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Relationships and Sex education (RSE) update for parents/carers

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1 Relationships and Sex education (RSE) update for parents/carers
Introduce yourself and colleagues. Ask parents to introduce themselves and which year their child is in.

2 What do they want to know?
Children and young people tell us: RSE is ‘too little, too late and too biological’ They would like opportunities to learn about and discuss the emotional and practical aspects of relationships They are often ill-prepared for relationships They need opportunities to have their questions answered and to learn about aspects of development before they happen, not after. Highlight: …. and does not address broader emotional, moral or social issues ….this includes puberty, growing up, sexuality, what to expect and how to cope, and not simply the biological and reproductive information ….. and would like opportunities to think about peer pressure, how it can lead to unwanted sex, and its consequences …… including correct information to dispel myths and to address their fears As a result it is essential that RSE- Starts early and is relevant to pupils at each stage in their development and maturity

3 SRE Curriculum links Science Curriculum
Personal Social and health Education (PSHE) Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) Safeguarding

4 Sex and Relationship Education -SRE for the 21st Century
“SRE plays a vital part in meeting schools’ safeguarding obligations. Ofsted is clear that schools must have a preventative programme that enables pupils to learn about safety and risks in relationships”. The new SRE guidance released march 2014 states- read black writing As a foundation around healthy relationships, consent, exploitation and abuse they recommend- read blue writing. So what is the purpose of RSE- Contributes to safeguarding pupils (Children Act 2004), promoting their emotional wellbeing, and improving their ability to achieve in school Ultimately reduces early sexual activity, teenage conceptions, sexually transmitted infections, sexual exploitation and abuse, domestic violence and bullying What about parents? A 2013 NAHT survey found that 88% of the parents of school-aged pupils want SRE to be taught in all schools

5 Science Curriculum Work scientifically and use scientific language
Be able to identify body parts and their functions Know about life cycles Know about the growth and development of humans Describe changes in humans as they develop to old age Describe the changes experienced in puberty Sexual reproduction in animals

6 What we will cover The SRE policy was created in consultation with
Governors (including parent governors) Other professionals Teaching staff It can be found on our website

7 What is Sex and Relationship Education? (SRE)
The aims of the SRE programme are that it should enable all pupils to: develop confidence in talking, listening and thinking about feelings and relationships be able to name parts of the body and describe how their bodies work be prepared for puberty to understand that the life process of humans includes growth and reproduction, to recognise the pressures of unwanted physical contact know how to protect themselves and ask for help and support.

8 We teach children about:
scientific anatomical names puberty and the physical development of their bodies as they grow into adults; the way humans reproduce; respect for their own bodies and the importance of sexual activity as part of a committed, long-term, and loving relationship; that there are different types of families, all of which have equal value; moral questions; relationship issues; respect for the views of other people; inappropriate physical contact, and what they should do if they are worried about any inappropriate physical contact

9 The teaching methods for SRE include:
Ground rules set with a reminder at the beginning of each lesson Class activities and discussions Games and worksheets Videos- Pupil reflection- anonymous questions

10 Splitting groups Boys and girls split Year 5 and 6 split


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