of the Governing Body: The governing body has a duty to ensure that the school adheres to the new Code of Practice under the Children and Families Act This means that the school governors hold the Headteacher, Mr. Smart, and the SENCo, Mr. Ellis, to account. The governing body appoints a governor who is specifically responsible for special educational needs to ensure that the school and the SENCo carry out their duties. Please read our SEN Policy and Behaviour Policy policies for more information. The governing body also has a responsibility to ensure that appropriate safeguarding procedures are in place for all pupils, including those who have additional needs. All necessary people have the info relating to your child. BACK
A partnership approach
Sometimes we may need to ask for your permission to involve other qualified professionals to support your child. When another qualified professional works with your child, we will seek your permission prior to any work being started. Children will then be introduced to them by the SENCo. The content of the meeting is confidential and is only shared with parents, the SENCo and The Headteacher and any other colleague who needs to know. BACK All necessary people have the info relating to your child.
A partnership approach
The school will involve you in all decisions and listen to your views. Targets are set and planned for. Parents, children and staff are all involved in the process. Progress is reviewed with children, parents and staff. Next steps planned for. Class teachers look at progress made. SENCo reviews progress made by all children. Differentiated lessons Intervention groups All necessary people have the info relating to your child. BACK
A partnership approach
The school will try to involve your child in decisions about their learning. Here are the things we do at Perry Beeches to make sure your child is listened to and involved in decision making: Our voice! Open door policy – children can speak to the Head, Deputy or SENCo, Learning Mentors as well as their class teacher. One page profiles Being involved in target setting and saying how well we’ve done. All necessary people have the info relating to your child. Being involved in reviewing our progress in interventions. Pupil interview with subject leaders BACK
A partnership approach
We will be happy to give you contact details for organisations who can give advice and support for you and your child. Local Authority Support Services: Click here to visit Birmingham City Council’s Local Offer. Communication and Autism Team Pupil and School Support Services Tel: Health Services: School Nurse Service Tel: Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Tel: Social Services and voluntary organisations: All necessary people have the info relating to your child. Children’s Information and Advice Service Tel: Big Community BACK
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